Cox had no idea what he was about to do. Hopefully he wouldn't fuck everything up.

He walked out of the apartment building, slamming the door behind him. Newbie didn't even turn around. Probably wasn't even expecting him. He could just walk away right now, pretend this whole thing never happened, Dorian would give up eventually.

Cox stepped forward, walking down until his feet were on the same level as Newbie's, and sat down next to him.

"I never answered your question." Cox said. JD turned towards him, and if he was at all surprised to see him, then he didn't let on.

"What question?" Newbie asked.

"How I ended up in the nuthouse." Dorian said nothing. "My, uh" Cox exhaled. This was going to be harder than he thought. He looked away from Newbie, his gaze fixed on a point somewhere in the sky.

"My father was a drunk. I hated him, my god did I hate him. So one day, after I was big enough to fight back, I showed up at his house and beat the shit out of him. I almost killed him, but in the end I just-I just couldn't do it. So the police finally get there and arrest me, and they give me this psycho analysis test, and it turns out I'm crazy." Cox finally looked back at Dorian, who hadn't said anything during his confession.

"But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I read your file." JD said softly. Cox nodded.

He stood up.

"Well," Cox said, "you coming in?" JD grinned.

"Hell yeah." Newbie said. Such a dork.

"One last thing, Sheryl." Cox said, stopping him in his tracks. "This is not a fairytale ending, and we are not walking into the sunset. Understood?" Newbie's grin widened.

"Got it."

"Good." Cox said, aware that no matter what his warnings were, that was likely the scenario playing out in JD's head. And he didn't care.

And if Cox put an arm around JD's shoulders while they walked, it didn't matter. He was still the manlier one.