Well this is our first post of our first Fan-Fic. Let us know what you think.

Oh and of course all the Characters currently present belong to Stephenie Meyer, not to us.

Bella POV

New school, New town, New country even. Over the summer we moved from the comfort of our pretty little town in Michigan to here. England. I didn't mind it really, I liked being here it was just that two people in this house were very difficult to live with. Carlisle, who loved being back in his home country keeps comparing it to when he lived here last, which I might add was a few hundred years ago. The other is Emmett, who in preparation for the move out here re-read all the Harry Potter books and was now engrossed in his own Potter mania, just thirty years to late. On our hunting trip last night he swears he saw Voldemort. He managed to drag Rose along with him through the woods in search of wounded unicorns, centaurs and Acromantulas. Needless to say Rose is not to happy with him today.

"How can they sleep thorough that?" I asked Edward, while we were getting ready for the first day of school… again. "Its been going off for over an hour. That's it I am going to go wake their lazy asses up, we are going to be late."

I walk down to the hallway and stopped in front of Nessie's and Jacob's room. The wolf snores something fierce almost drowning out the damned alarm clock. Alice who was also standing outside was surely fit to be tied. She was dying to dress Nessie up for her first day and was so excited she could hardly contain it, poor Jasper has had to deal with her for the past few days. I laughed at the expression on my sisters face, she was trying to read Nessies future but kept getting blocked by Jacob. I banged on the door

"Nessie! Jake! Wake up, or I am sending in Alice, who will make you both her own personal Barbie dolls, it's the first day of school You really don't want to be late"

That seemed to do the trick, I started hearing the muffled movement out of bed and then the smashing of the poor alarm clock

"one hour before we have to leave, and we still have to go over all the rules one last time"

"God Bells, give us a break, we haven't adjusted to the time yet," Jacob mumbled

"I heard that!!!"

"Stupid Vampire hearing" Jacob grumbled while Nessie giggled.

I rolled my eyes and headed back to our room. I grabbed my uniform and put it on. I personally was grateful for Carlisle and Esme sending us to a school with a uniform. Alice, however, was not. She of course decided that we should attend the school with the loosest uniform dress code possible. So she still got to kind of sort of dress us and she did get to pick all our accessories, shoes, bags, and jackets. Forty Minutes later we were all seated in the Kitchen while Nessie and Jake ate breakfast.

"Okay kids, lets go over this one more time." Esme started "Emmett, Alice and Bella, what are your last names?"

"Cullen" the three of us said together.

"and your story is what"

"that we are Wizards and are on the run from Voldy- mort"


"Sorry mom, we are Dr Carlisle Cullens and his wife's- that's you Esme- adopted children, we are not wizards."



"I am Jacob Wolfe, and I was a child of one of Dr Cullens patients, she died, you guys took me in"

"Nessie, your turn."

" ugh, Edward and I are the Masen children, we are your sisters children who unfortunately died in a car accident a few years ago, so we came to live with you, and your family."

"Good, Jasper and Rosalie?"

"We are Jasper and Rosalie Whitlock. Foster kids. Twins." Jasper said in his military cadence while looking curiously at Rose. "Rose, you don't have to go through with this, I know how much you like your last name, I can be a Hale again, its really not that big of a deal."

"No Jasper, it is a big deal, this is a big step for me, but it needs to be done, I am ok, or I will be." she replied as Emmett rubbed her back.

"Okay well that is everyone, then. Everyone into the Suburban, Ill drive us to school for your first day, and Esme will pick you guys up." Carlisle added

That was the worst part about the whole thing, none of us were eighteen here, so none of us could drive. But we made it so that Jasper and Rosalie turn eighteen in a week and Emmett follows after a month later. So we didn't have to be ride dependent much longer.

Nine of us shuffled over to the least interesting car we owned, but the only one that could fit most of us. Esme kissed us all goodbye and waved from the front porch.

