Author's Note- Ok, This is my first FF. I hope you enjoy it! Please, please, PLEASE review and let me know what you all think! I know the first chapter is really short but I wanted to get something up ASAP. I will try to update as frequently as I can. I already have 3 chapters typed and ready, so they will be up soon. Thanks!

*EDIT* Look, the first few chapters of this fic are short, vague, and rushed. I promise, the later writing is so much better, so if you can bear with me through the beginning, it will all be worth it. One day, I'll go through and re-edit, but I don't have that kind of time. Thank you.


Disclaimer- I do not own any of the original characters. They belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter 1 – Fade Away

"Jacob, can you at least look at me?"

How did things get this bad? How had I turned the one man I loved against me? Was I really the shitty person the pack often said I was?

This isn't fair. Not to Jake. He doesn't deserve this. I have to get away from him.

Way to go Leah. You big fucking idiot.

"Jake, please… Jake I swear-"

"You swear what? That you never hurt me? That you never meant to hurt me?" There was so much anger in Jake's voice. I couldn't help but flinch. "Goddamn it Leah! I'm not Sam; I'll never hurt you. No matter how much you deserve it."

Alpha werewolf say what? I was shocked. I think that hurt more than anything. "Fine, Jake. You'll get what you want. I'll leave you alone." I hated myself as I said the words. "I won't ever hurt you again." The tears that had been brimming betrayed my tough demeanor as they slipped down my eyelashes and streaked down my face. I couldn't take this. I turned around and walked away.

I need you to feel exactly like I do inside

But I feel so alone again.

I try to find a better life

Somewhere far away from here

But I need you to believe in me.

But I won't be afraid

Just because you don't need me

I will not be ashamed

Just because you don't believe in anything that I say

Now I turn and I walk away from you

I won't fade away

I won't fade away


I won't fade away. No, I won't fade away. The familiar lyrics played over in my head. They were so fitting right now. I sighed. I could always count on music to relay my feelings better than I could with words.

Now what, Le? I sighed again as I approached my house. Ever since Mom and Charlie got married, they lived in our house on the reservation and Charlie let me rent out his old house in Forks. I stayed there mostly because our little renegade pack still didn't get along with Sam's pack 100 percent of the time. So Seth and I moved here, Quil and Embry still lived at home, while Jake pretty much lived with the Cullens.

Ugh. The Cullens. Stupid leeches. It was their fault I was in this situation. If the blonde bimbo that was supposed to be my best friend didn't open her big fucking mouth… No, I couldn't blame Rose. I couldn't blame Alice either. No matter how much I wanted to. There was no way either of them saw this coming. Why did everything with Jake have to be so complicated?

I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom, Charlie's old room. I collapsed onto my bed. I guess I should explain what happened with Jacob, huh?