A/N: to be honest with all of you, I haven't got any time to still continue this and for one reason, it's because I lack inspiration. But when I was reading and browsing through www, I went to check and reminded me that there are still readers to this fic. Keep reading! And please, do leave a review after. Gladly appreciated. n_n

Kyriichan: Brown Eyes's first review. You'll know why Touya hate Sakura SOON.

EpikWonderBang: gladly update it as fast as I can

EchizenRyoma:Thanks for the compliment. Keep reading, Eriol's connection to the kinomotos will soon be revealed.

LoveAlwaysSarah: My mouth fell when I read your review. One of my inspirations to move forward.

Saki: well, let's just take a look see what happened between them. Alright?

Petites sorcieres: that's the beauty of fic, you do your own plot. XD

James Birdsong: Thanks!

FantasyFanatic911: I would consider that as a compliment. Thanks anyway. CX

-Continue to inspire me with all the reviews. Peace! Out!

Chapter four: The Past

"What have I told you before?" Yamazaki whispered with a smile painted on his face.

I smiled with him. "Talents should be exposed not kept." I don't when where or when he told me that but I was positive that he told me something about flying solo.

"Right, that's what brought us here." Yamazaki answered while returning to his place. I followed along with.

That was a big achievement for me and Yamazaki. We were right about one thing, we can play solo but behind that is also a band that made this talent possible to enhance. So the performance went on and on.

"What if Eriol was also there with us that time?" I kept asking this to myself and probably got a list in my head already for millions of possibilities.

Their eyes might have poked out already or maybe some would be bleeding because of amazement. The band can be a little crazy sometimes and just place anything we get our hands on.

We continue to play until the end of the period. The teacher was amazed with what performance we lay for this activity.

They would think we were pros, who, unmistakably sent to high school. The proof was seen. But that would be weird.

Sakura might be amazed by Eriol's talent in singing.

My eyes widened at the thought. I shook my head to forget that one. Of course Eriol wouldn't dare to seduce anyone with his voice. He never did that. When he was singing, he was putting aside everything that didn't matter and sang with his passion with music.

"Yes, that's right." I whispered to myself and plastered my eyes to the front, hoping to have my brainwashed about that topic. Imagining Eriol having the only girl I ever wanted after Carla is more than tragic.

"Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo Daidouji, you're up next." The teacher said right when I moved my head. I threw a glance at Sakura and saw her flinch. She wasn't used to this popularity; I could see that painted in her eyes.

Through her eyes I can see how nervous she knows that she is new in the block. But beyond those what I can see in her eyes is what I know that she can do it. Tomoyo Daidouji, her cousin, sat down in a chair in front of the keyboard then started to get the settings right. If Sakura didn't hold the mike long enough for me to be wondering, I would've concluded that Sakura would be playing.

I stuck my eyes to both of them – although I was only concentrated on Sakura – as they readied for a performance I've been waiting to see.

"We're ready sir." Tomoyo said with a smirk, confident to whatever she'll be showing us this period.

The teacher threw the smile back. "Then go ahead and begin."

From the intro, I couldn't tell what song but I would've considered it as a composition. Tomoyo, who rarely plays for the crows, is one of the best in making up intros before Eriol. But, Tomoyo is more interested in her films more than her talent in music. After the 28-second introduction, the song finally began.

"Remember those walls I built?" Sakura began to sing as I hummed through the rhythm.

I closed my eyes to remember what song it was. "Halo by Beyonce" I whispered to myself.

"Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound

I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light

I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again

Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo"

There was only one thing that would describe their performance, breathtaking. I didn't expect that Sakura was that good. Her voice was flawless, angelic, much like Eriol's voice. Sakura Kinomoto was much better more than I expected before. Any band would be lucky to have her.

"Hey, Yamazaki, she's good eh?" Yamazaki was scanning the whole room, probably thinking about Chiharu again. She's what in his mind always.

He flashed his eyes to me. "She is the sister of Touya. She's part of a family of musicians whom the country probably adores. Touya's a genius in the Music industry and Sakura has a voice no word can describe. What do you expect from a Kinomoto?" he said, sounding different.

I'm right, he was thinking about Chiharu again. He never get all freaky and stupid when he's with Chiharu but once Chiharu goes away, he gets all different from the annoying and weird Yamazaki Takashi.

"Maybe there'll be a possibility that she didn't get the musical gene." I uttered.

"Tell that to Touya and he'll love you so much more than he'd love his ex girlfriend – the only person whom he can't move on the fact that the girl's a freak."

There it was again, Touya's hate to her little sister. A thing I'd been puzzling about for days which I can't really tell what the reason is behind. I couldn't lay down any possibility like I always do about things like this.

