Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise….

Dean set himself to the task of preparing for the next part of his surprise, all the while humming quietly to himself. He felt himself smiling softly, thoughts of Sammy, of how much his little brother had liked the poem, of how wonderful it felt that Sam loved him, despite his prickly nature. He felt the warmth of him brother embrace still, like his brother's arms had never left him. He felt as though he could lose himself in the lengthy expanse of the well-muscled limbs forever. He shook his head and chuckled softly, sighing. He was forever teasing his little brother about being a girl, but here he was waxing poetic and getting all emo about his brother's arms and embrace and everything…"Sammy must be rubbing off on me…" he said quietly to himself.

When at last he had everything prepared to his liking, he settled himself down on the bed to wait for his little brother. He knew the 20 minute time frame he had told his brother he needed for his surprise would be at least doubled by Sammy because of the fact that Sammy insisted on using so many products and whatever and what not to get ready in the morning…it was forever a source of exasperation for him as he waited for Sammy to complete his morning routine. He thought Sam was a bit of a girl for primping so long in the mornings, but he also absolutely loved the end result. His brother was stunning. Truly in every way, he was tall, dark and handsome. His floppy hair was always coifed in just such a way that Dean constantly wanted to run his fingers through the silky tresses...and his skin…always so soft to the touch. The bronzed flesh stretching taunt over the defined peaks and valleys of his brother's muscles was delicious to the touch and taste. Dean could smell the lingering traces of the rich, musky, spicy shave lotion flowing softly in the air. He closed his eyes briefly, inhaling the scent…memories of their time together played briefly in his mind. He smiled. His brother was almost finished. He hummed quietly as he stretched out on the bed with all the languid grace of a cat and waited.

Sam unlocked the door and opened it, turning for a moment to turn out the light. The steam from the shower lingered in the air, wafting slowly into the open space of the bedroom. He set his things down, peeling his towel off his waist and dropping it to the floor. He slipped into his boxers and then drug his jeans up his long legs and secured them tightly at his waist with his sturdy leather belt. Dean contentedly watched the delicious little reverse strip tease his brother was unknowingly performing for him. When his brother turned to grab his t-shirt, Dean saw his opportunity….He slid off the bed and stalked toward his distracted little brother with all the grace and stealth of a prowling tiger. Sam was busy dragging his t-shirt over his head, so he failed to notice his brother's presence. When he went to turn around, he found Dean right smack dab in front of him. He jumped, his heart pounding in his chest…

"Dammit Dean!! Scared the shit out of me!!!! Friggin' sneaking up on me like a goddamn ninja or something…" Sam sad, his voice slightly hoarse from the sudden shock…

Dean chuckled, dragging Sam close and patting him briskly on the back. "Sorry, dude. Couldn't resist…besides…wanted to have you close you eyes…" he said with a grin still plastered on his face and his eyes dancing merrily.

Sam raised his brow. "Seriously, Dean?" he said with the slightest bit of incredulousness coming out in his tone.

"Come Sammy…how am I supposed to surprise you if you can see? Please? Come on Sammy…just humor me. I promise you'll like it." Dean said, his voicing taking on the tiniest hint of a combination of a pout and a beg.

Sam sighed in slight exasperation…"Alright…" he said, snapping his eyes shut. Dean slipped his palm over his brother's eyes and lightly gripped his brother's hand as he led him toward the kitchenette and the small table by the door. He stilled Sam and gave the table a quick once over one more time to assure everything was in place. Satisfied, he gripped his brother's hand lightly between his and prepared to take his hand away from his eyes. "Ok, on the count of three…one…two…three…open your eyes, Sammy!" he said excitedly as he slid his hand away.

