Disclaimer: I don't own Furuba, nor do I own the characters. I own this plot. That is all.

Title: Purr, Kitten, Purr

Pairing: Kyou/Yuki

Rated: T, due to the fact that it is only mild shounen-ai

Summary: It all started at dinner. Honda-san made some particularly delicious fish, and Kyou… He enjoyed it so much that he almost purred. He tried to cover it with a cough, but I caught it… And I wanted to hear it again.

I'm not creepy, merely observant. I snuck into Kyou's room late one night, curious. I had tried to quell my curiosity, for the sake of my lover, but it won over in the end. Besides, last I checked, I was not a cat. Which is not a completely random statement due to the fact that I am referring to the phrase "Curiosity killed the cat".

As I was saying, I slipped inside and saw the cat, my Neko-kun, curled up atop his blankets like a.. .well… a cat. I felt a slight twitch at the corner of my lips, especially when he made a soft noise and moaned "Yukiiii" ever so softly.

I snuck closer until I was right beside the futon, then crouched down. I chose just the right spot and touched my fingers to it. And odd noise escaped the cat, one that I cannot say I did not enjoy. I worked my fingers slowly, gently scratching behind Kyou's ear. The low rumbling began deep within his lean, bare chest, rising up into his throat, where it reverberated loudly.

Yes, that was a purr.

Quite frankly, I had no idea he could actually purr. Really, it all started at dinner. Honda-san made some particularly delicious fish and Kyou… he enjoyed it so much that he almost purred. He tried to pass it off as nothing, covering it with a slight cough, but I caught it… And, loathe as I am to admit it, I wanted to hear it again…

And again.

And again.

I scratched harder, and he purred harder. I watched his eyes flicker open, sleepy garnet pools staring at me strangely. Quietly, I greeted him, "Hello,"

Kyou frowned, "What… what the hell are you doing?" he grunted, once he had managed to stop purring briefly.

"Making you purr," I replied coolly.

Kyou's brow creased with his frown's intensifying. "Why?"

"Because it's cute,"

"I am not cute,"

I mock-sighed, "We've covered this, Neko-kun. You are adorable. Get over it,"

"Shut up,"

"I will not," I rubbed behind his ear, tangling my fingers into his hair with my other hand and rubbing in gentle circles. Those bright red eyes closed half-way, and his purring grew deeper, the lines on his face smoothing out.

"Not…" he managed, "Not the only way you can make me purr, y'know…"

Many weeks into our relationship, and the shyness had not yet gone. Up until now. That was perhaps the sexiest thing I have ever heard.

Instead of flushing and stammering out a "Wh-what?" as I would have about a week ago, I smiled, leaned in, and traced his lips with my tongue, hearing that purr grow louder.

"Purr, kitten, purr," I murmured, claiming his lips.

Lucky for us... there was no one else around.