Disclaimer: I do not own DN Angel or anything associated with it

The Very Thought of You


There was no question in highschool that Daisuke Niwa and Satoshi Hiwatari were best friends. Though people thought it odd, as people tend to do when opposite personalities click, they were unaware of the shared suffering and fatefully intertwined lives that Daisuke and Satoshi had led in middle school. A year spent fighting against each other and their own prejudiced heritage had slowly forged a bond between them that was so strong it seemed absurd to give it up now. Besides, other people would think they were a little strange if they complained of missing their 'other half', which inevitably Daisuke did. Whether Satoshi ever missed Krad is dubious. In any case, it was never spoken, but both knew that the other was the only person in the world that entirely understood and trusted them.

Satoshi, completely dissolving all commitment and loyalty to his 'father', threw himself into highschool, making the most of the opportunities that he had initially been deprived of. With much coaxing on behalf of Kosuke, Satoshi slowly became a familiar presence in the Niwa household, though Emiko never really came to terms with the whole thing. Daisuke was only too happy to help his friend lead what he considered a more normal life and, of course, spend an awful lot of time with him.

They drifted into different social groups at school and Daisuke was surprised to find that, although Satoshi never really lost his cool detachment from the rest of the world, and was still constantly inundated with admirers, he was more sociable and had lost the haughty, deterring façade he had always projected before. By final year, only three things convinced Daisuke that the Satoshi he knew now was still the same person; for one, he called Daisuke clumsy, which usually led to number two, he called him baka, and thirdly, he turned down every single girl that confessed their love for him.

As for the twins, despite the fact that they had played a large role in the lives of Daisuke and Satoshi as the 'Holy Maidens', they faded into the crowds of highschool until their role in the lives of the boys was comparatively small and early adventures had become a somewhat vague memory that could be difficult to distinguish from dreams.

When they graduated, Daisuke went to Azumo University with a scholarship to do Fine Art and Satoshi straight back to working at the Azumo Police Force. Daisuke would ask why Satoshi bothered to go through highschool all over again just to re-join the police force, but his friend would simply shrug. It had seemed worth it to him. Life flowed on as it always had, the pair spending long hours painting and talking. Satoshi had vowed he would never pick up another paint brush after Krad had gone, but sometimes the urge of generations of blood is too strong. Whether the background to this activity was Daisuke's house, their school or his university never seemed too important to Daisuke.

So it was with great shock and despair he learned that Satoshi, after only two months working with the police force, was to be transferred immediately to the Tokyo Central Police where people of his talent and skill were desperately needed. He could not believe that his best friend, a vital part of his life, was about to be taken away from him. And yet, it happened, so that at the age of nineteen and twenty respectively, neither Daisuke nor Satoshi had seen each other for a year.

Sometimes that's just the way things are, Satoshi would say.

To: shiwataritokyopolice
From: dniwaazumouni
Subject: Coming to Tokyo!

Hey Satoshi,

How are you lately? You haven't emailed me back much (actually you basically never email back and do you ever answer your phone??) but I suppose you must be really busy with your job as the head of the elite force. You still haven't told me what you really do as their commander. But I finally have the chance to ask you about everything!
I'm coming to Tokyo for a month for the university holidays and I took some leave of absence as well so I could stay longer and get some inspiration from such a cool city. It's all come about pretty fast (I leave next Monday) and I was wondering if I could please stay at your place for a couple of days until I find a hostel or something? But, you don't have to.
Hopefully you get this before then..that could be a worry. Oh, Dad says to say 'hi' to you. Why is he always looking over my shoulder?

Anywhom, ja ne!

To: dniwaazumouni
From: shiwataritokyopolice
Subject: RE:Coming to Tokyo!


Baka, of course you can come and stay with me. For the whole time, if you wish. I think you'll be hard pressed to find accommodation here on such short notice. If you give me the time you're coming in on the train on Monday I'll meet you at the station.


Say hi to Kosuke-san.

To: shiwataritokyopolice
From: dniwaazumouni
Subject: (none)

You suck at emailing...
8.43am train, Monday the 2


P.S. Thanks

Sounds a bit boring, yes, but it's just a prologue covering some background. Hopefully you're interested enough to come back to read the next chapter! Yay! And sorry the fake email addresses didn't work properly but FanFiction just didn't like them.