Sakura went out the room when the bell rang and I, Syaoran Li, decided to follow her for Congratulation purposes and maybe because I really wanted to talk to her this day.

"Hey..." I said, catching up to her.

"Hey yourself." She glared at my then raised one eyebrow, like she was an attorney trying to win the case for the one who killed and who undeniably made the fault.

I raised both arms up high, surrendering to whatever she's up to, telling that I'm guilty like I was the suspect and she was the policemen. "I didn't do anything." I said, catching up to my breath.

Then she laughed. That was the very first time I ever heard her laugh like that. Whenever she laughs at my jokes it was always just a giggle and nothing more. Maybe, or not maybe, I know that something's bothering her but I don't want to be a spoiler to remind her that one.

"You are so different Syaoran." Sakura said, shaking her head with smiles on her face.

"You think?" I verified if that was what I think I heard.

She looked at me. "I don't think, I know." Sakura assured like she could read minds.

I smirked, she was up to something. "How?"

"With all the head bowing thing in that Music class, what's up with that?" she said as she took a glance at me. "And S.O.U.L.?" she asked. I was expecting her to ask me sooner or later about that since I was the one the others pointed out responsible about the band, not her brother.

"It's our band, playing the lead guitars"

"I know it's a band. But why not tell me earlier?"


"It's okay."

"You want to see the band live?"

Sakura smiled at my invitation. "I'd be honoured."

"With a voice like yours you'd be more than welcomed at our place."

She giggled. "I wouldn't assure that one. That was the very first time I sang in front of the crowd. I tried that once but I ended up rushed in the hospital since I fainted in front of everybody. Then that ended everything I had for music. I'm a typical student, a little shy. Wait, not only a little, a lot shy."

So that's the reason why she was smiling all along. Singing in public and not fainting was a whole achievement to her. Sakura was a little weird but that what's we have both in common, weirdness. It's a miracle on why she was sharing this whole thing to me. If I could read minds I could tell that she was already comfortable with me and that's a good thing.

"Well I'd say that you did pretty well in that performance. Wait, correct me if I'm wrong you didn't do pretty well, you did excellent, like a pro." I said, smiling at her.

"You're the very first one who told me those words and the very first one who recognized my music. Thanks Syaoran." Sakura Kinomoto, the girl of my dreams, thanking me for a simple compliment? This day couldn't get any better.

I bowed my head a little like I always did in China. "That would be my pleasure Ms. Kinomoto."

"You're Chinese?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She pouted. "Oh. You sure brought the Chinese tradition here in Japan. I would've brought our British Tradition here but it would be too weird to actually socialize with Japanese people in British accent."

Then there was silence between the two of us. There was nothing left to say about S.O.U.L. I wouldn't be stupid enough to actually ask her if what's wrong with her and her brother that would be already going below the belt and that would be too confidential for me to know right this moment.

"Congratulations..." I said.

Sakura creased her forehead in confusion. "Huh? For what?"

I smiled at her, even at her worries, she still is gorgeous. "That was the very first time you sang with an audience with no fainting. That is a great achievement on your part."

"Oh, thanks, again." Then she giggled her sweet one.

"Well I guess this means, welcome back to the music industry." I said, hoping she'll agree to it.

"Let's see." Then the bell rang.

"I'll pick you up right after class." I said before she can get away from my site, again.

"Yeah sure." Then we went to our classes.

There were two feelings right now in my chest, first, excitement, at last Sakura Kinomoto, the Sakura Kinomoto would see us perform as a band and I bet Touya never mentioned this before. It sure looks like it. Second, there was something wrong about this plan. It's as if that this plan isn't that great to push through. A bad thing will happen, I know it but I just don't know what it is and what it concerns Sakura Kinomoto.

I was leaning in the post near the main gate where I'll pick up Sakura. She assured she'll be there and by the looks of her face a while back, she was excited, like a kid that you'll bring to a toy store at that. Yet she still looks like an angel at any emotion she shows.

"Syaoran..." someone called for me. I think it was Chiharu. I turned to look.

I waved at her. "Hi Chiharu..." I said, voice faded.

She smiled at me. "Sakura's waiting for you at the parking lot, told me to send the message to you since I'm going home."

"Oh." That was the only response Chiharu got from me. I didn't expect that that performance can boost her up that fast. I can only imagine her not performing for only the class but the whole student body already.

She nodded. "Yeah, told me to tell you to just go there right now."

"Sure, sure. Thanks Chiharu."

Chiharu nodded. "Anytime." Then she smiled.

I smiled back. "Any by far chance seen Yamazaki Chiharu?"

She blushed a little shade of red at my sudden question. "No. I think he went home. You have a jam session today right?"


"Must have got home for personal reason.

I nodded. "Oh. Thanks for the information Chiharu."

