"Ron… once more and I swear I will send you back to the flat!" I snapped, picking up the paper airplane from where it hit my desk and crumpling it.

"I can't help it I'm bored!" grumbled Ron.

"Well then find something to do!" I retorted, "I have to study!"

"How do you have to study? It's a Saturday, and you've barely been in school a month." He pointed out, "You've had a bee in your bonnet ever since you went to that prefect meeting an hour ago, now are you going to tell me what's really bothering you or not?"

I glared at him, annoyed because I knew he was only confronting me because he wanted to distract me from my work and give himself something to do, but I was even more annoyed because he was right.

"Come here…" he said with a triumphant twinge, as he patted the bed next to him and I sighed but gave in shuffling across the room in defeat to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Fine…" I grumbled, "It's just… that was only our third meeting with the prefects, and no one would even talk about the list of things that I had complied over the last month that we needed to discuss, not even Neville! All they would do is go on and on about my engagement, wanting to know all the details, and wedding plans, and… don't get me wrong love, you know I am so happy we're getting married. But I've worked hard all my life to be taken seriously, I have big dreams for myself. I don't want to be seen as that girl who settles down young, starts a family and then gives up on all her big goals."

"Ok... slow down and take a breath there…" said Ron with a grin squeezing my hand, "First of all, we just got engaged last night. I think you'll find in a week or two, it will be old news. Second of all no one could ever see you the way you just described, and that will never happen because I won't let it. I am going to have the most successful, intelligent, and driven wife anyone could hope for, who does amazing things that people around the world know her for. I always have and always will believe in you. So please calm down woman!" I laughed.

"Fine you've convinced me…." I said flopping down next to him. "So are you as nervous as I am about tonight?"

"Why the bloody hell are you nervous?" said Ron looking over at me curiously.

"Because we're about to tell your family we're engaged! I mean it's the moment of truth for me really, they're stuck with me." I replied. Ron rolled over and looked at me as though he was really questioning my mental stability.

"Ok I do not know what had gotten into that brain of yours today…. But on what planet would you ever doubt my families acceptance of you?" he said.

"Well yes I know that accept me, as a dear friend, as a daughter figure, even as your girlfriend, but I'm going to be a Weasley! That's… well daunting." I said.

I looked over and Ron was grinning from ear to ear.

"What?" I said frowning slightly at his mocking of my nerves.

"I just love hearing you say that…" he explained, "Hermione Weasley… I love it."

"Stop trying to change the subject by being adorable." I said swatting his shoulder.

"Ok Hermione… let me tell you a story." He said in a matter-of-fact voice, "Two years ago, Christmas. Harry, Ginny, and I came home for Christmas break. You weren't with us. We had to inform Mum that you had gone home to your parents for the holidays. Then she found out I had a girlfriend, that wasn't you. It was the most passive aggressive I have ever seen my mother be! She told me I could only receive one owl a day from Lavender, which incidentally was a bloody relief considering she tried to write me constantly, and she flat out refused to let Lavender visit, even for a day. And she was always making subtle but painfully obvious comments, about things like, Lavender not being sensible enough for me, or her not having a level head, or not acting like a lady. By the end of the break it was so glaringly evident to everyone that the only girl who would ever meet her standards was you. So please stop with your ridiculous worrying."

"She really did all that?" I said softly.

"Of course she did…." He replied with an exasperated smile, we lay there on my bed in silence just looking at each other and smiling, communicating perfectly without words.

"It's amazing to think about isn't it…" he said.

"What is?" I answered.

"The possibilities… I love thinking about everything we have before us. I mean… you know me, I'm a pretty simple bloke. I like to try to live in the here and now. Only a handful of times have I really thought about what my future would look like, but now I know for sure I'm going to get what I want… I couldn't be happier."

"Was I always in your plan for the future?" I asked.

"Absolutely, you were the main component. Actually really thinking about my future for the first time was what made me realize I loved you. It was ironically that same Christmas break, I started thinking about the future, about me having a job, a wife, and children… coming home at the end of a long day to my family, and I couldn't picture Lavender, it just never felt right. It felt like I was forcing her into a picture she didn't fit in, and then one night… almost by accident, I thought about you. It all just clicked, it was perfection. I saw our house, our children, from that moment on I never wanted anything else."

