Regan POV

Our first few month's at Chesterfield has gone smashingly well. We haven't had any suspensions and only a few detentions. Nessie, Merritt, and myself are almost inseparable. Those two along with Alice had managed to drag me on more shopping trips than I ever thought possible, and had even on occasion convinced me to buy something that wasn't black or grey. I just haven't worn any of it. Our first semester would be over in just a few short weeks.

Nessie had invited us to grab dinner out with her and Jacob and then to her house to study with her and Alice tonight. We had met the whole Cullen clan a few times and got along well enough with them. Esme and Carlisle were unbelievably nice and kind to us. Jasper and Edward always seemed scared of us. Not that we have ever done anything to either of them. Bella was kind and quite but was always watching Nessie like a hawk, it seemed more motherly than not-sister-really-but-sister kind of sort of way. Rosalie was barely ever around and always seemed to be in pain when she was around us. Emmett well, he's a special one. He was always trying to trick us or trying to get us to trick other people. Which the three of us were more than happy to oblige him with. I guess the only time it was ever awkward was when Carlisle and Edward were in the same room as us. It seemed like they were confused. My bet was the copious amounts of giggles that escaped us. Especially when Merritt and I were trying to explain to Nessie things that we did as kids.

For dinner the four of us went out for sushi, which Jacob didn't like so we stopped and picked up a hamburger for him. When we had arrived back at the Cullen house, Jacob I swear seemed to run away from us as fast as he could, again my guess was the amount of laughing coming from us. We found Alice upstairs in her closet re-alphabetizing her shoes. Not sure how you can do that… and when I asked, her and Merritt just looked at me like I had two heads. Whatever.

We worked mostly on Biology and Literature that night. I am actually quite sure that none of us really needed to study but we liked to have the excuse to hang out and talk. The Cullen's all appeared to be exceptionally smart and since Mer and I never really had any friends we read a lot and studied even more. It was a Friday night so Nessie asked us to spend the night. Which I get the feeling Alice saw coming. She had sleep stuff and clean clothes for us tomorrow. Nessie and I went to make cookies for the four of us. While Mer and Alice worked on color coordinated the pink section of Alice's closet. Carlisle had just gotten home from work and was sitting in the kitchen talking to Esme and Edward when we walked in. Nessie hugged Carlisle and touched Edwards arm. I have noticed her doing this before and never thought anything of it, I still don't, but now I was thinking of peoples weird idiosyncrasies. Touching people was just Nessie's thing, like Merritt and her hair flipping and me and my throat clearing. Uncle Brenner says that I have always noticed things like that, just like my father did. Anyways. Halfway through making our cookie batter Merritt joined us. I am pretty sure that she showed up just to keep me from licking the batter off the mixer blades. She always claimed that the eggs were going to kill me. I think she thought that just because of how much she hates eggs.

Its really weird, when Merritt waked into the room Edward tensed a little, which made Carlisle tense by association. I fleetingly wondered what it was about but didn't give it any thought. I focused more on the memory of KinderEggs that I was craving.

Edward POV

Merritt and Regan, separately they were charming, together however, they were indescribable. With them being such good friends of Nessie's I saw them quite a bit. Nessie and Jacob had lunch with them everyday and many a nights they spent in the Cullen household. They were smart, surprisingly so, they were well read, well mannered, and barely ever suspicious of the families living. If there ever was something that didn't strike them as right it was normally a quick thought in passing. There was still something about them though, I just can not for the life of me put my finger on. I have explained to Carlisle that the thoughts in their heads change completely and entirely when they are together. Not like twins, which we found out later their mothers were, but different. One moment they can be thinking normal human thoughts and then when they are together their minds go absolutely bonkers. But bonkers in the same manner. They think the same things, even when the thoughts are seemingly random, sometimes I can see the trigger to a certain thought process, most of the times I can not.

The girls were spending the night on Friday, Alice called it earlier in the week. We have had the girls over to spend the night on more than one occasion, and Nessie had spent many a nights over at their house as well. Along with Nessie's room being totally sound proofed and the fact that the girls themselves were deep almost drug induced sleepers we never really had to worry about the noise we made in the rest of the house. I was in the kitchen after school discussing with Carlisle the girls when Regan and Nessie came down stairs to make cookies. Regan when by herself was very observant and as she has done before noticed when Nessie imaged me what the four of them were up to. Regan has noticed this before, along with some of our other special talents. She regarded them as personal quirks and left it at that. Regan was just finishing up mixing the batter when Merritt walked in, instantly I could feel the change in thoughts.

