A/n: So here is yet another attempt at writing Spam and argh! I promised myself I would stop writing these drama-rama Spam stories. Because these two deserve to be happy and not have any complications in their relationship but you can't have Spam without the angst I guess. This was written while I had Paramore's "I Caught Myself" playing. I feel like that song is so fitting in the ship. Oh, and I used the video store girl from iRocked the Vote and gave her the name Allie since she didn't have one. Enjoy this please for it is un-beta'd. I challenged myself to see if I could write more deeply without the extra help.

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly. Song lyrics are property of Paramore

Down to you, you're pushing and pulling me
Down to you, but I don't know what I want…

"Spencer, we're gonna be late. Don't you think you've taken enough pictures to fill up an empty wall?" Carly complained "I only get one senior prom and I don't want to miss it…"

"Just one more, kiddo, I promise" Spencer stood there with his camera out taking yet another picture of Carly and Freddie near the stairs. He wanted to get some in the best lighting, the best angles, and the best poses. Everything had to be perfect.

"And smile!" he said snapping the picture when Carly and Freddie gave cheesy smiles displaying their tired, anxious faces.

"Alright, can we go already?" Carly asked.

"Yes, you can go" Spencer put away his camera as Carly and Freddie came down from the stairs and were just heading out the door when Mrs. Benson let herself in "I'm here to take some prom pictures!" she said cheerily.

The two groaned and rolled their eyes in unison as Spencer went to her "Its okay Mrs. Benson, I already took some. I'll make you some copies. I think they're ready to get to prom now."

"But I wanted to take some of my own, too." Mrs. Benson frowned "Do you think we could just – "

Carly and Freddie groaned once more not wanting to deal with the picture thing again. "Don't worry about it" Spencer reassured her "I'll make copies. I have tons of pictures. You just get them to prom and rumor has it that the dinner they're serving isn't properly cooked right. I don't know, Mrs. Benson, you better get there before Freddie could catch food poisoning…"

"You're right!" Mrs. Benson grabbed Freddie by the hand "Come on children, we better get a move on!" she yanked Freddie out of the apartment as Carly stayed behind.

"Oh thank you so much, Spence! I thought she was going to make us stay for more pictures!"

"I'm not gonna let you guys miss your prom. Now go on! Don't stay out too late, kiddo!" he hugged Carly as she went to catch up with Mrs. Benson and Freddie. After that, Spencer closed the door and sat on the couch to watch some TV. It was silent in the room till he heard footsteps come down the stairs. He slowly turned around to see who it was.

"Sam?" he said as he saw the blond lazily walking down the last steps "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at prom?"

"I didn't have the money for it. Let alone a dress or a date…" she made her way to the couch and sat next to Spencer "Besides, prom is just another stupid excuse to look pretty and all this other crap…"

"Sam, I think it's important that you go to your prom."

"Oh, and why?" Sam grabbed Spencer's soda from the coffee table and took a swig.

"Because…you get to have one last hurrah with people you'll never see again after you graduate"

"What if I hate most of them?"

"Okay, well…" Spencer tried to think of another reason but failed "I got nothing…" he sighed.

"Not so important now, is it?" Sam put the soda can back on the table and sat back as Spencer watched her and sighed. It was unfortunate that she had such a negative view on going to prom but something told him that deep down inside, Sam really wanted to be out there having fun.

"You know what? I'm sick of watching TV." Spencer switched the TV off "How about you and I have our own prom?"

Sam sarcastically laughed "You're joking right?"

"No. I'm serious as a heart attack. How about it? I never went to my prom…"

"So all that 'prom is important' talk from you was garbage?"

"Pretty much…so come on!" Spencer led the way to his room where he dug out a few items in his closet. He found a tutu and threw it to Sam. "Why do you have a tutu in your closet?" she asked as she put it on over her clothes.

"I found it at the junk yard and thought I could use it for something…I don't know…" Spencer continued to dig around in his closet till he found his mock tuxedo shirt and put it on. Spencer told Sam to wait in his room while he set up the living room. Setting up the living room? Sam thought Spencer was doing a bit too much. Deciding to have a pseudo prom and play dress up? Okay, fine. But whatever Spencer was doing to the living room was pushing it. Fifteen minutes later, Spencer asked Sam to come into the living room. She left Spencer's room to find the living room completely dark except for a few strobe lights and pulsating music.

"Sam Puckett, welcome to your senior prom" Spencer smiled.

Sam couldn't help but smile. She and Spencer danced around the living room jumping on the couch and making up silly dance moves. Instead of the boring standard prom portraits, they took pictures with fun poses and instead of the regular prom dinner of chicken, they drank Peppy Cola and ate Fladoodles.

At first, Sam thought the idea seemed ridiculous but she found herself enjoying every second of it. She discovered how fun Spencer was to be around and how cute he looked in his goofy tuxedo shirt. Spencer on the other hand, it made him forget how moody Sam was usually most of the time. He loved to watch her dance. Sam was a great dancer from what he saw. It must have been some kind of talent she had been hiding.

At 1 am, the two plopped down on the couch tired from all the dancing and whatnot. Sam rested her head on Spencer's shoulder. He looked down at her face. Her eyelids were half open and she looked like she was about to hit the hay.

"Spence?" she said as she yawned.

"Yes?" he replied.

"Thank you for throwing me a prom" she looked up at him and smiled.

At that very moment, Spencer planted a kiss on her soft lips. Sam sat up and kissed him back placing her hand on his cheek. The kiss was almost too perfect. The dark living room with the flashing strobe lights? Perfect. The best prom she could ever ask for? Perfect. No one around the break the mood? Perfect. They were perfect.

But there was only one problem…Spencer had a girlfriend.