Chiharu just smiled and went out of the campus. I, on the other hand went to where Sakura was right that moment. Sakura was really dedicated with this entire band thing that she really wanted to go with me to the jam. I just hope she likes Eriol at that.

"Sakura…" I whispered to myself the moment I lay my eyes of her perfect angelic face. Then an involuntary smile just gave off. She waved at me when she saw that I was coming to her direction.

She went in the car. "Get in."

I stopped her before she can close the door in my face. I wouldn't let a girl drive me to the place that would suck. "What if I'll be the one to drive?" I requested, hoping she'll give in.

"Give me one good reason why I should let you drive." She wouldn't just give up that easily and I could've figured that out long enough for me to be debating over a set of car keys here in our parking lot.

I smirked. "I know the place. Do you?" I shot.

Sakura just laughed. "Good point." She said then got out of the driver's seat. "here…" she said, throwing the keys to me. I ran after her to the passenger's seat to open it for her.

"Oh…" she said as she stared at my hand already in the handle of the passenger's seat before her. "I didn't know you could be a gentleman for once in a while." She laughed then got in the car.

I closed the door then smiled to myself. I wouldn't have expected this kind of scenery between us and I never have dreamt of something like this. It was always on the beach or something quiet and romantic.

"What does that mean?" I posed when I got in the car with her.

She tucked some her behind her ear and looked at me. "I was only kidding. By the way you have treated me for the past few days; you were the only one I knew who was a gentleman. Except if Yamazaki's weird way of showing Chiharu he cared was part of your vocabulary then I'd rather learn to speak Alien than learn Guy speak."

"Hey, hey, that's Yamazaki, not Syaoran." I cleared out. I was different from him when it comes to girls but he was my buddy when it comes to music.

Sakura just giggled at me. "Gotcha. I'll put that in mind the next time Yamazaki freaks me out." She tapped her temples then smiled her angelic smile.

I just smiled back. I've got nothing to say right now, I could destroy the moment right away with my stupidity.

"I didn't know you can drive." I opened up.

Sakura turned away from the road and looked at me. "This face isn't just about innocence and being naïve. I can drive and I race." I felt my mouth drop but I can't figure out why I can't bring it back up. "Freaky huh?" I just smiled a little. "They just know me as the silent girl who sings solo and plays when she's upset. But racing is also a part of me, a big part of Sakura Kinomoto." Then she stopped talking, probably stopped herself from spilling something that was supposed to be kept silent.

"It's not that freaky like you think it is…" I commented, looking straight at the road.

"How can you even tell? You're a guy, what do you know about girls?" her question stung me like crazy. She was right about that, I knew nothing about the ladies and how they term the work "Freaky". Their comparison and contrast between hot and cool I'll never understand even if Mei Lin lectures me all about it the whole week.

I smiled at her. "Carla Saith…" that was the very first time I said that name, again. It was a long time before I have said that name out loud; it had always stayed within me even though I forced it to get out.

Sakura creased her forehead. "Who?"

"My ex…" I informed her.

"Oh…" she lowered her head, ashamed on how she was placed in a thing about cars.

I just smiled. "Don't be sad for me. It was her choice to leave me here in Japan while she toured around the world. That was her happiness." Still, Sakura couldn't speak. I could've traumatized her; I shouldn't have brought Carla in the topic.

"What's with her?" she finally spoke.

"She races too, nearly died because of one race." I told her, not knowing why I was so comfortable with her, too comfortable.

Sakura just sighed. "Lucky she survived."

"Got that right. And after that accident she was never allowed to handle anything with wheels." I told Sakura, and then looked at her. I slowly hit the breaks then pulled my hands off the steering wheel just to lift her face.

I smiled my most gorgeous smile just to make her laugh. "Stop being sad. That's over. Carla's over."

Sakura smiled, fainted one at that. "Whatever you say. I was just thinking, she can't even hold a skate board?" Sakura asked me. She had regained her sense of childishness and stupidity that I have loved to be with.

I just laughed at her question. "So you skate too?"

"Used to."

"Why'd you stop?"

"Personal reasons."

I just shut up, having nothing to answer her right that moment. Moments later, we arrived at our jam place.

"Guess everybody's here already." I said as I got out of the car. Yukito's car was parked already and that was always Nakuru, Yukito and Touya's transportation here. Yamazaki and Eriol sometimes walk here but this time Yamazaki got his motorcycle for speed.

Sakura also got out of the car and walked to my side. She smiled.

I started walking. "For the record, I never got late in any of our jamming periods."

"Sorry." She apologized. I just chuckled.

"Hey, I was only joking. Let's go?" I said, escorting my muse inside.


Have a happy holiday! I'll update as fast as I can. Christmas Vacation has already started! 2009 is almost over. Anyway, read and Review! :P