"I pictured our daughter…" I said absentmindedly, lost in my own thoughts, "at the Ministry when I was in the Dungeon with Umbridge for the trials. She said something about 'the brats of Mudbloods.' And I just…. Saw her. She was so beautiful."

"Curly, bushy hair…" said Ron running his hands through mine.

"Curly bushy RED hair." I corrected with a smile, "blue eyes… freckles."

"But her Mum's smile, down to the adorable dimple." Said Ron, "she'll be beautiful." He leaned down and kissed me softly."

"Let's get through telling your family and planning a wedding with The Boy Who Lived first, then we'll think about children." I said with a smile.

Harry had sprung on us the night before that he wanted to propose to Ginny very soon, and he had asked us if we would consider a double wedding. We said yes immediately. I knew a lot of girls disliked the idea of double wedding because they wanted the attention all to themselves on their wedding day, but I couldn't think of anything more perfect than sharing the happiest day of my young life with two of my best friends in the entire world. Yet I knew that agree to share my wedding day with Harry Potter was agreeing to turn the wedding in one of the most widely publicized, exclusive, and anticipated events of the past decade.

"Oh good Lord it must be almost five o clock!" I said noticing how low the sun was in the sky, "I need a shower before we head to your parents!" I hopped off the bed and grabbed my towel.

"I'll join you." said Ron casually swinging his legs off the bed.

"You're going to take a shower with me?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Why not?" he shrugged, "I need one, and we started this whole thing in a bath tub…. How is a shower much different?"

"Yes Ron but we don't have a lot of time… and I need a proper shower…" I explained.

"Exactly, you need a shower, I need a shower, we don't have a lot of time… it's practical." He came and wrapped his arms around me, "Contrary to previous situations Miss Granger, after this amount of time I do believe I have the ability to see you naked without having my way with you on the spot."

"I'm skeptical…. But I suppose I can give it a try…" I said with a grin and we both made our way into my private bathroom.

"see I told you I could control myself! ….for the most part." Said Ron, shooting me a slightly guilty glance and we walked down the corridor to meet Harry and Ginny.

"Yes very good. You get a…..B-." I teased.

"Oh come on… that restraint was at least worth a solid B! You're horrible woman!" he said.

"Well the good news is you have the next fifty to sixty years to improve your grade…" I said kissing his cheek.

"I plan on spending most of that doing the exact opposite!" he retorted, but we had reached the Entrance Hall, and Harry and Ginny were waiting, so I simply gave him a playful swat on the arm.

I was having a very hard time sitting still. I felt like everyone must have noticed my nerves by now, but no one seemed to. It had been a lovely evening, Mrs. Weasley had made an amazing dinner which we had all enjoyed before retiring to the living room. At that moment Ginny was asking Fleur about baby names. Bill and Fleur had announced a few months earlier that they were expecting, and the first Weasley grandchild had brought a new found excitement to the family. I sipped my tea, hoping no one noticed the way my hand was shaking and shot a look at Ginny who gave me and encouraging smile. I had been doing my best to keep my left hand hidden for the evening, yet I felt like the ring might as well have been a neon sign with a blaring siren. Still no one seemed to have noticed. All of a sudden Ron interrupted my worried thoughts by abruptly standing up and addressing the room. My stomach felt as though it had dropped to my toes, this was it.

"I have an announcement to make." He said importantly, "well Hermione and I do."

I jumped slightly at the sound of my name, and before I knew what was happening he had pulled me to stand beside him. I felt like I was on display as I looked into all the curious, and in some cases amused, faces, but Ron continued.

"You all know that Hermione and I have been together for some time now, and to be honest, we've loved each other for years." said Ron taking my hand, and I squeezed his back, my stomach bursting with nerves, "Well, I've asked Hermione to marry me, and she's said yes. So we're getting married next year."

The room erupted, George, Charlie and Bill started roaring with happy laughter confirming my suspicion that they already knew. But the thing that made me most happy was Mrs. Weasley's shriek of excitement as she ran at Ron and I pulling us into a crushing hug. My nerves evaporated instantly, and looking back I could see exactly what Ron had meant, this was my family. How could I worry they wouldn't want me, they'd loved me as their own for years.