Ah ha, I knew she would show up now, right when I was about to lick the batter off. Her and her stupid hatred of eggs. except KinderEggs, she loves those, man I want some, I wonder if Jeeves will place an order for some, and why have I been singing the song to peter and the wolf? Have I seen it recently? I don't think so, It started during dinner. Hmm that's weird. I wonder whatever happened to that duck that we used to have. I hope we didn't eat it, like that time I caught a catfish and named it Uno, when I woke up from a nap I discovered that my Aunt had fried it up along with the rest of the caught fish. Man that was a bad summer, that was one of the summers Mer and I didn't get to spend with each other, we had to spend it with our Dad's families. Whose idea was that to separate us? That was just a bad idea. Oh crap did I turn the oven on?

I'll catch Regan in the act, I will bet KinderEggs that she is eating batter. I swear she doesn't even care about the cookies she just loves batter, that is soooo disgusting. Just as I thought, I can see her eyeing it. Real good cousin, I am sure your cookies will go far if the oven isn't on. Here you go. She needs so much help.

Carlise's POVWe had Regan and Merritt over for dinner a few weeks after they started at Chesterfield. We'd heard so much about them from Nessie and Emmett that we were more than just a little interested in meeting them. Bella and Nessie prepared a nice spread of traditional "American" foods, explaining to us that the girls loved anything having to do with the states. Dinner conversations were pleasant, the girls were very bright, well mannered, worldly, prone to giggle fits but all in all wonderful company. They had an interesting relationship, one I'd never witnessed before outside of identical twins. They finished each other's sentences and moved practically in sync with one and other. Not in the least bit graceful, but their movements always mirrored each other. Fascinating. Although as similar as they seem, they are also vastly different. While Regan discussed football stats with Emmett, Merritt and Alice spoke of all the upcoming spring fashion trends they were excited about. "You know, I think Edward might be on to something, there is something that is definitely a little off about those girls. They are sweet kids, yes, but something is strange about them." I said to my wife a few days after meeting Nessie's new friends, Merritt and Regan."Well of course there is something off about them, Carlisle," Esme retorted, "they've been raised by a harsh nanny, a bumbling butler and an absent uncle. Anybody that grows up in such a manner would be a 'little off.' I could tell Esme's maternal instincts were kicking in. She had hovered over the girls most of the evening they were over, trying to make sure they were as comfortable as has discussed his observations with me several times over the course of the past few weeks. I disregarded them at first, not wanting to believe that two orphaned girls were anything but normal. Maybe they were eccentric, but did that really mean they were supernatural? I had my doubts, but after meeting them, I don't know, they're definitely more than eccentric."Ed, are you busy?" I finally said, knowing full well he was already on his way up the stairs to discuss this with me."On my way Carlisle." he chuckled."Alright, the girls are 'different." I finally conceded, "but maybe that's to do with the way they were raised. They didn't exactly have the most normal childhoods." "I get it, they had an abnormal upbringing, but that doesn't explain their thought patterns, their ability to think the same thing at the same time knowing full well the other is thinking the same thing." he hesitated, "Haven't you noticed?" "Noticed what Edward? I can't read their minds.""Not that, haven't you noticed the way they smell? I can't place my finger on it... while its not repulsive like the smell of a werewolf, it smells completely unappetizing. As in, even Jasper, who yes, is controlling his thirst much better, isn't at all tempted by them. At all.""I..." I hadn't noticed their smell, could it be from ignoring my thirst for hundreds of years? Or.... "No, Carlise, its not because you've trained yourself not to desire human blood, its because it doesn't smell like normal human blood. It's like asking a human to smell two cups of liquid, one is water, the other is lemonade. Which is bound to appeal to more people? The lemonade. Well these girls are water."I laughed, "Thats a terrible analogy, Ed, but I understand what you are saying." "Just look into it will you?" Edward sighed. "Maybe we can find something out about their ancestors, see if there's anything suspicious there. Maybe they live under power lines? Swim in lake full of hazardous waste?" "Sure Edward," I relented. "I'll see what I can dig up."And thats what I've been doing for the past several days. Going through old microfilms of the local newspaper, doing vast internet searches, asking locals about the family as discretely as I could.

While I discovered a few things of note nothing really stuck out at me. I read about their mothers death's. And their Grandmothers Skydiving accident that led to her death. It seems that all the women died young, and that the women in the family were all considered eccentric or trouble makers.