Sam's eyes flickered open and gazed in wonder at the feast before him. His eyes lit up as he saw Dean had pulled out all the stops to get his favorites. Orange juice, ice cold, sang brightly in the glasses. Fluffy pancakes were stacked on the plates. Scrambled eggs and crisp bacon crowded in for space on the plate around the pancakes. A bowl of fresh strawberries greeted his appraising gaze as well. He smiled deeply, his hazel eyes creasing happily as he turned to look at his brother. He tugged his brother toward him and kissed him deeply, crushing him close. As he released his brother's lips, he pulled back to gaze into his eyes. "You got my favorites! I can't believe you went to all this trouble for me!" he exhaled in a contented sigh…

Dean grinned happily as he led his little brother to his seat, retracting the chair from the table like a perfect gentleman, letting Sam settle into the seat as he nudged him back in place. He swung himself into place at the table, kitty-corner to his brother. He lifted the steaming hot syrup and offered it to his brother. Sam positively beamed as he took the small, warm carafe from his brother and set to pouring it liberally over the heaping stack of pancakes. He levered the fork and knife down through the pile and lifted a giant bite to his lips, opening wide and practically ravaging the fork as he clamped down on the bite and pulled it onto his waiting tongue. He hummed a pleasured moan and closed his eyes, savoring the tastes of the pancakes and the maple syrup that burst across his palate and tongue.

Dean grinned mightily as he watched his little brother devouring his meal. He chuckled softly as he coated his own stack with the syrup and dug in, a happy and contented look etched into his face. Dean paused in his quest to finish the heaping stack to lift a juicy, deep red berry from the dish in the center of the table. He reached out, brushing his fingertips over Sam cheek to cup his firm jaw. Sam turned his languid gaze toward his brother. Dean lifted the berry toward his brother. Sam smiled and swallowed his bite, leaning forward to capture the ripe fruit in his lips. The sweet, tangy juice burst forth over his taste buds as he bit down into the pulpy flesh. He moaned and sunk down a little bit in his chair as the delicious flavors swirled on his tongue. "Dean…so good…" he said as he reached to grab a berry from the dish. "Here, you taste…" he said as he offered the plump fruit to his brother, pressing it teasingly to his lips, before his brother parted them and took the berry inside. He retracted his fingers, licking the juice and the slightest touch of Dean's lips from his fingertips.

"God that was sweet….friggin' awesome!" he said licking the lingering juice from his lips. "Hey Sammy….maybe we should save these for later…." Dean said, grinning wickedly.

Sam smirked at his brother. "Hmmmmm….I think I like the sound of that, big brother…." His eyes lit up with mischief as he thought of all the naughty fun they could have.

As they polished off their breakfast, Sam sat back, patting his belly fondly as he pondered on the day's events thus far. He sighed and made to stand up and help clean up. Dean gripped his shoulder gently and pushed him back into his chair. "I got this, little brother. You just sit back and finish your oj." He said as he began to clear of the table.

"Are you sure Dean? I mean, you did so much for me, the least I can do is help clear the table and get ready for the hunt and everything…." Sam said as he peered up at his brother.

"Sammy, I got this. I want to do it, so let me do it, ok? Today, it's all about you. I just want you to sit back and enjoy yourself. We aren't hunting today, anyway. We're taking a day off for once. God knows we need the break. So just sit back and relax. Can you do that for me?" Dean said, laying a hand on Sam's cheek.

"'kay…whatever you want, Dean. This is your show. So. If we're not going to hunt, what are we going to do with ourselves today?" Sam's voice was peaked with curiosity.

Dean busied himself with the odds and ends of cleaning up and then sank back down in his chair, opposite Sam. "Well…I thought we might go to a museum. After that, maybe we can go to a movie and then an early dinner. What do you think?" he asked brightly.

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother…?" Sam asked jovially as a grin broke wide over his lips.

"Ha ha, very funny Sammy boy….I just kinda saw an exhibit at the local museum when I was online doing research yesterday and I thought you might want to go. It's no big deal…we don't have to go if you don't want to…" he said quietly, his voice trailing off as he started busily staring at his hands while he dug at the dirt under his nails to hide his embarrassment.

