Title:Brown Eyes

Author: angelofdarkness39

Genre: Romance

Rating : T

Pairings: Sakura x Syaoran

Summary: A love story that is all about music

Disclaimer: Clamp owns Cardcaptor Sakura

A/N: I am not an avid fan of this anime but I do passion the story so I decided to write a fic about it. How you don't get angry with me when I mix up another personality with the character, I don't really know them. This is my fourth fanfic but this is my first CCS fic so bear with me if I make any mistakes.

To tell you something, this story line has a lot of connection to my life. Okay. Read and Review people!

P.S. I won't update if you wouldn't review in this chap. XD. Ahehe. Peace Out!

Chapter 1: Jam Sessions

I turned the power of the amplifier on after I had plugged in the cord that I needed for the electric guitar to power up. I strummed the guitar and noticed something wrong in the tune and as always, I had to tune it up in standard tuning to match with the beautiful singing of Eriol Hiiragizawa. It had been a year since we had formed our band. It's wasn't easy to start though – if you wanted your band to be good – but thanks to our drummer – Touya Kinomoto – the best among the sophomores at playing their music united together to form a band.

It was easy for me to set the guitar in standard tuning. I had mastered tuning guitars only three months ago and it wasn't easy as pie. Playing guitar had been my passion only when I entered high school. I thought about trying on something new and here I am now; ready to play with the best of the bests when it comes to music.

Respectively, Eriol Hiiragizawa – who had glasses that had about two hundred in grade – our vocalist, Touya Kinomoto – the eldest in the band – our drummer, Takashi Yamazaki – the weirdest among us – our bass player, Yukito Tsukishiro – who was younger than Touya by six months – who holds the rhythm guitar, Nakuru Akizuki – Yukito's girlfriend – our manager and I, Syaoran Li, who play the lead guitars, are the people who belong in the band named S.O.U.L.

I am Syaoran Li, a fourteen year old guy. I've moved here in Japan, with Meiling – my cousin and Wang Wei – my dearest best friend, when we were ten years old. Yelan wanted me to live with my aunt – she was dealing with my grand father who wanted me to be the descendant of the big company he is handling – but she also followed us after two years. Music had been my passion and I am devoted to it so much more than my martial arts – even though it was my life when I was still a kid. As each year passed by, I had grown into a mature man but sometimes I couldn't help it.

More or less I act beyond my age when a serious topic is being talk about but if it is all about fun, I act the way I used to when I am still living with my grandfather in China. In my first year of moving here in Japan, I already made friends – Yamazaki, Chiharu, Rika and a lot more. Eriol only moved here when I was already twelve and Nakuru is his cousin. After a few months, I met Touya – whom Eriol introduced to me.

I am a typical student. I live with eye bags, tons of projects and assignments to finish in the due date, research papers that need editing and such, I study rarely and I seldom listen to the teacher. If I were given a genie and a bottle to grant me one wish, I would wish to go back to my childhood – the time when I cared about nothing but myself and my toys.

I can still remember the time when Meiling – my cousin – lost her pet and the way she cried for it made me look for it. That was when we were still kids, in China. I didn't know where to look first. It wasn't easy to be looking for a pet bird in the middle of the rain. I just walked until I stumbled to the place where her pet bird was.

"You ready Li?" Nakuru voiced out dragging me back to reality. I was out of my mind again and I don't know the reason behind it.

I just nodded not showing any signal that I was day dreaming – again for the third time in this week. "Yeah. I'm ready whenever you are ready.'' I answered as I straightened from my crouching position. I looked to the place where Eriol was standing ready to receive a signal to begin.

From nowhere, Yamazaki just chuckled – he does things unexpectedly – making everyone in the room look at him. "You thinking of Yanagisawa again?" he asked me.

I didn't know why Naoko suddenly came into his mind. She was just a friend to me, although we are a lot closer than the others, I made no difference. I feel and show no affection for her and I'll never have any in a million years. She will be leaving for America after five months and I wanted to be her friend before she left for America.

