Spencer and Allie- (Paramore- Decode)

How can I decide on what's right when you're clouding up my mind? I can't win your losing fight all the time…

When Spencer came up with the idea of spending time with each girl until he made a choice, Allie felt pieces of her heart breaking second after second. She didn't want to fight for Spencer. She just couldn't. Spencer was hers to begin with and now she'd have to put him on the line because he fell in love with another person. The whole idea was ridiculous to her.

She didn't mean to fight with him that night and now she regretted telling him to leave knowing it would drive him into the arms of another. And now Allie felt weak. Like Sam had made such an impact on Spencer that would easily make up his mind and leave Allie in a millisecond.

Nor can I ever own what's mine when you're always taking sides. But you won't take away my pride. No, not this time…

Allie now felt betrayed and distant when she was with Spencer. He would always try and make an effort to connect with her like they used to but all they could ever think about was the riff in their relationship.

In the car on their way to the restaurant, it was silent. Before he and Allie would sing along to their favorite band but now it was completely different.

"I'm taking you to the Museum Café" Spencer spoke "I even arranged for us to sit at our favorite spot…" he hoped to get some sort of response from her but he got nothing.

"Allie, I know this is hard but please talk to me." He pleaded "I'm scum; I'm vile but please talk to me. This is not helping me choose you."

"Why would you even have to choose anyone at all, Spence?" she argued "You seem pretty cozy with Sam. I think you've pretty much made up your mind."

Frustrated, Spencer pulled up to the BF Wang's parking lot and stopped "Do you want me to choose Sam?"

"I don't care who you choose. I think you've stopped loving me."

"I never stopped loving you, I ju – "

"Just take me home." She replied cutting him off.

Spencer did as he was told and turned the car around heading towards her apartment. It broke his heart to see her mad at him and it broke even more when he pulled up to her place and she stepped out of the car without saying bye.

How did we get here? Well, I used to know you so well. But how did we get here? Well, I think I know…

Minutes after taking Allie home, Spencer headed back to the loft. As he slid his key into the doorknob, he changed his mind. He went back to Allie's place because he wasn't about to let her give him up. He went to her door and pleaded her not to give up. After holding her for awhile, she fell back in.

Spending time with Allie was obviously more awkward than spending time with Sam. She was always hesitant to kiss him or touch him. He knew he had lost her trust but he didn't want her to feel that way. So he brought up memories of happier times in their relationship.

"Remember when I stacked those creamers at Inside Out burger so high?" Spencer asked.

"I do!" Allie beamed as she smiled "Everyone there was rooting you on!"

"You were like my cheerleader" Spencer reminisced finally seeing that smile he so desperately wanted to see from her.

They talked for hours and Spencer felt as if he was finally getting through to her. Up until he received a text from Sam. Allie's smile instantly faded away.

The truth is hiding in your eyes and its hanging on your tongue. Just boiling in my blood but you think that I can't see what kind of man that you are, if you're a man at all. Well, I will figure this one out on my own.

I'm screaming "I love you so", but my thoughts you can't decode…

Every moment with Allie was a fight for attention. And Allie really did try to give him what he needed from her but when she looked into Spencer's eyes, all she could think about was Sam touching him, kissing him, making love to him.

"I can't do this" Allie pulled her lips away from his "How do I know you're not thinking about Sam?"

Spencer sighed. She was always so paranoid. But he couldn't quite do anything about it. He made her that way "I'm not thinking about Sam. I promise."

"Like your promises mean anything to me anymore…" she spat.

And just like that, they started arguing again.

Do you see what we've done? We've gone and made such fools of ourselves…

The pressure was put on both of them. The easy way was for Spencer to drop Allie and finally decide on being with Sam but no, he didn't want to throw three years with Allie down the drain. He was pulling every muscle to save it. And Allie, her heart wanted so desperately to trust him again but her head wouldn't let her. She hated being so weak at such a time like this.

After dinner one night, he took Allie home instantly knowing she wouldn't want to spend the night. He pulled up to the parking lot in her apartment complex and the two sat there silently.

"Spence…" she finally spoke up "I know I've been such a pain to get along with lately but…I'm still finding it hard to trust you because I still love you and my friends say that I should just leave you be but I can't…"

"I understand" he nodded.

"Whatever decision you make, I wish you luck with it." She planted a kiss on his lips and the exited the car as Spencer watched on. His mind still wasn't made up.

There is something I see in you. It might kill me. I want it to be true…