"So wait Mum" said Ron over the din. "You're really ok with this? I thought you'd be mad because we're so young. Not that I'm complaining."

I could have slapped him in annoyance. He'd been building me up all day saying he was confident everything would be fine, and just conveniently left out his worries! Everyone became quiet as they looked at Mrs. Weasley for her reaction. Mrs. Weasley shook her head and gave her son a kind motherly smile.

"Oh Ronald…" she said bracingly, "ever since the first day you brought Hermione home to this house, I've been hoping against hope that you two would end up together. She's brought out such good things in you. And she's been like a daughter to me for years… now we just get to make it official."

I felt a lump growing in my throat and my eyes burning. I not realized that I had come to crave Mrs. Weasley validation as much as my own mother's, and to hear the words put so plainly. She wanted me, not only did she accept me into her family, but she had hoped for it desperately. She knew Ron and I were a perfect fit. She turned to me and I was touched even more deeply to see tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Weasley. That means the world to me." I whispered.

"It's Mum now my dear one." said Mrs. Weasley.

That did it. Happy tears spilled over as I hugged her tightly.

"Ok Mum." I said.

"I think this calls for a drink!" said Mr. Weasley, and he broke out a bottle of firewhisky from the cabinet in the corner. He poured small glasses for everyone except Fleur, who took a small glass of pumpkin juice. They all toasted to Ron and I, and then went back to asking us question after question excitedly.

A little while later Ginny and I had started cleaning up the kitchen for Mrs. Weasley.

"I can't believe you were nervous. Look at how much they all love you!" she said with an elbow as she stacked plates in the sink and set them washing.

"I know… but it's hard! You second guess yourself." I shot back.

"Well at least now that you've got the hard stuff out of the way you can start planning." said Ginny, "honestly I can't believe you haven't started already you are the most organized person I know I thought you'd be making lists and charts."

"Well… there's really no rush.." I said with a shrug as I wiped down the wooden table, in truth it was driving me mad not being able to plan. I had looked at wedding dress designs and thought about potential dates, but I couldn't start really planning anything without Ginny and the waiting was wearing my nerves thin, if Harry didn't propose soon I was going to have some very strong words for him.

Just then George walked into the kitchen grinning.

"Now that was more fun that has gone on in the Weasley house in many a year. You should have seen your face when Ron stood up Hermione. Moaning Myrtle could have given you tanning lessons!" he teased plopping down on the table.

"Oh shut up!" I said swatting him, "and how did you know anyway? I could tell you knew what was coming before Ron said it!"

"You think Ron came up with those fairy lights on his own? That was a Wealsey's Wizarding Wheezes specialty! We cooked those up last summer!"

The mood in the room changed palpably, George's accidental use of the non existent WE, had sucked all the happiness out as effectively as a dementor. I looked into his face and saw for the first time a spasm of the gut wrenching pain that I knew he was hiding, and my heart ached. He took a breath and smiled, but as the corners of his mouth turned up the tears dampened his eyes.

"Yes well…" he coughed out his voice raspy, "Congratulations Hermione." He was looking at his feet and wouldn't meet our eyes, "I'm going to…" he trailed off as he took a step towards the door, "Tell Mum…. You know." His voice broke on the last word and he put his head down and walked quickly out the door, a second later we heard the pop of his Disaparation. Ginny ran to the door her eyes also damp, just as she reached for the handle a voice spoke behind us.

"Don't worry Gin, he'll be alright."

It was Charlie, he was leaning against the door frame from the living room looking sad.

"But he can't be alone in that shop right now… he needs me! he needs us!" said Ginny desperately, as she looked at her older brother.

"He won't be alone, and I guarantee he isn't going back to the shop." said Charlie.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"George has been having a horrible time of it there's no doubt. For awhile I was really afraid for him, afraid he was going to do something stupid out of grief. He didn't know how to go on, but he found someone. A friend, who has been helping him be…. George, not half of George and Fred. And I know that's where he went, she's helping him heal. It's gonna be ok Gin." Charlie walked over and wrapped his arms around his little sister who buried her head on his shoulder. I reached over and stroked her hair and she responded my squeezing my hand.