Eriol turned his gaze to me as he grinned. "Naoko Yanagisawa? You're in love with her?" he asked trying to suppress the chuckle brought by the idea.

I didn't blush or anything – I guess I think I didn't – I just spoke with every truth I knew. "Naoko's just my friend okay Yamazaki. We're just a little close that's all and I'm not in love with her. The last girl I loved was her…" then my voice trailed of. I didn't want to talk about her anymore; it would just make my heart broken again.

Nobody spoke after that – even Nakuru, the most irritating in the band, since she also knew. I turned my gaze from Eriol, to Yamazaki, to Yukito, to Touya and finally to Nakuru. All of their heads were lowered, ashamed about opening the topic. They knew how much I hated to talk about anything her – I wanted to forget everything that had happened but it was too hard.

I can't stand the silence, this is our jamming time and we need to make noise. I started to pluck some strings until everybody was in the mood to finally play.

"Head on Collision, cue it up Li." Touya grinned as he made one of his drumsticks twirl on the spaces of his fingers. Then I started to play the intro of the song.

I've been waiting for a good day

I've been longing back long enough

I've been hurting to tell you some things

It's not the falling of the temperature

That's making our bones run cold

It's the breeze you make

The presence felt when you're around me

And it feels like, I'm at an on time low

Slightly bruised and broken, from our head on collision

I've never seen this side of you

Another tragic case of feeling

Bruised and broken, from our head on collision

I've never seen this side of you

Another tragic case and I'm still

Waiting for a good day

I've been holding back long enough

I think it's safe to tell you something

It's not just what you say to people

And it's not the way you look at me

It's the way you present yourself

For all your worst critics to see

And it feels like, I'm at an on time low

Slightly bruised and broken, from our head on collision

I've never seen this side of you

Another tragic case of feeling

Bruised and broken, from our head on collision

I've never seen this side of you

Another tragic case and you are gone

It was my guitar solo up next, the hardest solo I've ever seen. With the lyric "gone"- signaling my entrance for the solo – I started to play with the fret board and made my fingers dance and eventually, I did it for the very first time. The solos of New Found Glory are one of solos that are impossible to play – at least we find it that way. Touya made a great way to join with my solo. He was the best among us in playing his instrument.

(You were gone…)

All this time you just didn't know it yet

(You were gone…)

All this time you just didn't know it yet

You were gone

And it feels like

(Feels like)

I'm at an on time low

Slightly bruised and broken, from our head on collision

I've never seen this side of you

Another tragic case of feeling

Bruised and broken, from our head on collision

I've never seen this side of you

Another tragic case…

Another tragic case of feeling

(Bruised and broken)

Another tragic and I've been

(Still waiting for a good day)

Still waiting for a good day

I breathe hard as I tried to gain back the oxygen that I lost in that second voice we did with Eriol. He is a great singer – the alto and I am only the second voice – who has a voice lower than an alto. At my last strum of my guitar, my hair got all messed up. Some parts of my hair fell on my forehead and covered my eyes.

Still regaining my breath, I tried to blow the hair covering my eyes back up. I played numerous pluckings in my guitar not knowing where my fingers' mind is coming from. I played 7 different pluckings in just that song. Those guitar slams that I did with Yukito were a lot more exhausting that I thought it might be.

Nakuru clapped her hands while walking to the place where Yukito was standing. "That solo was great Li, keep up the good work." She said while she slipped her hand to Yukito's hips, Yukito held her by the waist, still carrying the guitar.

"Thanks." It was the only word I can say. I was distracted by Yukito and Nakuru's sudden smooch session. Yukito was a terrible kisser that's why nobody actually lasted long with him before Nakuru. I'm surprised she can even stand being together with him for more than a year.

