A/N: This is an AU story. There *is* some borrowed dialogue from Twilight and Midnight Sun in here somewhere. My story parallels B/E's romance. Please read the full disclaimer on chapter one.

Warning: POV changes will occur.

Disclaimer: The Twilight Series belongs to Stephanie Meyer. Mitts off Leia.


Chapter Fourteen

"He can't ask me to prom! He has to ask Angela." I hissed this under my breath at Edward, who was wearing a smirk. Bella had still not come back to school, so it was back to normal at our table in the cafeteria. Mostly. Today was interesting because Edward had discovered Ben Chaney's plot to ask me to prom.

"He won't ask her. He's too caught up in the height difference. Besides, you've dazzled him one too many times." Edward said, using Bella's term for the human reaction to our vampire charms. I snorted.

"I've never looked directly at the boy and I've only spoken to him twice. No dazzle potential there." I was frustrated by this turn of events. I really liked Angela Weber and she had a very serious crush on Ben Chaney. Ben and I sat next to each other in more than one class but I never interacted with anyone besides Bella at school, beyond returning an occasional good morning. Well, Ben had been kind enough to loan me a pencil once.

"Everytime you say hello to him, he goes into mini-coma. Definitely dazzled." Edward said. I could see his golden eyes were sparkling with mirth through Alice's eyes. My sister had her feet in my lap, leaned back in her chair against Jasper. Jasper was tracing little patterns up and down her arms.

I laid my head down on the table with a groan. Emmett patted my head.

"Don't worry, little sister. Edward and I have a plan. By the time we go home this afternoon, he'll be running into Angela's arms." Oh, that sounded ominous.

"Alice?" I questioned.

"There's a 92 percent chance that he will ask Angela to the prom." She confirmed, but I wasn't quite satisfied.

"And the other 8 percent?" I had to know. Alice sighed.

"Six percent he just won't go to prom and two percent that he'll actually show more courage than Edward gives him credit for and still ask you to the prom."

"S'good odds." Jasper's voice was amused. "My plan was a hundred percent, though."

"One hundred percent chance that he would be traumatized for life, Jazz. The goal is to get him to ask out Angela." Rosalie's voice was bored. I was surprised she'd even bothered to join in the conversation. She had been very quiet the last few weeks. I knew she still resented Bella and hated the concept of Edward in love with her, but she was beginning to mellow a bit.

"I thought the goal was to keep him from asking Lei out. My plan would have guaranteed that." Jazz was definitely amused. I was curious, despite myself. Edward rolled his eyes.

"He was going to have a conversation with Ben about the finer points of some exotic, ancient Aztec torture methods. Alice didn't see him getting past the slow removal of toenails before Chaney bolted, completely cured of any urge to brave our wrath just to ask you out." I should have been horrified by the thought, but I felt an odd surge of tenderness for my oldest brother. I knew he felt it, because he caught up my hand and kissed the back of it.

"My hero," I said softly, with just a hint of laughter in my tone.

"Hey, hey. Mine." Alice grabbed Jasper's hand away from me and cradled it in her lap. I really did laugh then and Edward nudged me.

"See, you did it again." I looked through his eyes. He was staring at Ben Chaney, who was watching our table with a strange, stunned smile on his face and determination in his eyes. I was confused.

"I didn't DO anything!" I hissed this at Edward. He shook his head as if disappointed in me.

"You laughed. Ah, even little Brian Kregel glanced this way and he's scared to even utter your name." I snorted softly. Brian was Mac's little brother and I had wondered why he hadn't been spreading rumors about me all year. He was as big a bully as his brother was. This was the first I'd heard that he was afraid of me. "Face it little sister, you've got as much dazzle potential as the rest of us. Let us help you out of this one."

"Fine. Do whatever you're planning on doing. But he'd better not be scared of me, too, when you're done. I might actually need to borrow another pencil next time you say something stupid in Biology." I warned Edward solemnly. He held up a hand.

"I swear that he will be happy to loan you a pencil in times of crisis. He just won't ever want to ask you out again. You'll need to skip Trig, though. We can't get to him until Spanish." I snorted and sighed. The things I let my brothers do for the good of human kind. Maybe I would just skip the rest of the day. There was time for Edward to drive me to Bella's before lunch was over.

"Awesome idea." Edward's voice conveyed his delight with that idea. Any plan that gave him even a second of time with Bella a good one.


I sat in the darkest spot in the gym, perched at the top of the bleachers, and watched the swirl of lights on the floor through any one of a dozen or so eyes. I felt just a pang of loneliness as I watched my family twirl gracefully around the floor. Even Edward had convinced Bella to dance, somehow. The rest of the crowd kind of surged around them, always leaving a gap between them and the Cullen's. I would claim a dance with each of my brothers before the night was over, but for now I let them enjoy the dance as it should be. Couples.