"So you really have no idea who it might be?" I asked.

"For the fourth time no, I'm just as in the dark as you." replied Ron, we were cuddled up together on the couch in my parents living room, "but if George has found someone who is helping him feel better I'm really happy."

"But aren't you even the slightest bit curious who it is?" I said, turning slightly so I could look at him.

"Well yeah a bit, but George will tell us when he's ready. For now lets just be glad he's doing better." Ron replied.

At that moment my Dad wandered into the room holding two brown glass bottles.

"Well dinner is all cleaned up. How are things in here?" he said.

"They're fine Dad, but I wish you would have let us help with dishes…" I said affectionately.

"Nonsense," he said plopping into his favorite easy chair, "You two are guests thing weekend, and on that same note. Here you are Ron." he held out one of the bottles, "thought you might have a beer with me."

"ok…" said Ron taking the bottle, he took a swig and valiantly hid his grimace, and smiled at my Dad before taking a much smaller second sip.

"So…" said my Dad rubbing his hands together, "What shall we do for the evening. Any board games you're particularly fond of Ron?"

"Well I do love chess…" he said tentatively, "but that's not really a group game."

"Oh but I never have anyone to play chess against! Hermione and her mother hate it! I'll go get my board! You don't mind do you pumpkin?" he looked at me his eyes bright with excitement.

"Not at all…" I said with a laugh, and my Dad jumped up and ran to grab his chess set.

"Hermione what am I drinking…" Ron said to me under his breath when my Dad had left.

"Ummm… beer. It's an alcoholic beverage Muggles like, well Muggle men mostly." I explained.

"It tastes like an old barn…" he said wrinkling his nose at it, and I giggled.

Just then my Dad came running back in with the chess set and my Mom came and sat by me on the couch.

"oh my… has Hugo found someone to play chess with?" teased my mother.

"yes he has…" I teased along with her.

"So which color do you prefer Ron?" said my father.

"Umm.. white if that's alright with you." Ron answered.

"Absolutely my boy. Start us off!" said my Dad happily.

"Right," said Ron as he looked calculatingly at the board, "Pawn to B5." He said, my father and mother exchanged a confused look as Ron stared expectantly at the piece. I smile as I leaned over him and picked up the piece, moving it to the place he wanted it.

"It's not wizard's chess love." I said ruffling his hair.

For the next hour my father and Ron played, my mother and I watch, her knitting and my unraveling her yarn for her. With the exception of Ron being disappointed from the lack of violence in Muggle chess the two of them seemed to have a good time. I loved watching Ron play chess because it was the one thing in the world he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he excelled at. No one not Harry, not me, not even his brothers could beat him at it, so he played with a relaxed confidence I loved to see him have. In the end my Dad won, but I could tell Ron let him. This was another skill Ron had with chess, letting the other person win, whilst keeping the game challenging enough they didn't know he let them win. The only reason I could tell was because I knew the subtlies of Ron's game.

"Right good game that was Ron!" said my Dad clapping him on the shoulder, "but I think we should do something with our ladies now. I have just the ticket!"

My Dad got up and walked over to the record player in the corner. As soon as he headed that direction I knew what he had in mind.

"Really Dad?" I said in amused exasperation.

"why not?" he said thumbing through his records, "are you too old to dance with me now?"

"Never ever…" I replied with grin.

"Alright then… who will it be tonight?" he said.

"I like you have to ask…" I said.

"Right… the Beatles it is!" he winked as he slid the record out of it's wrapper.

"What's the Beatles?" said Ron.

My Dad froze and looked at Ron as if he had said an unforgivable curse.

"How can this be possible!" he gasped in shock, "Hermione you cannot marry a man who doesn't know the Beatles!"

"Oh Dad stop it…" I said giggling at his antics, "He's a wizard, he doesn't know Muggle bands."

"But he's still BRITISH! The Beatles are our legacy they are the icon of our country. Not to mention ever since we found out about I've always wondered if it might have been more that just musical magic that made them sensational." He raised an eyebrow at us conspiratorially, and I laughed.

