Sparks Fly

Summary- Bella is a single mother of a two year old girl who is trying to get back on her feet after her one night fling with Mike Newton a couple years back. She decided she needs to focus all her attention on Claire so she has no time for men. Edward is a happy Bachelor, and Vampire, who doesn't think there is any thing wrong with his life. He is a rich doctor and has a lot of women pining after him. Even though he is a Vamp he doesn't see it wrong to fool around. But when he meets Bella who doesn't pay him any attention, he wants her more than every thing he has. ExB Humans are human. Vampires are Vampires

A/N This is my first Fanfic so I really hope you like it. If you don't then that's okay tell me what I did wrong I appreciate all comments on my story and I hope for constructive criticism plz don't be too rude about it though. I ask that you do sign in to read and review. If your not signed in that's okay leave one any way. Thank you and Enjoy!

Bella pov

"Mommy." My daughter Claire called for me.

"Yes sweetheart." I said walking over to her. She was only two and extremely smart for her age. She has my dark brown hair and eyes. With very little resemblance to her father. For this I am grateful. I have no clue what I ever saw in Newton. Oh wait I remember, I saw six rounds of shots in him. I swear, never again will I play a drinking game with Jessica and Angela again. Alice and Rose were there but they don't 'drink'.

"Why do you and Auntie Ali have to leave tonight. I don't want to be here alone with Jasper." she made a face. I just chuckled. Alice was dragging me to a club tonight and promised that Jazz would watch Claire. I don't know why Claire didn't like Jazz he was a like-able person.

"Well sweetie it's because your Auntie Ali is very manipulative and knows how to get what she wants when she wants it." God wasn't that true. I try to put my foot down but you know Alice, is just too hard to say no to. Plus I'm a bit of a push over.

"You got that right." Alice said coming in the door. "Honey I'm Ho-me." she called out. She was wearing a red halter top, black leather pants, with of coarse stilettos. Her short black hair was spiked. I was still in my sweats and a t-shit.

"tsk tsk tsk. What an I going to do with you?" she asked rhetorically. "you do realize you cant go out to a club looking like that don't you." she whined with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Alice just give me the outfit you bought me." she put on a fake outraged face.

"Isabella Marie Swan, I can't believe you would assume that I would just go out and buy you and out fitt- okay this is the shirt its navy blue trust me it is your color." she said pulling a shirt from her bag. I just laughed. "Here are the pants now, now I know that you hate wearing leather put they are so hot. And your shoes."

"NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! Alice I am not wearing those deathtraps you call shoes. Please do not make me." I screamed and begged. she shook her head and pulled me into my room in the apartment I lived in. It was a small two bedroom apartment but it worked for me and Claire. Alice started dressing me. She is quite strong for being so small. But then again she isn't human. Alice, Jasper, Rose, and Emmett are all Vampires. As well as their Parents Carlisle and Esme. I believe they have one other brother who doesn't live with or near them. Edward. He is also a Vampire. Claire knows about it, but like I said she's smart enough to know not to say a word.

When Alice and I emerged from my room I was in the blue shirt, leather pants and stilettos. The Alice's face went blank. She was having a vision. She came out of it and I asked "What is it Alice?" she looked a little nervous.

"Well Mike is going to be there this evening." I groaned. Mike and I spoke occasionally. We work in the same hotel. He's annoying. He didn't care about Claire he just wanted me.

"Are we gonna pick up Rose or what." Claire leapt up from the floor. Jasper looked a little shocked from the amount of excitement we could of feel coming off of her.

"I want uncle Emmett to come over. Please please please Mommy please please PLEASE. She yelled. I nodded.

"Okay Baby but you and uncle Jazz have to watch him. Make sure he stays out of the pantry and the halls. Oh and keep him quiet, last time he was here we had the cops called. Mrs. Mayweather still won't talk to me." we all laughed remembering our last get together. Emmett was insane I mean just because you have super strength does not mean that you go throwing the kitchen counter out the window. And he paid every penny to fix that mess he made too.

Alice and I went to pick up Rose, I warned Emmett that I did not want a repeat of our last party and we headed for Twilight the new club that was a few miles away from my home.

We got to the club and went straight in. Rose and Alice I know looked absolutely beautiful and I just looked like me. I'm not an ugly person but I'm not stunningly beautiful. I'm just me, I like it that way. I went over to the bar and ordered an apple martini. Or as I like to call them Appletinis.

After a few minutes Rose and Alice took off to go dance. I was left alone. I was thinking about the vision Alice had earlier. Oh well best not worry about it now. I was so consumed in my thoughts I didn't even notice the man sit down next to me.

He cleared his throat and I looked up. I was meet with bright blue eyes that I knew all to well.

"Newton." I said crossly I looked over at Rose and Alice for help they came over and pulled me to the dance floor. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Were dancing silly Bella." I exhaled. I could dance I just hated it. But I would do anything to get away from Newton. So I started dancing. After a little while it starting to get hot.

"Alice Rose. I'm going to go get some air." they nodded. I grabbed my purse and stepped out side. I had started smoking after Claire was born. It was a terrible addiction I was trying to quit. I wasn't doing to bad I just needed it every now and again. I lit the cigarette and started smoking it. When it was around half way done I heard tires squeal. All I could see was this car coming at me, with Mike in the drivers seat. He was either drunk or really pissed at me. I dropped my cigarette.

All of a sudden I felt a pair of strong cold arms wrap around me. Then the car stopped by. When this person was touching me I felt this ping of electricity down my spine. I looked into my saviors butterscotch eyes and the Sparks Flew.

A/N sorry this is so short. I'm just getting started. I still don't know where this story is going but if you have some ideas that would be great. Read and Review : D