Another scream ripped from her throat when a flicker of flame grazed her pant leg, and she quadrupled her efforts to free herself. The black smoke billowed around her, trying to suffocate her. Tears leaked from her eyes and trailed down her cheeks. At that moment, she realized that she wasn't ready to die. She didn't want to. She'd told Chase she wasn't afraid because deep down, she believed that he wouldn't actually kill her because he needed her. But now the horror of the situation hit her completely. She was a coward, and she'd admit it to anyone. She was a coward and was terrified to die.

And then more tears raced down her cheeks. Yes, she was scared. But maybe Ashley and the others could make it out alive. Hopefully Ashley would tell her mother that she loved her. Mother. She'd never see her mom again, and her mom would never see her daughter again. All she'd see would be a pile of ashes, possibly a burnt skeleton. Her mother had worked so hard to give her daughter a good life, and now she wouldn't even get to watch any grandchildren grow up, or watch her daughter's future unfold. No. The mother would bury the child. That was not how it was supposed to be.

And Reid. She'd always known she'd liked him. He was amazingly good looking. But he was also an amazing guy, and she had managed to scrape up a little luck and have him for two weeks. And in those two weeks, she suddenly realized that she'd fallen for him. Her mother had always said that love can happen instantly, but she'd never believed that until now.

She tried to scoot her feet away from the flames that were so eager to consume her, knowing it was useless. It might just be easier to let them take her now, rather than prolonging the moment when she'd feel the skin peel from her body and the fire eat her from the inside out.


Through the black smoke, Brooke could just make out someone running toward her. But she knew his voice. "Reid! Reid, I'm here!"

"Hold on!" More voices joined his, and she saw two more boys run up to him: Caleb and Tyler. Hopefully Pogue was with the other girls. After a couple minutes, they were still standing there.

"I can't pull her out!" Reid yelled, sounding frantic. "Caleb...."

"I can't either," Caleb said, his voice strained with worry.

Chase's circle was working. "Chase created a non-magic circle!" Brooke yelled. "Magic doesn't work inside near me!" She heard Reid swear loudly, and couldn't help but smile through the tears. At least she could die near him, the boy who changed her life forever.

"Brooke!" Ashley screamed.

"Ash!" Brooke called back.

"Why haven't you gotten her out of the fire?!" Ashley's voice rang out.

"They can't!" Brooke yelled. "It's one of Chase's tricks! Ash, listen to me! Tell my mom I love her, okay?"

"B, you tell her!" It sounded as though her friend was crying, and that made her cry more.

"I can't get free! The flames are too close and the ropes are too tight! You need to tell her for me!"

"Reid, no!" someone shouted.

Suddenly, the blond boy appeared through the flames, and he tackled her, and the pole, down backwards. Someone screamed as they landed hard on one side of the pile, the fire raging around them. Reid's face contorted in pain as he began to burn, and suddenly he was pulled from the flames. Seconds later, she felt the pole being dragged, away from the fire, and the smoke dissolved around her. Coughing and gasping, Brooke welcomed the fresh air, taking in huge gulps and expelling the smoky air from her lungs.

"Over here!"

The pole began moving farther away from the flames, and a minute later the ropes binding her were being untied. She rolled away from the pole and sat up, hugging her bruised wrists to herself and looking around.

Pogue and Kate were standing nearby, each embraced by the other. Caleb had his arm protectively around Sarah's waist, and Tyler and Ashley were standing nearest. All three boys bore bruises from their fight, and the girls had tear marks on their faces. Ashely pulled away from the youngest Son and rushed over, kneeling down and throwing her arms around her, beginning to sob.

"I... th... thought you were... de... dead!"

Despite the pain, Brooke wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her closer. "Me too." She pulled away and her gaze immediately found her blond hero, who was kneeling on her other side, his hair a mess and a few ash marks on his face. Again tears pressed into her eyes as she remembered the past two weeks: first seeing the Sons use their Powers, learning the truth, floating in the air with Reid, their first kiss, meeting Chase, fighting him in her dreams, keeping secrets from the four boys, Reid breaking up with her, and then everything that had just happened. "Thank you," she finally managed.

Reid pulled her to him and embraced her, which she returned and closed her eyes.

"I'm so sorry you got caught up in our mess," he said by her ear.

She smiled. "It's okay."

"No, it's not. You almost died."

"And you saved me," she added, pulling away to look at him.

He shook his head and looked away. "None of this should have happened to you."

"I'm glad it did."

He snorted and stood, not looking at her.

"I am," she insisted, standing as well. "If none of this had happened, I would have gone down a different path and possibly fallen... in love with someone else." He looked at her. "If you guys hadn't had that fight and I hadn't seen you use, you and I would have never gotten to know each other. I never would have thought it possible, but it only took a few days for it to happen, and two weeks for me to admit it. I've fallen for you, Reid Garwin."

He stared at her for a moment before speaking. "I've always thought Sarah and Kate a little crazy for accepting what the Sons of Ipswich are, and the troubles that come with us. I never thought someone else would be crazy enough it, let alone two more people" – he glanced at Ashley – "and yet, you have. And you even fought for us, which I never thought would happen." He walked forward and stopped right in front of her. "I think I've fallen for you, too, Brooke Adams." He bent and claimed her lips.

"Aw, how sweet."

Something grabbed her and yanked her back, away from the blond Son. Chase appeared, and with a wave of his hand he sent everyone sprawling on the ground. "Really, very touching." He smirked before turning to look at her. "You've really made this very entertaining."

"Fuck you," Brooke growled, suddenly brave.

Chase laughed. "In due time, I think." He turned back to the other seven in time to deflect an energy ball. "Now, now, now. Fighting's pointless. Why don't we just skip to the part where you will me your Powers?"

Brooke glared at the back of his head for a moment before glancing around. A somewhat thick stick was a few feet away, one end looking extremely sharp. She began inching toward it, glancing back at the psycho every few seconds.

"Go to hell, Chase," Pogue snarled, making the fifth Son laugh.

Her fingers closed around the stick.

"Easy, Pogue" Caleb warned.

"You know Reid, I think I might keep Brooke alive for my own pleasure. She really is a little firecracker, don't you think?"

"Reid!" Caleb snapped angrily. "Don't do anything stupid!"

"I'll kill you, " Reid threatened, his tone absolute hate.

"You can try," Chase laughed, waving his hand again. Instantly, the people before him were shoved back onto the ground and looked unable to move. "Or maybe I'll kill you after I make you watch me take Brooke. Put her on her hands and knees and fuck her."

Brooke had gotten to her feet clutching the stick, and walked straight toward the brown haired boy. "Hey, Chase." He turned just as she raised her arm the thrust the stick forward. Its sharp tip sank into his chest, drawing a pain-filled scream from him. "Fuck this, you bastard," she snarled through clenched teeth.

"Now!" Caleb yelled.

The four Sons jumped up and each threw a large energy ball at the fifth Son, who howled in rage and pain before his body buckled and he fell to the ground.

"The fire."

The Sons lifted the last of the fifth bloodline and hurled his body into the fire that had been meant for Brooke. The flames crackled happily as they began feasting on the new addition to the pile, and Chase twitched and jerked, howling in pain.

Reid hugged Brooke, turning her head to keep her from watching the boy being burned to death. She nuzzled his chest as her arms wrapped around his waist. When the last of his screams died, Reid released her. The stench of burnt human hung in the air, and the group quickly left before any police could arrive at the scene.