"Well lets get on with educating him then!" I said and my Dad put on the record. A few seconds later the first scratchy note of the soulful harmonica started and immediately my Dad was swaying to the beat and he reached his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he twirled me into his arms and we dance in a circle singing along to the music.

Love love me do…. You know I love you… I'll always be true… so pleeeeaaaaaaase… love me do…

On the drawn out part he spun me around and around and finished with dipping me while I laughed. We continued to dance around like crazy kids to Yellow Submarine, Hello, and I Wanna Hold Your Hand, while my mother clapped and sang along and Ron watched chuckling. Suddenly the tempo slowed as an acoustic guitar started playing.

"Oh this is your favorite Hermy."said my Dad and he put his arms around me, I put my head on his shoulder and we spun slowly on the spot, I closed my eyes and sang the words that I love so much.

"Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass they slip away across the universe. Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind, possessing and caressing me…." I softly continued to sing as I danced with my father, the way I had since I was barely big enough to walk. As the song ended my mother clapped for us and I felt slightly embarrassed realizing she and Ron and been an audience to my moment with my father. Yet my father lightened the mood because the next song started playing he turned to Ron with a smile.

"You're turn Ron. This is a song for people in love." With that he grabbed my Mom's hand and pulled her into his arms with a smile while Ron stood and willingly pulled me into his. We turned on the spot as the lyrics played.

Something in the way she moves…attracts me like no other lover… something in the way she woos me… I don't wanna leave her now… you know I believe and now….

Somewhere in her smile she knows… that I don't need no other lover…something in her style she shows me… I don't wanna leave her now… you know I believe and how…

Ron put his hand on my cheek and smiled. I couldn't believe after all the years that I had heard the song, there was a beautiful man standing in front of me that felt them all just for me. As the song crescendoed I sang the chorus softly, just for him.

"You're asking me will my love grow? I don't know…I don't know… Stick around and it may show, but I don't know…I don't know."

As the song ended we heard the familiar scratching sound that meant the record was at the end.

"Well that was a fun evening." Said my mother, "I think we're going to turn in for the night, you two have everything you need yes. Hermione you'll show Ron where the extra towels are if he wants to shower? Right then have a good night you two, see you in the morning." She took my Dad's hand and headed down the stairs to their bedroom on the bottom floor.

"This is still weird…." Said Ron as we walked down the hall, past the bathroom to my bedroom in the back of the house, "I mean… they just said goodnight and left us to do what we pleased."

"Well yes Ron. For one they trust me, for two we're engaged and my parents are a bit more… progressive, than yours." I explained, as I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of old pajama's.

"I like being in your room." He said absentmindedly looking around at my things, "it's cool to see that you were a Muggle once. Not to mention your room is so much cooler that mine has ever been."

"What are you talking about? I love your room!" I said putting my arms around him from behind.

"But everything you have is nicer than everything I have. I mean look at this bed," he hopped on my double bed and flopped back into the decorative pillows that went with my deep purple bed spread. "You've got so many pillows I'm not ever sure how you sleep with them all!"

"I don't." I chuckled pulling them off my bed, "they're for decoration. The sleeping ones are underneath."

"See! You've have a pile of pillows just to make your bed look better! When I was growing up I was lucky if Fred and George didn't steal my ONE pillow and turn it into a spider!" Ron said.

"You poor abused little boy." I teased as I pulled the comforter back, and slipped into bed.

Ron was running his hand along my CD collection and reading the labels.

"You have a lot of music Hermione… I've never heard of any of these bands. Cept for this one of course, Train. They're your favorite." He smiled in pride that he had gotten that detail of my proposal spot on.

"You can borrow whatever you like Ron, it's fun educating you in the Muggle world." I said the last two words sinisterly and he chuckled as he came over and snuggled into bed with me.

"It's not so bad… this whole Muggle thing. And those Beatles, I have to admit they were bloody brilliant." He kissed me lightly and then picked up his dilumenator and clicked it, pulling the light from my ceiling fan.

"I guess there's no converting you fully is there?" I teased.

"N-n-n-ever…" he yawned, limply raising a fist in the air as he flopped back and I giggled.