I crouched down to the ground turning off the amplifier then pulling off the wired connected to my guitar. After that first song and chorus, I was already exhausted. I've lost all my energy arm wrestling Yamazaki and Eriol awhile back. Those two had a lot of muscle strength more than I've imagined; neither of then wanted me to win in the match. Before I was aware, Eriol was also walking away from the room where we had played.

"Hey, Hiiragizawa, where you goin'? I want to have a duel with you in Tekken." Yamazaki asked removing the guitar strap and walking to the place where we all put our guitars after a practice or jam.

Hiiragizawa never bothered to look behind him – it was either he felt dizzy or he really has to go. "I'm just going to the comfort room. It will be just a second. Keep practicing Yamazaki, you'll need to practice you'll get." He chuckled, running his fingers on his hair –probably fixed the position of his eyeglasses, then left.

Eriol is the masters of games among us. Sometimes I even wonder where he gets his singing voice knowing that all he does in his free time is play Tekken and play more Tekken. He even got the special edition, which is the hardest series to find. He was addicted to the game too much that sometimes, it's the only thing that he does all day.

I stayed crouched noticing the fast approaching silence. With Yamazaki playing with his PSP, Nakuru and Yukito sitting at the other side of the room, both quiet, Touya still sited in the chair where he sat during the drum, and I, crouched like I was waiting for some sort of animal to appear from nowhere and hand it, the only thing that could be present was silence.

Out of nowhere, someone's Cellphone rang signaling that someone was making a call. I was positively sure that it wasn't my phone. I had it on vibrate before we started the jam and nobody calls me except in serious and emergency cases. With the ringing, Yamazaki was forced to pause his game and look at his phone. Then Touya finally answered the phone call. I had no idea who it was but surely, all of us wanted to know who it was.

Everybody knew that it was our jam time and nobody ever did disturb us in those hours. It was probably and emergency or wrong number. I turned my gaze to Yukito and saw him staring at Touya in a disturbing manner. It wasn't easy to say what it was but I have an idea that he knows who the phone call is from.

"What?!" Touya shouted after a lot of "uhuhs" coming out of his mouth. I am still wondering who it was. He never acted like that on the phone before; he was more of a gentle kind. "I thought you were staying there permanently? What changed your mind Oto-san?" he asked as he kept his temper low not wanting to break something by the news.

After a moment, he was finally calm but he was still walking around his own circle that he made awhile back. I stayed where I was before the phone call, in the some position. I was titling my head up so I was looking at him, studying his facial expression. But it was too hard to tell what it was.

"When are you arriving here in Japan?" he asked his father – I guess so – leaning his body against the free wall near him. He made a grunt without a sound, not wanting it to be overheard by the person on the phone. "We'll pick you up tomorrow. I'll be bringing Nakuru and Yuki." Then he hanged up.

He folded his arms on his chest and looked at Nakuru and Yukito. "Oto-san and Sakura are coming here in Japan. They'll be arriving tomorrow at around 5 in the afternoon." I was right. I had no idea who the other person in the line was. But still I was curious of who Sakura Kinomoto was. "I was thinking of bringing you two to come pick them up. You in favor of it?" he raised an eyebrow on both of them, giving them a seductive look which neither of them would get.

Nakuru stood up from the sofa and walked pass me to Touya. She held out a finger and pointed it at Touya's pointy nose. "You still don't like your sister do you?" Touya just glared at her. "I probably thought so." Nakuru turned back to Yukito and signaled him to speak.

"We'd love to come pick them up tomorrow." Yukito said with a smile.

I didn't understand any detail that they spoke of. I didn't know who Sakura was or why Touya hated her so much that he didn't want to pick her up in the airport. I never really knew Touya's family, all I knew about it was he was living with Tomoyo Daidouji, one of my classmates and Sonomi Daidouji, her mother. I never dared ask him. With ever single word coming out of their mouths, it makes me dizzy not knowing a single idea about the topic. I stood up and felt my knees shake but it didn't matter for now.

