Mary Merrill


In a hot summer in 1959; it was all a big joke and a long summer meant even longer school days. My name was and still is Mary Merrill. I wasn't the best person to hang around; my brother was the biggest jerk in town. He joked around with kids my age and bullied them until they felt sick. I never had any real friends, all of them hung out with me because I was Ace's little sister and always will be. My brother wasn't the nicest brother either, he bullied me even at home and called me all these nasty names.

I had his red hair of course because of my dad's Irish background, but I had my mom's blue eyes from her Polish background. I was pretty much mixed together into a pot of backgrounds. According to my dad I hung around the wrong crowd; I hung out with a bunch of guys. My best friend was named Gordie Lachance; her was a smart boy. His brother loved him with all his heart, but earlier that summer his brother, Dennis, died in a jeep accident.

Another boy was Teddy Duchamp. He was the craiest guy I have ever met, he had a looney father was named that for his life. He was the funniest guy alive though, he had a crazy imagination. He had thick frame glasses and reddish hair. He had a mole or some sort of bump on the side of his nose, I always called him "the witch" after that.

The chubbiest boy was Vern Tessio. He loved Pez; that's all I really knew about him. His mother and father cared about him and they lived up on a hill inside the whitest house I ever seen. He had short brown hair and the same, boring brown eyes. Not that I'm complaining, but he was pretty sweet for a cootie boy.

The last boy, and the cutest, was Chris Chambers. He was the "big" bad boy of the group. He stood up for everyone, especially for Gordie. Everyone in the group messed around about their mom's, yet they didn't say anything big about mine. Chris had short blond brownish hair, or dirty blond if you prefer. I had the biggest crush on him and only Gordie knew. That's why he was my best friend; he was an excellent secret keeper.

This summer would change the way my brother messed with any of my friends or me, and it would change all of our relationships for the rest of our lives. 1959 was the biggest year of my life and still is.

(Author's Note:

HAHA, I LOVE this show, what do you think? I like it.