"Come on Mr. Weasley, let's get some sleep. In the morning I'll show you how to use a toaster!" I kissed his cheek and we cuddled up and let exhaustion overtake us.

Monday morning I walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class a little later than was usual for me. Most of the class was already there in their seats chattering. I noticed to my slight annoyance that Harry and Ginny were absent yet again. Ever since they had moved in together in Harry's private quarters they had a tendency to skive off classes once or twice a week, and they often chose Defense Against the Dark Arts because they knew Bill would let them get away with it. So I went and took and empty seat next to Susan Bones, but I noticed Seamus, Dean, Parvati, and Lavender all giggling and looking my direction.

"What are you lot on about?" I said, turning in my seat to face them.

"Wait you don't know?" said Parvati looking at me wide eyed.

"Know what?" I replied.

"You…um… made the front page of the Prophet." said Seamus still sniggering.

"What?" I said snatching it out of his hands. Being as I had been in Muggle London for the past two days, I hadn't read my weekend copy yet. I was confused at the Title of the article, that covered half the front page. It read, Two Thirds of The Golden Trio Make a Trio of Their Own? I then began to read the article which was of course written by Rita Skeeter.

It has been a well known fact for years that the, now legendary, Harry Potter, has never been seen far from the company of his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. Seeing as this trio had it's obvious ratio of two to one, the question has always been who will Miss Granger choose? After the great battle at Hogwarts it became quite evident that despite the fame, fortune, and heroic valor of Harry Potter that Miss Granger chose to pursue a relationship with Ronald Weasley. It has been speculated that Harry's pursuit of the younger Weasley sister Ginevra may have influenced Miss Granger's decision. All this being said the Wizarding World received yet another shock this weekend at the announcement of the sudden engagement of Ronald and Hermione. With their young age, and such a short period of romantic involvement, the question must be asked. Are there other factors influencing this hasty engagement?

To my horror there was a picture of Ron and I on a picnic that we had taken just the previous day in a park near my parents home. I had no idea how they had managed to get the picture, but I was wearing a pair of grey wool leggings and one of Ron's maroon sweaters that his Mum always knitted him at Christmas which came down almost to my knees. Underneath the picture was a caption that read, Sunday Park Frump, or Hiding a Baby Bump?

I gasped in outrage and slammed the paper down on the desk.

"So anything you want to be telling us there Hermione?" said Seamus still smirking.

"Only that Rita Skeeter is a fowl evil gargoyle." I growled, "I am not even remotely pregnant."

"Told you." said Dean elbowing him, "Give me my galleon back."

"Not a chance. My bet is still far more likely than your's." shot Seamus.

"Like hell! You don't get my money until we have proof.' Snapped Dean, "There was plenty of time when there were out there on the run. Ron left them for like a month, what happens on the run stays on the run you know? There could have been a moment!"

"I .pardon!" I interrupted staring very sternly at the pair of them, "what EXACTLY did you two bet on?" I already felt the heat rising in my face, I had a feeling I knew what there answer would be, and their guilty faces confirmed my suspicions.

"Well…." Dean began sheepishly focusing very hard on his feet and not meeting my eye. "Fourth year… you turned down Krum. Like.. you went to the Ball with him but you wouldn't date him. So that got all the Gryffindor boys in our year thinking…. That you must fancy either Ron or Harry… so we sort of made a bet….on… well… how to put this delicately."

"They made a bet on which one would shag you." said Lavender with an eye roll, and a glare at the boys.

"You…. What?" I screeched feeling both insulted and outraged, "of all the disgusting, pig headed…and you betted against Ron… " I turned on Dean, "which means you betted it would be HARRY who?" I trailed off in disgust just glaring at him.

"It's not as if we did anything about it!" defended Dean, "It was just a guessing game! I'm really sorry Hermione we're stupid gits."

"Yes you are!" I snapped sitting back down and opening my book refusing to look at them.

"Nice going Lav, now we'll never know the answer." growled Dean.

"Just give it up Dean I won." Said Seamus.

"You have no proof of that!" Dean whispered fiercely.

"You saw her reaction to the idea of Harry." muttered Seamus.