Sam's brow creased slightly at the sight of his brother's fidgeting. He regretted teasing him now. He obviously really wanted to go…to a museum of all places…Sam was at a slight loss. Dean had never wanted to go to the museum before. He always balked when Sam would drag him to a museum or art gallery. It was possible that Dean had wanted to go but was playing the tough guy as usual, or that the exhibits that Sam had wanted to see weren't of interest to him…could be a combination of any or all of those things or none of them at all. He could also want to do something nice for his Sammy and had found something they could both enjoy. Sam smiled a sappy, lopsided grin. He was positive that this time, that was the case. Dean always put Sam first. He always wanted to give Sam whatever pleasure and happiness he could. Sam sighed happily, knowing he was the only one who got to see that side of Dean, and he loved him all the more for it because he knew how very hard it was for Dean to let his guard down and be vulnerable. He slid he chair out and schooched closer to Dean, gripping his brother's chair and turning it toward him. He caught Dean's fidgeting hands with one hand and crooked a long finger under Dean's chin, raising his face to look in his eyes.

"Dean, I would love to go to the museum with you. All the things you've done already and a movie and dinner? Really Dean, that's too much. You don't have to. Honestly. I loved all that you gave me this morning. The note and poem, the rose, the delicious breakfast….you've already blown me away. Why don't you let me take you out instead. You don't need to do anything else for me." Sam said quietly. He leaned in and kissed Dean's lips softly before pulling back to look upon Dean's face again.

Dean shook his head and lay his hand on Sam's cheek, letting his thumb stroke lightly over the hard ridge of his cheek bone. "No Sammy. My treat. I want to do this for you. I want you to have the best day I can give you. I want us to spend the day together and not worry about everything going around us for just one day. I need the break and so do you. Please? Just let me do this for you, okay?" he said, his low voice baring just the slight bit of a pleading tone.

Sam sighed. His brother was exasperating sometimes, but so sweet and kind. Sam could see it meant a lot to him. He smiled deeply at his brother, eyes twinkling merrily as he acquiesced to his brother. "All right. Whatever you want Dean. This is your show." he said as he squeezed his brother's hand in his. "Thank you. I love you Dean. I'm glad we get to spend some time together. It's been a while. Really, you didn't have to do all you've done for me…but I'm glad you did." he said and pulled Dean into a tight hug.

"Thank you Sammy. Yeah, it has been a long time…too long. Glad to spend time with you too." He breathed quietly into the soft cloth on his brother's shirt. He squeezed his little brother hard briefly and then pulled himself free of his encompassing arms. "Let's finish getting ready and get a move on. It's a nice day out there and I'd like to make the most of it." Dean said as he rose, pulling his brother up with him. He strode over to the bathroom and checked his reflection in the mirror for a moment. For all his damn crying this morning, he decided he didn't look too worse for wear…he tugged at his hair a bit, pulling the Blue Steel look out for a moment as he mugged into the mirror. Sam came in behind him to doubled check his reflection too. He laughed warmly at his brother's antics in the mirror, shaking his head. "Such a dork…." He said pointedly to his older brother.

"Am not….bitch." Dean teased.

"Are to, jerk." Sam teased back. They shared a grin.

Sam strode out of the bathroom and grabbed his canvas jacket from the chair-back. Dean followed him out and grabbed his leather jacket, tucking it over his shoulder and went to stand patiently at the door to wait for his brother. Once Sam had everything gathered, he ran through his mental checklist one more time then went to join his brother at the door.

"Ready?" Dean said.

"Yep" Sam replied.

"Well then…" Dean reached out opened the door, opening it and gesturing for Sam to go through…"let's go, Sasquatch" he said brightly.

Sam grinned and slipped through the narrow doorway, past his brother and head for the Dean's baby. Dean turned, pulling the door shut and latching it behind him before going to join his little brother as they set out for a much needed day off.