Same key as always ;)

She's a rebel – Greenday

I have taken out and missed a few verses as this song is too repetitive.

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

Ah, Rikki. My one and only. She's gorgeous. Lovely blonde hair, lovely figure, and she has a wonderful personality. Most people don't like her personality, but I do. I couldn't stand being with some girly-girl like Cleo, I love Rikki as she can cope on her own, and she's tough. Tougher than me almost.

She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction

We know everything about each other. It's amazing. She's a mermaid, whenever she touches water, and she has the power to boil water and summon lightening. I think her power suits her. You don't want to get on the bad side of Rikki, believe me. I know where she lives, and that took a lot of persuading. She is quite fragile inside, that's why I think it took her so long to trust us. She was gobsmacked when none of us made a fuss about where she lived, or how her and her dad had money issues. We didn't care. We're not that shallow.

From Chicago to Toronto
She's the one that they
Call old whatsername

I think people were surprised when they found out that we were going out. They normally think that popular kids would go out with popular kids. But I loved Rikki. Even if she was unpopular and rude. But once I got to know her, And found out that she was only rude as she though everybody would be rude to her, I think that's when we fully fell in love. When I told my dad that I was going out with Rikki, he had no idea who I was talking about. He knows most of the kids that go to my school through their parents, but he didn't know Rikki or her Dad.

She's the symbol
of resistance
and she's holding on my
heart like a hand grenade

I never knew I could love someone as much as I love Rikki, not that fake stuff you read about. Genuine love, I would do anything for her. I couldn't live without her. I would do anything for her, God forbid. We are going to grow old together and live happily ever after.

Is she dreaming
what I'm thinking
Is she the mother of all bombs
gonna detonate

We have our whole lives planned out ahead of us, see. We are going to move to Sydney, and buy a house there. We would both go to college and university. I wanted to be sports therapist, and Rikki liked the idea of being a journalist for a marine magazine. Then, we'd have two kids; a boy and a girl. We had chosen Chelsea for a girl, and Ben for a boy.

Is she trouble
like I'm trouble
make it a double
twist of fate
or a melody that

We are known as the 'trouble couple' we were both tearaway s, but then when we got together we kind of calmed down. Well I did, she's still stroppy. But I love that.

She sings the revolution
the dawning of our lives
she brings this liberation
that I just can't define
nothing comes to mind

When I first saw Rikki, I suddenly realised what a waste of space my previous girlfriends were. Yeah, maybe they were pretty, but they had no personality whatsoever. But Rikki. Wow, my Rikki. She is gorgeous, and she has a wonderful personality. She's funny, nice, loyal. Everything you could ever wish for.

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's rebellious, and I love that. I think most boys would find that unappealing in a girl, but I'm not like them. I'm different. We're both different.

She's a rebel, She's a rebel, She's a rebel, And she's dangerous

Rikki may be a rebel;

But she's my rebel.