"Could be a cover, besides even if it isn't Harry you don't get my Galleon unless you proof Ron did!"

"That's not fair!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is n—"

"Oh my God Shut up!" I snapped turning on them in annoyance, "Seamus! You won! Now both of you shut your stupid mouths before I hex you!"

Both of their mouths dropped open, and Seamus gave a whoop of victory as I rolled my eyes and turned away, but I smirked slightly. At the last second, just for good measure I wadded up the copy of the Prophet and hurled it at Seamus's head as hard as I could. It hit him in the ear with a satisfying thwap, and he cursed loudly. I smiled ruefully, but as I turned my attention to Bill who was just entering the room I noticed Lavender looking at me with a mix of anger and sadness on her face. I quickly looked away.

"Nice shot Hermione." Said Bill cheerfully as he hung his coat up and stood in front of the room. "Everybody up and to the sides of the room, practical lesson today," we stood and he vanished the desks. He went into the hall and brought in an antique trunk which shook violently. "Now I know you all faced boggarts with Professor Lupin but because of everything you have faced in recent years, and just with the nature of growing up. Your deepest fears will have changed, so I find it important to retest your skills on boggarts periodically. You all know the spell, Ridiculus. Now remember when the boggart appears you must force it to take the shape of something amusing so picture your fear and try and make it funny. Dean we'll start with you."

I was nervous as I Dean stepped forward, not only had I failed at my only attempt to get rid of a boggart but so much had happened since the last time I fought it. I had faced and overcome my biggest fear at the time, so what would it turn into now? Dean stepped forward and Bill opened the trunk. Out stepped Yaxley, who I knew to be the Death Eater who had killed his traveling companions the year before when he barely escaped. Yaxely raised his wand, and Dean took a shuddering breath and raised his own saying, ridiculus! The Dark Mark visible on Yaxely's wrist suddenly came to life and the snake wriggled up his wrist into his sleeve and he began to jump and shriek on the spot doing a squirmy dance.

"Wonderful Dean!" encouraged Bill, "Lavender go!"

Lavender stepped forward, the boggart instantly turned into Fenrir Greyback, both Lavender and Bill instantly reacted. He was the werewolf that had attacked Lavender during the great battle leaving scars along her neck, and had also mauled Bill the year before leaving him permanently disfigured. As he advanced Lavender trembled slightly but managed to say the spell. Instantly the werewolf sprouted cat's ears and whiskers and gave a confused mew, as it looked wildly around. Next Seamus stepped up, the boggart transformed into an awful scene of his mother being tortured my Bellatrix. All the color drained from Seamus's face, but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying the spell. When he did his mother instantly stopped screaming, instead of causing her pain, every time Bellatrix would put the curse on her his mother would start doing a jig and singing off color Irish drinking songs at the top of her lungs. At this all of us burst into laughter including Bill and the boggart Bellatrix started to panic.

"Excellent Seamus! It's getting confused, Hermione finish it off!"said Bill happily.

I stepped forward feeling more nervous than I had in quite sometime, unsure of what I was about to see. The boggart changed forms, immediately I felt my knees go out from under me. I heard Lavender wail behind me. My boggart was Ron, spread eagle on the ground a trickle of blood on his forehead, his eyes were blank and empty. He was as dead as a doornail. I felt myself trembling and heard people moving behind me.

"No." said Bill sternly, "She needs to do this. Hermione look at me." I looked up into Bill's kind eyes. "It's not real Hermione, you know that. You can do this, force it to be funny, don't let the fear control you."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Force it to be funny… force it to be funny… suddenly a moment from the summer popped into my head and I smiled. Holding onto that moment I looked very hard down at the corpse and said the spell. At first glace it may not have looked like anything had changed, Ron had gone from being dead. To being very much alive and doing the most pathetic job ever at pretending to be dead, he was twitching and blinking, and while he tried to keep the vacant look in his eye he kept stealing tiny glance to see if we were convinced. It all culminated with him trying unsuccessfully to hold in a gigantic sneeze, at which point we all burst into laughter.

"Brilliant Hermione!" said Bill "now on the count of three all of you, one, two, three!"

"Ridiculus." We all said and the boggart vanished in a puff of wispy gray smoke.