Edward POV

We arrived at the school a full twenty minutes later, Carlisle didn't like to speed to much. I can hear all the excitement and apprehension in the thoughts of my siblings and children. I had a feeling this was going to be a good place for us. Its amazing how twenty years has changed this family, I really have my Bella and our Nessie to thank. Jasper has gotten infinitely better at control, he is just as good as us… as long as we are all fed, Nessie pointed out to us when she was about one that maybe Jazz had a harder time controlling himself because he was also feeling us trying to control ourselves. I guess it takes someone new to point out the obvious. My Bella has gotten better at shielding other people, so good in fact that she shielded Jacob for a full week when he asked her to about ten years ago, just so he could surprise everyone when he asked Nessie to marry him, she can now easily lift her shield completely so that I can read her mind, which is great. Nessie has also learned how to rein in her power, she has learned to focus her story telling so that if she touches someone she doesn't automatically send them images. Alice can see Nessie completely now, unless it involves Jacob, who is no longer absent but extremely blurry. Rosalie is learning to let go of the past and enjoy what she has in the present, she is much more pleasant to be around, and her and Bella get along really well, which still startles me sometimes.

Edward! We are really going to like this place, we are all going to have classes together and second semester is going to be a blast. Alice silently said

I tilted my head to the side, ever so slightly, but enough for Alice to see, and apparently Bella.

What does Alice see Edward? I smiled at my wife letting her know it was nothing bad.

Ohh goody they have a fashion class, and we don't need to take a PE class here, Carlisle added it to our transcript that we took it in our last school. Ohh and we get off campus lunch second semester, no more pretending to eat… oh and we get free period, too. Its listed as a study hall and we can leave campus and, wait, yes, we all get it together. Awesome!!!

That's when I had to start tuning her out, she was just rambling now. Plus we were pulling into the school now and I had to focus on other peoples thoughts. Carlisle pulled up to the front office and we all unloaded from the car. When all nine of us walked in the whole roomed stopped, they all just stared at us.

I think they might all be dazzled by the group of us

I squeezed my wife's hand in confirmation

"Hello I am Carlisle Cullen and these are my children, we called last week to get them registered we just need to pick up schedules and lockers and all the rest please."

"Oh yes of course, Dr Cullen. I have all their paper work right here, uhh lets go sit in the faculty room, that has a table large enough." said the Headmistress.

After we were all seated the Headmistres started her little speech,

"Welcome Cullen family, to Chesterfield Academy. I am I am the headmistress here, if you need anything you should feel free to come to me. Okay well I have some paper work for you all to sign so if we can get started. Okay I will start with uhh, oh my apologies I didn't realize that everyone had different last names. How many children do they have? Okay well we will start with the Cullen children, Alice, Bella and Emmett, am I correct? wow how is Emmett a senior he is huge, huh, must be an American thing. There is no way that they are Dr Cullen's biological children he is to young to have a senior in high school. Okay well if you can sign these for me please. Next I have Edward and Renesmee Masen. Right? wow he is gorgeous, but I saw him grabbing Bella's hand earlier, If they aren't together I may have to introduce him to my daughter.

"I prefer Nessie m'am is there anyway to make a note of that?

"Sure no problem. Does she not know that Nessie is the name for the loch ness monster? What does Edward think is so funny, that was weird. Okay the Whitlock kids, Jasper and Rosalie, here you two go. Twins I see. Rosalie is just going to make all the other girls here cry, well actually all four of these girls will make the rest jealous. Same with the guys, man this is a really attractive family, why do I get stuck with the ugly family? I mean my daughter is hideous compared to these kids. And finally I have Jacob Wolfe, alright that's everyone. Here are your class schedules and you first class begins in forty minutes. Here are some maps for you and here are your locker numbers"

As the family was walking out of the office we were all trying to read each other schedules. Alice and Nessie had just about every class together except for the AP Calc class she had with me, and the AP literature class she had with Bella. The only class she had to herself was HomeEc.

"Okay off to class everyone, Esme will pick you guys up at three today. Have fun, and don't get into trouble" Carlisle said while eyeing Emmett and Rosalie.