"Who is Sakura Kinomoto by the way?" I asked, facing Touya, wanting to get some answers.

I hadn't notice that Yamazaki already turned off his PSP and came in with the conversation, answering my question. "She's Touya's little sister." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned toward his gaze and saw him looking at Touya intently. "Speaking about fetching her in the airport tomorrow, can I come? Can I?" he was almost begging Touya to just join, in a moment; he'll be down to his knees.

He was stupid to be answering my question. I know that he's her little sister, like I heard a while back. I wanted to meet 'that' girl. Her name is the name of my favorite flower, the cheery blossom. Since she is Touya's sister, I wonder what she can do that is related to music. I looked at Touya trying to image her face by using of Touya's. I couldn't tell what their resemblance is.

"Can I also come with?" I was asking – almost begging like Yamazaki – without even knowing who the person is. Her name got some collision in me – a thing that I had no idea about. Those five words, which were pure non sense to me made the other four in the room, turn their gaze on me.

I turned my glance to Nakuru, Yamazaki, to Yukito and finally Touya. Among the four, Touya's had the scariest stare. I stood there, motionless, scrutinizing his stare. I had no hope of finding what he had in mind even if I stared at him for 24 hours – unless, he speaks up.

We were statues in a museum without given particular arrangement, each one stood like my position, motionless. I still stood there, scrutinizing his stare, not knowing what he's up to after I asked that favor. Both my eyes were fixed in Touya's when somebody punched me in the shoulder.

"Dude, you don't know Sakura-chan. What is up with you?" Yamazaki said, breaking the silence, breaking the silent war happening between me and Touya. I glanced at Yamazaki, punching him back after the glance. "Aww." He complained lifting up an arm and letting it rest on the arm I punched.

I smiled. "Her name is…"

"You can come," voiced a man in the room with a deep voice. "You can tag along with Nakuru or Yukito if you want."

I didn't know that Eriol had already gone back to the room. He is a mysterious type, shy, and doesn't talk much. His glasses make him look like a real genius knowing that he is already. He passed by me and Yamazaki walking toward the piano and switching it on. All eyes were buried in his face, scrutinizing it. Suddenly, we just stopped talking; not even remembering what was in when Eriol wasn't in the room yet.

Eriol lifted his head and directly looked toward Touya. "Come to where?" he asked, positioning his fingers to his exercise position.

After hearing his question, I noticed their eyes, all four of them, widen. I turned my sight to Nakuru and saw her shake her head. In that instant I wondered what they were shaking their heads for. Touya and Yukito were frowning while Yamazaki went back to playing, not wanting to interrupt.

I chuckled, catching all their attention. "To airport, we're just fetc…" Nakuru dragged my whole body, with her handkerchief covering my mouth – stopping me to tell another word - away from the room. When we were finally away from the room, she pushed my body to the nearby wall. My back hit against the wall softly but it still hurt.

"What were you thinking nearly telling him where we will be going tomorrow?! Nobody is to know but us." She calmed down a bit. I lowered my head and saw her hand, closing to a fist. "The next time Eriol asks about anything that concerns Touya or his family never answer." She said; ready to remove my head at any second. She is furious by now – I can tell – that's why I'm afraid of her, well, I'm mostly afraid of her.

I just nodded. Asking anything that would clarify it will just make her angrier. It wasn't her nature to entertain questions after giving an order. That's Yukito's Nakuru alright.


After that, I never entered our jamming room. I told Nakuru to tell them that I got a phone call from my mother asking for my help in the house and I'll be right back after knowing what she wants. Instead, I went home, walking. My hands were in my pockets all the way home, thinking.

First, what was with Sakura and Eriol that they didn't want him to know about who's going to arrive tomorrow? Nakuru's reaction was indifferent from the actions she'd done when she gave us sermons about our way in playing – too indifferent. Something was with the two of them that I still don't know what – that's what I'm going to find out next. Second, Touya's reaction. Why did he react that way when his father informed them that they'll be coming here in Japan? Why does Touya hate Sakura so much that he can't bear to see her? Third, why did I insist of coming too when I heard Yamazaki beg just to join? Who was her anyway?

