Disclaimer: I do not own Total Drama Island, and I am not making any money off of this story.

Little secret, I should be doing homework right now; college really keeps a guy busy. But I decided that I should do something for Valentines Day, and this is what hit me. What can I say, I love crack pairings. Bear in mind that I don't dislike canon pairings, I just prefer fanon. Enjoy.

Chapter One: When you really Love Someone

No one saw it coming.

Of course no one saw it coming! As far as everyone else knew, the two had never even spoken to each other.

It was a Valentines Day special; Chris thought it would be a nice way for the campers to exchange stories in between seasons two and three. How did he keep roping them back in every summer? None of them knew, and no ones lawyer was any help either.

So everyone was back at the resort that the losers had stayed at when they were kicked off the first time around. They had been the last to arrive, which ensured that everyone saw them as they entered the pool area.

True, they knew that he and Beth had separated on good terms, and that Courtney and Duncan's relationship had more or less imploded just after season two, after a big fight no one knew the details about.

So when the pair had arrived, hand in hand, everyone just sort of stared at the odd couple before Chris finally greeted them with a confused expression.

The couple soon split up to see their old friends, but not without a quick kiss goodbye that left everyone even more confused than they had been before.

Courtney walked over to Bridgette with a friendly wave; the surfer girl had been relaxing in the hot tub with her boyfriend. Though in this case, relaxing had meant making out. Geoff nudged his girlfriend lightly to get her to snap out of daze and return the wave.

Cody had walked up to Trent and Gwen, who had been relaxing on some lounge chairs. Cody went to give the musician a high five, but was left hanging. Gwen came to her senses before her boyfriend and gave Cody a short hug. After he relaxed and tried to be himself around Gwen, rather than flirt with her, the two had become close friends.

Of course, being close friends meant not keeping secrets, secrets like dating a certain CIT.

After breaking the hug, the Goth fixed Cody with a hard stare. Her way of asking, 'what was that all about?' And he would be lying if he said he hadn't seen this coming.

So with a sigh, he started to explain.

It had all started near the end of TDI, Leshawna had just been voted off just the other day, and was still trying to figure out how exactly that had happened.

Personally, Cody blamed the parrot.

Courtney had been moping around the hotel; Leshawna had quickly put an end to her little Harold hunting sport. So now the counselor in training was trying, and failing, to relax.

Cody had been relaxing in the shade with a cheeseburger and a cold root beer. Watching the girl across from him angrily flip through the magazine she was holding and shooting the occasional glare at a fellow nerd and friend of his.

Said nerd was walking around the pool, finishing the tour he had been giving his crush.

To most people, the angry mumbling and death glare would have been a sign to keep a good distance. But Cody wasn't most people; he was a guy who hated to see other people in any kind of negative state, especially if that person was a girl.

So finishing off the last of his lunch Cody tentatively approached the young woman, who had gone back to flipping through the magazine and trying to find something to distract herself with.

"What are you reading?"

Courtney turned her eyes from the magazine to the young man in front of her. Somewhat confused as to why he was talking to her in the first place.

"A magazine," was the clipped response. Expecting the boy to retreat at the hostile response, she was confused when he continued to stand in front of her.

"Cool, what's it called?"

Blinking at the question the CIT opened her mouth to respond, and then paused. Courtney flipped the pages to see the magazines cover, and gave an exasperated sound when she did.

Glamour Gals, no wonder I couldn't find anything good in here.

Tossing the magazine to the side with a huff, Courtney crossed her arms and pouted, hoping this display would be enough to send the boy on his way.

It wasn't. "Do you want to talk?" They say the third times the charm; in this case, the charm sent Courtney over the edge.

"Talk, talk about what, how that traitor Harold voted me off the show, how I should be there right now competing, how none of my teammates seem to even care, how my parents are going to blame me for this, is that what I should talk about you little freak?"

Courtney's voices had started at a whisper and grown into a scream by the end of her rant. Red faced and panting, the CIT glared at the young man in front of her, willing him to disappear with the rest of her problems.

Cody just stood there taking the verbal assault without flinching, even after the freak comment and with a sad smile answered her. "Yeah, do you want to talk about it?"

Fortunately, everyone else had evacuated the pool area when it became clear that the situation was turning ugly, and no one really wanted to see the violence that would surely follow.

So Courtney started yelling again, and kept doing so for a good fifteen minutes, before she started to get hoarse and finally broke down her angry yells devolving into quiet sobs.

Finally having run out of steam, the CIT was quietly crying, and she didn't resist when he quietly reached out and hugged her, softly telling her it would be all right while she cried into his shoulder. Having grown up with two sisters, he had some idea of how to deal with emotional girls.

After that, when Courtney needed to vent, she went and spoke to Cody. They even exchanged cell numbers and e-mail addresses so that she could vent when he couldn't talk to her directly.

And when her anger finally ran its course, they began to talk about other things. About school, friends, their families, not that anyone else knew, it was their little secret. And after TDI was over, they stayed in touch with the occasional e-mail and phone call.

