Not in this Hell

The day that decided the fate of Isabella Marie Swan occured three months before her birth. Isabella Marie Swan was born with a deadly pact, one that controlled the process of her life. When Renee Swan found out she was pregnat, she became depressed. To counter the depression, Renee turned to an evangelical church to help with coping methods. Renee was soon disappointed by the lack of support in the church for a single mother. When Renee Swan was six months pregnant with Isabella, a mob of 'true Christians' burst into her home and beat her until she was unconscious. While she was unconscious, she had a terrible vision. Unable to control her extreme anexity, she went into a state of shock that was severely dangerous for Isabella. However, Renee stabalized, and with her, the baby. The pregnancy continued as normal. Isabella Swan was born at Forks General Hospital on September 13, 1986 at 6:12 p.m. The night she was born, Renee had another vision. This one was extensively more terrifying, and caused her to attempt to suffocate Isabella. It took four physicans, one psychotherapist, and two sedatives to get Renee away from Isabella, who was then put into adoptive care in hopes that a mentally stable family could care for her.

Isabella was in luck, and by the time she was six months old, she was living with a permanant family, the Blacks. She had an older brother named Jacob Black and two younger sisters, Rebecca and Rachel. Her adoptive father was named William, but everyone called him Billy. The Black family lived on the Quileute reservation outside of Forks, Washington. Bella never knew her birth mother. Billy's wife died suddenly when Bella was four years old. Mrs. Black had fallen ill with pneumonia and her immune system was unable to fight it off. When Bella was five, Jacob ran away from home. Billy spent countless hours looking for him in the woods and on the beach, and even had Rebecca, Rachel, and Bella help. Bella found him, sitting in the cave that overlooked the ocean cliffs, asleep with one arm around a huge, furry animal. According to Jacob, the animal was a wolf named Sam.

But, on Isabella's sixth birthday, as she blew out the candles on the Barbie birthday cake, she was taken by a fiendish creature, who dwelled in the very depths of evil. And this is where the story begins.

The devil is a woman. She has thick, curly, red hair and deep gold eyes. She's the most seductive creature on the planet, and her skin glows when she captures a prize. And her playtoy is absolutely perfect... physically at least. He had bright green eyes, pale skin, and bronze hair that never looked anything less than disheveled. However, Bella only saw him in the presence of Victoria, the devil herself, and at that... hardly ever saw his face. In fact, the only time she can remember seeing him completely was when she was twelve years old and had snuck out of her room in hopes of escaping this hell.


Bella had been planning this escape for five years, ever since she had seen Rodriguez open the black doors and got a glimpse of the outside world. It looked absolutely intoxicating: lush, green, and speckled with yellow and pink and white. And it smelled far better than her chambers. The wild flowers were potent in the outside world. Bella packed her few belongings- her books, her music cassettes, and a change of clothes in a small, makeshift knapsack and tossed it on her back. When she heard Victoria's suble giggling sighs, she decided to make her way to the door. She did not have to say goodbye to anybody, she had refrained from making friends. Instead, she had avoided everyone around her in hopes that nobody would notice her absense. She shoved the large door that led to the main hall open, and, quietly as possible, slid down the hallway to the main door... the one that led to the outside world.

The air smelt like the roses were scattered aimlessly throughout the garden. It was black as night, though it was only mid-afternoon according to Bella's small watch. It was five fifty-six in the evening, not nearly time for it to be dark. Instead of being thrown off by the blackness, Bella embraced it and ran as quickly as possible toward the main gates.

The harsh tongue of a flame grazed Bella's left arm, and she turned in surprise to see what had caused it. In the middle of the bright fire was a large figure. Bella cowered inwardly, but didn't run. A fire-walker could catch up with her. As the flames subsided, the figure became more pronounced. It was Victoria's playtoy. His flame bronze hair retained the glowing fire-like quality and his eyes, now that Bella was looking for it, had a sparkeling gleam to them, a common physical quality to fire-walkers. Their eyes, not only unique in colour or shape, also possessed fire-like features. Victoria, though she hid it well, was obsessed with fire-walkers. She was half fire-walker herself, on her mother's side, and she could retain fire-walker abilities if she was the sole mate of three fire-walkers. Victoria paid her toys well, to say the least.

"What do we have here?" the playtoy said in a voice laced with curiosity. Bella held her tongue. The blonde playtoy of Victoria's -her primary playtoy- was very hostile and hated being talked to by mere humans. "Now, now, answer me, little girl." the bronze haired toy came up to Bella and pulled her chin so he could look into her brown eyes. "Such fierce eyes." he whispered. Then he cleared his throat and said, "Come, com, now. Speak to me little girl. What is your name?" Bella wrenched her chin free of his grasp and broke into a run for the gate. However, she was clumsy and he was a fire-walker. Bella fell before she'd taken ten steps and he was next to her as if she'd never moved in the first place. Her grabbed her arm urgently.

"Tell me your name, damn it! I can't protect you if unless I know your name!"

"She'll kill me either way, eventually." Bella hissed.

"Wouldn't you rather live?" the toy asked her. She shook her head.

"Not in this hell." she said. He laughed.

"I'm sure you would prefer the one upstairs?" he got up and started walking away. Then he turned, and looked directly into Bella's eyes. Flames engulfed the immediate area surrounding him, causing a stark silhoutte. His eyes, however, danced in the firelight and smoldered Bella entirely. "Your name." he called.

"Bella." she whispered. He smiled and shouted his own name back to her, before turning and stepping casually into the flames, and disappeared.

End Flashback

It was five years later and Bella had aged into a regular seventeen year old. However, Edward Cullen, Victoria's new favourite playtoy, beautiful bronze haired being, and fully-blooded fire-walker, had not aged an hour past eighteen for the last three centuries, and was standing in front of Bella with Victoria. His eyes flashed with recognition as he studied Bella. He smiled at her and winked.

"Victoria, darling." he said, keeping his eyes fixed with Bella's.

"What?" Victoria snapped. Edward bent down and started kissing her neck and sucking on her earlobe. He did, however, keep his flaming eyes on Bella's face, who found it impossible to turn away from his unyielding gaze. Victoria moaned audibly. A smirk showed on Edward's features.

"Perhaps you could appoint one of the humas to court duties. It might not be so bad to have a couple of humans on staff- don't you think?" Victoria's head tilted back and she was making indistinguishable sounds in the back of her throat. "Victoria?" Edward finally borke eye contact with Bella to look at Victoria. She sighed.

"Whatever, Edward." she muttered and her hands wound into his hair and pulled his lips back to her throat.

"Excellant." he said, and he managed to get himself released. "Bella," he turned to Bella, but did not make eye contact with her. "Come with me and I'll get you settled into your new home." With that, he broke all physical contact with Victoria and strode off quickly, not checking that Bella would follow him. Of course, she was stumbling after him as fast as possible.

End Chapter.

Kay, guys, what did you think? Should I keep going or stop here? Who wants to know who the blonde playtoy of Victoria's is? haha, Review, please! It would totally make my day!! love ya!