A/N: well....grand finale......^_^ we'll see huh?


I wasn't sick. Technically I wasn't sick. I didn't have a fever, I wasn't real sniffly, and I wasn't coughing. I was really only drowsy, and that really didn't affect me too much. I'd run into a few things though, which garnered Hiko's attention; only to laugh at me of course, but caught his attention nonetheless.

I wasn't willing to admit, with the little pride that I had in myself, that I wasn't well enough to coordinate in anything that took more brain power than a video game, which happened to be what I was doing when Kaoru called me one afternoon in the beginning of August. I sunk into the bean bag chair as I listened to her talk to me about a book that she had just read. If there was one thing we had in common, it was the love of literature. I wasn't really thinking about that since I was button mashing my way through the video game.

"So, will you come over?"

I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I glanced sideways to Hiko and sniffed up snot dribbling on my upper lip. "Yeah. In a few minutes."

"Mom and Dad aren't home," she said for no apparent reason.

"Oh. Okay," I hung my head and shut off the game. "See you in a minute."

As I went to the door I heard: "Dishes!"


"Don't do anything stupid!" he warned, as if he knew something was going to happen. I raised a brow and shook my head.

"I'll be back soon."

I closed the door quickly, hoping that he wouldn't belt something else out before I could. Just in case, I dashed to Kaoru's door and knocked as hard as I could, looking over my shoulder as I did. I sniffed again as Kaoru opened the door and let me into the home.

There was something overcoming me as I looked at her. She was really down to earth today in her overalls and her hair braided and hanging over her shoulder. She smiled widely at me, and motion for me to come up to her room since we knew no one would mind of we shut the door for a little while.

That something that I felt just kept growing, and I didn't know if it was just my stomach churning horribly, or it was the way that I looked at her and began imagining things as I did. I closed my eyes tightly, seeing if that did anything for me, but alas all it proved was that I couldn't get Kaoru off my mind. She tapped me on the shoulder.

"Watcha thinkin' about?"


Kaoru snuggled up next to me after I sat down on her bed. "What are you thinking about?" She kissed my neck, and it sent shivers down my spine.


"Is it about me?"

"Yes," she put her arms around my neck.

"What are you thinking about me?" she asked.

"Should I answer that question?" I replied nervously. Her fingers were massaging just beneath my shirt. I knew what she was thinking, because honestly, I was thinking it too. Before we really knew it, she was on top of me and our clothes were slowly unlacing themselves, as though a ghost were around us helping us do it. It became apparent that Kaoru had this on her mind the entire time. She slipped something into my hand and forced me to look at it. I wasn't too surprised when I saw the rubber.

"You really want to?" I asked her genuinely. She straddled me tight and nodded her head fiercly. Who woulda thought that the both of us were horny at the same time?

One thing lead to another, and we found that we weren't very good at keeping things on the bed. Our feet worked separate from our bodies, dragging us out into the hallway just outside her bedroom. We were left with nothing to cover our backs but the passion that we as teenagers believed that we had. We weren't there just yet. It seemed like it was all foreplay for something much larger, but soon we realized that we wouldn't get where we planned to go.

My back skidded against the wall the entire time, and we didn't realize that there was a landing there. Our eyes were locked on each other, almost shielding each other from the outside world. Sweat began to roll on our skin, and our hair was getting tossled. I didn't realize it all until it happened.

My back went down the stairs with great force, and Kaoru rode me like a toboggan, screeching as she did. I didn't know what she was so scared about. It was only ten steps or so. When we hit the bottom, my head cracked against the kitchen's wooden floor. Things went black for about three seconds. Upon opening my eyes the scene didn't even seem the same. I could feel electricity shooting toward my ankle, and my back stung from the ride down the stairs.

"Dad!" I heard Kaoru screech. It didn't hit me too quickly, but when it did I realized what trouble we were in. We were both stark naked, our bodies pressed in an awkward position, and her father was watching. I moved my head to the side, my eyes slowly rolling with it. Everything was getting a little fuzzy from then on, and all that I recall might be a complete and total lie, but as far as I was sure it went something like this:

"What the hell is this Kaoru?"

"I...I," Kaoru looked down me, shaking me as she slid off. She didn't seem to care that she was completely exposing her front side to her father. "Kenshin? Kenshin are you okay?"

"I'm funny," I said, trying to tell her: 'I feel funny'. My eyes closed and opened again, trying to focus on the angular ceiling tiles. It wasn't working too well since they seemed to be moving a little. I recall thinking that this must be what Sano feels when he gets plastered.

"Kenshin?" she shook me some more. I tried to get up, but everything spun around. It didn't help that I was hazy from being almost sick. My right ankle throbbed terribly at the slightest flinch.

"I don't feel good," I managed out, lying myself flat on the ground to be comfortable.

"Go get dressed," Koshijiro ordered. "And bring his clothes too."


"Kaoru, march!"

"Yes Dad."

She stormed up the stairs as Koshijiro leaned over me. He had a face of malcontent as he looked at me, but it twinged with concern. "What's wrong boy?"

"I don't..."I moaned horribly. I went in and out after that. I may have been strong, but I had a low threshold for pain. One moment I was on the floor, the next I had my pants on and was leaning on someone who was waving their hand in my face.

"Kenshin, stay awake."

"I'm trying."

Koshijiro was on the phone with someone and Kaoru held me. I glanced down to my ankle, splinted with that morning's edition of the paper. I blinked again, and this time I was in someone's arms being carried bridal style. I recognized the chest immediately. Glancing upwards did I see Hiko's face chiseled into his traditional smirk.

"Awake yet?"


Hiko set me in the back of the car. "You're an idiot."


"An idiot who still has a boner."

My ears began sizzling.

Kaoru was grounded for a while, which didn't surprise me. After two weeks she was allowed out of the house and came over to visit me immediately. Mrs. Kamiya still hated me, and something told me she always would. To her I was that bad boy next door that she could never trust her little girl to. I think after a while Koshijiro lightened up. I think he had it in his head that his daughter was going to do it sometime and that better it be with someone that they were acquainted with then a total stranger that would jerk her off the next morning.

When she came over I was laid out on the couch, my leg outstretched in front of me. My ankle had twisted pretty badly, and they plastered me up to fix it. Now all I could see were my toes, and all they did was remind me that I was idiot. That, and Hiko frequently walking past me shaking his head and laughing under his breath.

When Kaoru came over, she doted on more for a little bit; running her fingers through my hair and treating me like I were paralyzed, or something of the sort.

"Mom gave me half hour," she said, pulling a sharpie from her pocket. "Can I doodle?" she asked, pointing to the cast. I nodded, curious as to what she was going to do.

At the end of her little session, she made the top of it look like sneaker instead of a cast. I wiggled my toes more. She took the toes and started to draw smiley faces on each of them, tickling me in the process. Our laughter was immense, and I started to believe that this was what our relationship was. Sure, we were a little cheesy, and yeah, we were probably way different from the rest of the couples in high school. I could tell the day that we went back and I was still gimping around the crutches, Kaoru faithfully at my side. We garnered some looks from people who had no doubt heard exaggerated stories that could be traced back to my one and only friend, Sanosuke Sagara. I found it fun.

But despite the stories that made their way back to me, only one thing was false:

I was still a virgin.

A/N: End...yays! I liked it, hope you did too. Well, till the next story, KenSan out!