"Sakura…" I whispered to myself. That name had been part of me the moment I heard it – a thought that I need to know the reason behind. I hadn't met her, maybe I've already seen her one time but I never cared. I think I'm crazy. She's been living her whole life in London and I've lived half of my life in China, how is it possible for me to catch a glance from her back then?

I was thinking too much that I hadn't notice that I was in front of our house already. I saw the porch already –Chinese style in the making of course – with Meiling there, playing some kind of Chinese game with Wang Wei. I moved to them and saw that Meiling was winning.

"Hey, it's a Saturday today." I reminded them. All four eyes looked at me, or more like stared.

"So?" Meiling responded, placing her eyes back to the game.

I chuckled. "Isn't this your day to bake cakes and cook different dishes?" I asked.

Meiling got out a small giggle. "Have you forgot? Yelan bought a new oven and she didn't want us to touch it yet. The old oven we used to bake with is haunted by now. But we did fry rice cake inside and made Chao Fan."

"Beef, Pork or Seafood?" I asked again. Chao Fan became my favorite food in China. Everyday, after school, I pleaded Meiling to come and join me to different Chinese Fast-food Chains just to eat Chao Fan.

It is Wang Wei's turn in the game and with that he answered for Meiling. "Pork, your favorite. It's in the counter." He instructed me.

I hastily went inside to the kitchen. I found Yelan there and I just smiled. Finally, I saw the Chao Fan, enough to sustain my luxuries for that day. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and sat down in one of the kitchen counters.

Yelan smiled. "I guess that's Chao Fan you're digging in right now." I nodded. "As if I didn't know you much better."

I looked at her and smiled. I swallowed the food in my mouth and asked permission to join Touya tomorrow. "Yelan…" I started.

"Yes Li?" she asked.

I put down the bowl I was holding and wiped the excess rice attached at my face. "I just want to ask permission. Nakuru and the band, besides Eriol are going to the airport tomorrow. We're going to welcome Touya's little sister and Father. Can I come?" I asked, with puppy dog eyes to match.

She stepped a foot forward near me. "Haven't you remembered that tomorrow, some Chinese group is coming to visit here? You shouldn't miss it. It would draw a bad image on your grandfather if you do." She reminded me.

How could I forget that event? We've been preparing for that visit for two weeks already. What came up to me? That is the most important event in the family after the New Year's Day. I slapped my head, drawing me back to reality.

"Sure, I kind'a forgot about that. Sorry Yelan." I said, jumping from the counter.

"It's okay."

I run to my room, where all my gadgets are found. I need to inform them that I can't come for tomorrow. First, I saw my mobile, but there was no load. Second, my PDA still has no load. Then I saw my laptop. I just hope that Yelan opened the Wi-Fi down stairs. I just need to email them.


Today's the day that I'm going to meet Touya's little sister. The day that all the questions in my mind are to be answered. I arrived in school a little bit early. Well, I kind'a woke up a little early too. The three of us were the earliest in that day. Meiling nearly killed me when I woke her up this morning at 5:30 in the morning. I wouldn't want to be late for that day.

I sat down and picked up a book in my bag. Advance reading always helps. I watched each student enter the door but I have got any signal of any new student. All of them were my old classmates. I saw Tomoyo Daidouji, Touya's cousin, pass by. But at some point, she stopped then walked back. I went back to my book but she pulled it down. Our faces were only 3 inches away. She's smiling.

"What do you want Tomoyo?" I asked. I knew that grin very well, it's either she knew something about me or something really good happened between her and Sonomi, her mother.

"Ohayo Li-kun!" she greeted, still wearing that distractive grin. I scowled at her, but not like I was angry at her, just a little misconception signaling her to cut off the grin. "Okay, I thought you were coming with Yamazaki and Yukito yesterday to come pick Sakura?" she asked, still not breaking the closure between our bodies.