I smiled wryly as I found Angela and Ben. Edward and Emmett had done good. Ben had indeed asked Angela to the prom that afternoon. From all accounts, he had actually run from Spanish in his rush to catch her before she could get to Jessica's car, since they carpooled together. Now they looked happy, despite the fact that Ben had to look up into his date's eyes. Jessica Stanley and Mike Newton were here somewhere, too. Tyler Crowley was oddly absent, but Lauren had come with a senior I didn't know. Bella's friends, I thought. There was still a line there, even though Bella, Edward and I sat at the other end of the table where all these people sat. They even included us in conversation. Sometimes.

I was sitting in the dark for two reasons. One, I was a vampire so staying as far as possible from the humans was always a good idea. Two, I was avoiding the boys. I shuddered as I remembered last year, but evidently very few of the boys prowling the edges of the dance floor looking for wallflowers had heard about it. I had turned down two of them before escaping the searching eyes of a third. What was it about school dances that made them forget those little warnings that kept them from approaching me during school? Maybe it was the dress.

Alice had outdone herself this time. My dress was an empire waisted dress of ice green silk with a gauzy silver overlay that made it shimmer like moonlight dancing. It would have been demure if it wasn't for the hem swirling around mid-thigh and showing off quite a bit of my long, shapely legs. My hair was caught up, my curls woven with a thin silver chain. It felt more like a ballet costume than a prom dress. I have even worn soft slippers with ribbons wrapped and tied around calves. It felt like me.

I perked up when I heard a song that was on my own personal playlist at home. "My Confession" by Josh Groben was a song that I had heard Jasper singing to Alice once, so it made me think of them whenever I heard it. I jumped up and began to dance along, up and down the top three bleacher rows. I sang under my breath.

I was finishing up my little dance when I smelled something strange, faint, but something I hadn't smelled very often since we'd left Alaska. I flowed down the bleachers, barely remembering to move slow enough not to scare the humans, much less pretend to be hesitant over each step, like I should. Edward stopped me at the edge of the dance floor. Without thought, I reached up and touched his face.

I smell wolf. I thought this at him and he laughed bitterly, his smile twisted.

"Not funny, Lei." I followed his eyes and saw Bella was dancing with someone I had never seen before, someone Native American, tall and lanky. He and Bella were shifting awkwardly back and forth as they talked. He was giving her a warning from his father, a request she break up with Edward.

Quileute? I asked this in surprise and felt Edward's bitter smile melt into a frown.

"You weren't just being funny. You actually smell wolf?" He sounded surprised and…worried? I nodded.

It's faint, but yes. It was a favorite of mine in Alaska, remember? I wouldn't forget it. They would be scarce enough around here to be off the menu. Figures. My thoughts at him were amused. He was very quiet before leaving my side to go reclaim Bella. The young Quiluete boy left after that and the scent of wolf disappeared. Odd. Maybe a pack of wolves ran the reservation. I knew that wolves were a sacred animal for their tribe. I was going to ponder it more, but Emmett suddenly appeared at my side and demanded a dance. I laughed softly and surrendered myself into his arms.

I danced once more with Emmett and twice with Jasper, conscious the whole time that Bella and Edward had gone outside. I very politely concentrated on the noise of prom so I wouldn't be eavesdropping, enjoying the dances with my brothers. I was hoping Edward wouldn't forget his promise to dance with me, though. Not like we can't dance anytime I want at home, I reasoned with myself as the crowd began to thin out. It was nearing midnight and even though it was a special occasion, normal teenagers still had curfews.

As the DJ called last dance, I sighed and allowed Jasper to pull me towards the doors. We were halfway to Rosalie's car when I heard a soft curse across the parking lot. Edward was suddenly there with Bella tucked against his side. Her eyes were wide and apologetic and Edward looked sheepish.

"Lei…I forgot." He sounded truly sorry and I smiled. I winked at Bella, knowing she would see. I wasn't wearing my glasses tonight.

"You're in love, Edward. Tonight was for Bella. I'll take a rain check." He shifted forward and dragged me into a one armed hug, not letting go of Bella even then. He kissed my hair and sighed.

"I'm a terrible brother." I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay, Jasper and Emmett kept me company. So, Bella, did you have fun?" The girl looked up at Edward with love evident in her deep, chocolate brown eyes. It was almost a sin to watch her through Edward's eyes, felt almost like intruding on an intimate moment. I let my vision go dark as she murmured how lovely the night had been.

"Then the prom was an official success. But now, Edward has to get you home before Charlie calls out the swat team." We all chuckled at that before Edward took Bella home and Jasper tossed me into the back seat of Rosalie's convertible with Alice. All in all, it had been a good night. Bella had enjoyed herself and Edward felt guilty about missing our dance, which meant he owed me one. I was sure I could use that to my advantage in the near future. I snuggled against my sister and smiled, content.