"And that's how it all started." Cody finished with a shrug.

"And you didn't tell us this because…" Trent trailed off uncertainly.

"It was just talking; we didn't actually get together until two months ago."

Gwen and Trent exchanged looks but chose to let the situation drop for the moment and let themselves talk about other things.

Courtney and Bridgette had just finished catching up on what they had been doing since Total Drama Action last summer. So Bridgette finally asked the question that was bugging her.

"So you and Cody are dating, right?"

"That's right," Courtney replied with a smile.

"How did that happen?" Geoff finished his girlfriend's question.

Courtney sighed and decided to start at the point when she and Duncan had finally broken up.

"Well you see it all started about five months ago in the park."

"So that's it then, you're just going to walk away?" Courtney asked hysterically.

"See, this is exactly what I'm talking about! You're so intense all the time; I just can't take it anymore." Duncan replied, trying to keep his voice level.

He had seen this coming for a while, and he was pretty sure she had as well. They just weren't getting along like they use to, every little thing seemed to start a fight between the two of them. Duncan wanted to take things a little more easily and Courtney wanted him to be serious.

"That's because you are so damn frustrating," the now seventeen year old girl blurted out. "You make everything nice we try to do together into a joke!"

At this point Duncan was getting really frustrated, and Courtney somehow looked ready to cry and kill someone at the same time. He had been hoping Courtney would have quietly accepted this and let it go; needless to say, that plan hadn't really worked out.

"Look princess, we tried, we failed, it isn't working and if we keep trying it will just get worse," the punk rose from the bench they were sitting at and shrugged. "You know that as well as I do, maybe you'll have better luck with someone else."

So Duncan walked away, unlike the near breakups they had in the past they both knew that this was it. Maybe in another time, another place, they could have worked out, but here and now it just wasn't going to happen.

And Courtney did what many teenage girls do after breaking up with their boyfriend of several months, she went home and cried.

She didn't leave her room for the rest of that evening and the next day she just kind of sleepwalked through. She needed to talk to someone; her mother might have been a good choice, if she hadn't disliked Duncan so fiercely.

So Courtney called the only person she could think of to talk to. She told Cody everything that had happened in between tears while he tried his best to reassure her. She knew he and Beth had recently ended a short relationship of their own. Though on far better terms than she and Duncan had.

But the next day when she tried to call Cody again, the message wouldn't go through, and this continued for a few days much to Courtney's surprise. She began to wonder if she had said something wrong or if she had finally complained too much for him to put up with.

After the fifth day Courtney had reached a new emotional low. So she lied lethargically on the couch, flipping through the channels on the television, looking for something to catch her interest. She had finally found a movie when the front doorbell rang.

Courtney rose with a huff and muted the television, she reached the front door and opened it with a rather scathing remark on the tip of her tongue, until she saw who it was and the words died in her throat.

"Surprise," Cody exclaimed holding his arms up.

He was instantly knocked backwards by a sudden blur as Courtney greeted him with a tight hug, effectively knocking the air from his lungs.

"Cody, what are you doing here?" The CIT asked excitedly, her bad mood forgotten for the moment.

"My family moved in just a couple of blocks away."

"You did?" Courtney knew he was moving, he had mentioned it in passing. But he never told her he was moving here.

"Well you see, the house we were going to move into had water damage, so my family's been looking for a new place like crazy for the last two weeks because we had already sold our house, and this is what they found."

"And you didn't tell me because?"

"Well a few days ago when the movers first arrived, one of them broke my cell phone and that's where I had you're number stored so I couldn't call you."

Well that does explain why my calls didn't go through. Courtney thought to herself, finally releasing Cody from the hug and then a new question came to her.

"How do you know where I live?"

"I called Chris this morning and asked him, I knew you lived in this town so I wanted to surprise you."

"And why does Chris know where I live?" Courtney was starting to get a little creped out by the host.

Cody shrugged with an, I don't know sound. For the first time since his arrival Courtney, took a chance to really look at him. He had grown a few inches since TDI, and if his smile was any indication, he had finally been to the dentist's office.

"Anyway, how are you feeling Courtney? You sounded really upset a few days ago."

With that reminder of what had happened between her and her ex, Courtney sighed and started telling Cody what had happened.

"And that's how it started; we went to the same school and started hanging out together."

"And then you started dating?" Bridgette inquired, curiously.

Courtney shook her head in a negative response. "No that took…something else."

Geoff and Bridgette exchanged looks but decided that they had pushed her enough for one conversation, they would find out what 'something else' was later.

For the moment, they were just teenagers, friends, and couples. They could be competitors later, for now they would relax.

Right, there is the first chapter, and just in time for Valentines Day too. This will only be a few chapters most likely, it was meant to be a one-shot but I ran out of time and this seemed like a great day to start it. Well, I hope you enjoyed, I'm off to read other Valentine's Day stories.