I made a false smile. "I got some family thing. I told Touya anyway. Didn't you hear?" I threw back a question.

"Wait." She paused, stepping back, at last allowing some distance. "Why do you think I even asked if I knew the reason? And besides, Yamazaki was really hoping you were there yesterday. He was the only guy kid in there yesterday."

What the? What about Eriol? I thought he was in that also. I'm starting to wonder why there are so many mysteries behind this Sakura. Everybody knows her but me.

I raise my eyebrow at her. "The only guy kid?" I clarified believing that I just heard another word.

"Yup." She nodded

"What about Eriol? Didn't she come?" I threw a lot of questions on her but that question made a look that seem different from her personality.

Tomoyo looked at her watch and gave a final smile. "It's past seven Li-kun. I'd better start practicing my speech right now." She walked by pass me, ignoring my question about Eriol.

I remained seated there, continuing my advance reading. I hadn't notice the classroom being filled up with students already. All I knew is that it's already 7:40, five minutes more and we're going to start. I stopped reading and scanned the room, still no new face present. Maybe she's already tired by this time, so she'll not be attending classes today. Maybe my luck would be stronger tomorrow.

Yoshiyuki Terada, our adviser, entered the room at exactly 7:45 am.

"Ohayo!" he greeted with a smile he always wore everyday when he greeted us in the mornings.

"Ohayo sensei!" we greeted back then there was silence. I stared at Yoshiyuki-sensei and noticed that he was searching for someone in the room. He came back to his papers a lot of times but still, he can't get settled down.

I flinched from my seat when someone unexpectedly knocked the door. It's Touya. But what could he possibly be doing here? He should be at work right now. He was holding a folder on his right hand.

"May I excuse you for a minute Yoshiyuki-sensei?" he asked respectfully.

"Sure." Sensei answered walking to the door. Both my eyes were staring on them. They were talking but I wasn't sure what they were talking about. I tried to cut my stare on them and look at my classmates, which were as quiet as I am right now.

I saw Chiharu Mihara drawing something on a piece of bond paper; probably it was her entry for the upcoming contest in the school. Naoko was doing different things again, like the usual. Maki Matsumoto was just silent, staring at the board. Meiling, Yamazaki, Eriol and Rika Sasaki belong to the other class which was located in the other side of the building. At about a minute, sensei came back on us and smiled.

"Okay class, we have a new student." He announced, causing me to look to him. Sensei glanced at the door, smiled then nodded. "Enter Sakura-chan, don't be shy." He voiced out.

It is finally her. I've been waiting for this moment to come, to finally meet her in person. But too bad that Eriol didn't belong to the same class like we do.

"Ohayo. I am Sakura Kinomoto, sister of Touya Kinomoto. I'm fourteen and I hope I can get along with you." She closed her sentence then smiled.

Catching a glance from her, I smiled back. I've never pictured that she was that beautiful. Her dimples were three times cuter than mine and her smile is genuine, nothing ever did match it. Sakura's auburn hair shines like no other and all I want right now it to touch that hair of hers.

Sakura looked at sensei peacefully.

"You're going to sit beside your cousin, Tomoyo." Sensei said, leading her to the chair.

When she passed by me, I was still staring at her. Luckily, I caught a glance from her again. We just smiled at each other. Speechless, that's what I am when she gets near me. The heck, Stupid!

The scent of Strawberries, it was her perfume. She wore a lot of it that I was able to sniff it a few inches away, but she was perfect in every way. I am starting to love this class that I am in at right now. Now all I have to do is to introduce myself and talk to her, if I have the guts to. What if I faint? Then that would be embarrassing.

I looked back to the place where she is seated and saw Tomoyo pointing at me, giggling. I wonder what she was up to.


Done! XD. Review people! XP That's all I need for me to reveal the next chap!