Chapter 10: Epilogue

Pairings: GaaraXNeji, NarutoXSasuke

Note: This is the last chapter, and there won't be a sequel for those of you who wanted to know…

Previously on Witchwood

"Remember me Fish? It's been awhile."

Kakashi pushed the frightened man's knee off of the boy without him even seeming to notice.

"It's too bad your attempt to kill me failed. Always knew I'd come back to haunt you in the end."

"I didn't mean to shoot you I…"


The resounding crack of the bullet leaving the gun was music to his ears, he didn't even mind the slight amount of blood that sprayed his cheek as the man fell side ways with his eyes still open in fear and a hole in the side of his head.

The sight was gruesome to be sure, but the sudden lack of pain in the old bullet wound on Kakashi's chest, now that he knew that slimy back stabber to be dead, made it hard for the silver haired man to care.

His vengeance was finally over.


Many things had happened since the fall of the Captain. It had been months since then, which had given the town enough time to settle down again.

Things would be different from then on however.

When the Captain had been killed, the actual leaders of the Aniched fled to another city along with many of the other soldiers and towns people who couldn't stand seeing the gypsies take over.

Which is what they had done.

Kakashi had taken the place of the village leader and had changed a great many things. The rules about gypsies had been the first to go. He'd established laws and had housing built in the town as a sort of safe haven for the gypsies who had nowhere to call home. And soon after, they had had hundreds of gypsies pouring into the town, willing to do whatever it took to keep their new home from falling into different hands.

The village people had been upset at first, but over time, when things between the gypsies had become lively and full of celebration, they'd gotten over their anger and joined in the dancing and singing that had gone on in the streets.

Iruka had been placed in the spot of the village council as well.

He'd had his hands full once the people started getting along. Weddings and births between the towns people and the gypsies had doubled. Construction of new homes and reconstruction of old ones never seemed to end as the population grew.

The two of them were busy on a daily basis.

There were quieter places though.


Sasuke had had the old church on the top of the hill restored, as a present to Naruto. Both of whom had taken over keeping the place in good condition for the people who came to pray or worship.

There was such a diversity among the people that the blonde and the raven often had to research ten different religious sects at a time in order to be of use. Naruto had even started to preach when the villagers had asked for a weekly sermon every Sunday.

Sasuke remained by Naruto's side throughout all this as well, having resigned from the ranks of the soldiers. He had no more need to fight, and his only concern had been to take care of his blonde.

The two of them were hardly ever seen in town after that. They'd taken the priest's rooms built into the back of the church as there own and had been living there happily ever since. Gaara and Neji often went to see them, but considering how busy everyone was reestablishing the town, it'd be awhile longer before they were able to talk and relax together as friends usual would.


About a week after the church had been restored, a wedding for the brunette, redhead, raven, and blonde had been held.

Naruto had been fitted into a dark blue bodice with white laces stitching up the front and several blue shawls had been tied around his waist to form a short layered skirt over his white tights. As was gypsy tradition.

Sasuke had also been fitted into tighter black pants and boots to go along with his dark blue vest with matching white stitching.

Gaara had chosen not to follow his traditions though. Instead, he'd kept it a secret from Neji as to what he'd be wearing. His former dress had been burned in so many places, the only parts of it that could be reused were the front of the top until it reached his waist and the upper part of the sleeves.

When the redhead had showed up at the church however, new sleeves had been sewed on and a new skirt had been as well. Both of which, draped to the floor in waves. The back of the dress had been cut out completely leaving it bare.

Neji had been fitted into much the same outfit, but instead, his vest was white with black stitching.

Gaara had distinctly remembered how Sasuke had to hold the brunette up after he'd first seen Gaara. Naruto had gone on and on about how cute it was that Neji had almost fainted. Neji just glared at him, obviously not finding it humorous.

The wedding had gone off beautifully however, the ceremony being a mix of the two different cultures. From the vows and ring swapping, to hand tying and necklace bestowing.

Afterwards, there had been a huge party thrown for them in the center of town. Gaara couldn't remember ever being happier. Neither could Naruto, from the apparent smile on his face.


That had been months ago though.

Things had quieted down again. Gaara thought, as he sat beneath the tall tree now growing in the center of the square. The only one who hadn't been there through all of this, was their lady Tsunade.

He and Naruto in particular had found her absence hard to handle.

Even though she'd yelled at them constantly for getting in trouble and had taken great pleasure in embarrassing them as often as she could, Gaara still felt as if she'd been a sort of mother to them. Someone you went to when things got hard.

The day they'd been tied up and nearly killed however, had been the last day anyone had gotten to see her.

She was the one who'd saved them really.

If she hadn't secretly made her way over to Sasuke to set him free, he and Naruto included, would have already died. She had given up her own life to save them. The moment Sasuke had been free, Tsunade had been shot by Faus. That wasn't just something you could forgive.

When the smoke had cleared, she'd been found.

A ceremony had been held for her in mourning for the rest of the week after she'd been buried in the center of town.

Gaara and Naruto had been suffering from burns and suffocation at the time, but they'd still managed to see her burial. And they'd still sung in her honor. Sasuke and Neji had even been there for them through all of it.

A tree had started to grow over where she'd been buried, and faster than it should have too. Because of this, Everyone knew she was still watching over them and smiling and laughing with them when they celebrated.

Gaara couldn't possibly smile at the memories though, it was too soon.

"I knew you'd be here."

Gaara glanced up from where he'd been thinking, his gaze falling on his new husband.

"I'm always here."

"True, and I'm sure she's happy to have you."

Gaara shook his head, smiling slightly.

"I think she'd be scolding me for something actually."

"Well maybe, but it'd still be out of love."


Neji sat down Next to Gaara and held him as the redhead leaned his head against the taller boy's shoulder.

"I wonder what she has planned for us next."

Gaara thought aloud. He knew very well that their new lives were only just beginning, and he was certain Tsunade had a few more tricks up her sleeve, a few more adventures to throw at them.

"I wonder too."

Gaara smiled and pulled Neji up with him. It was getting late, and he wanted to get home so they could start making dinner.

On the way there, the two of them walked in silence, just enjoying being there. But as they made it to the house he and Neji now lived in, above the baker's, a little girl could be heard crying in the alley beside them.

"Are you alright?"

Neji asked, in his deep, caring voice.

The girl shook her head, but still managed to wipe the tears from her face. She was barely six or seven it seemed, and the little thing was thin and dirty. Like she'd been living there awhile on nothing but left over bread.

"What's wrong?"

Gaara asked, bending down beside Neji to get a better look at the girl.

"My mommy and daddy left me here."

She cried, clinging to Gaara as she did so.

This small motion brought the girl into the light of the setting sun, and when it did, both Gaara and Neji stared in surprise. The girl had hair as red as Gaara's, which was definitely rare among the brunette and raven towns people. And when she opened her eyes, they were the same shade as Neji's white ones, with just a hint of green, where his were lavender.

"What's your name?"

Neji asked, slightly suspicious.


The little girl sniffed. Neji and Gaara looked at each other knowingly, before helping the girl up the stairs to their small home. They both knew exactly what Tsunade now had planned for them, and honestly, neither of them was even the least bit surprised.

This is the last chapter of Witchwood... hope you liked it!

Keep in mind, this is just wrapping up odds and ends... so if it's a little confusing, that's because it's skipping through the things that happened with each person... like a summary of the last few months...

Thank you, to all of you for reading!

~Gaara's Himitsu