Chapter One


"Okay, Cosmo," Amy Rose said at the tennis court, "ready to play?"

"Um…I don't really think so," Cosmo said, staring at her racket like she'd never seen anything like it before. Since she was a space alien, she probably hadn't.

"It's easy," Amy said. 'Go stand over there. Okay? Here it comes!"

Amy hit the ball. Cosmo swung wildly. She missed the ball. Unfortunately, the ball didn't miss her.



"Okay, let's try that again!" Amy said. She hit the ball to Cosmo again.



"Hit the ball, Cosmo!" Amy yelled, delivering a third time.



"Not with your head! Amy yelled.

"Here, " Cream said, stepping onto the court. "I'll help you, Cosmo!"

But Amy had already hit the ball again. Cosmo swung, not knowing Cream was right behind her.


"Ow!" Cream yelled. The netting on Cosmo's racket broke, and Cream was suddenly wearing it as a necklace.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Cream!" Cosmo said. The ball, which had missed Cosmo for once, hit the fence and flew back, smacking Cosmo right in the back of the head.



Cosmo fell, grabbing onto something, anything, to break her fall. She managed to grab the broken racket, just as Cream was putting her hands through it to pull the racket off. The two girls fell on the ground. They now both had both arms through the racket, besides Cream's head.

"Ow!" both girls cried.

"Uh oh," Cosmo said, "I think we're stuck!"

They both pulled.

"Ow!" Cream cried.

"Ow!" Cosmo cried.

"Here," Tails said, "I'll get you both loose!"

Unfortunately, Tails was so worried about helping Cosmo, he didn't notice the ball until he stepped on it. He fell on the girls.

"Ow!" he cried. "I'm sorry!" Tails cried. He started to stand up. "Hey! What…?" He now had one of his tails also jammed into the racket.

"Ow!" Cream yelled. "Tails!"

"I think my circulation's being cut off!" Cosmo cried.

"Here," Amy said, "I'll help you guys!" Amy grabbed the racket.

"Hey!" Tails cried, as Amy lifted him off the ground.

"Oh, hush," Amy said. She tried to reach her hand in to pry Tails free.

And that was how Amy got stuck.

"What the…? Sonic! Stop laughing and taking pictures, and get us out of this mess!"

"Just a minute, Amy," Sonic said, laughing. "Someday we'll all look back on this and laugh!"

"Maybe you will!" Amy screamed. "You're not stuck!"

"Ow! You're yelling in my ear!" Cream said.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Knuckles yelled, stomping over to them. He grabbed the racket and crushed it in his strong grip.

"Oh!" Cosmo cried. "Thank you so much, Knuckles! I couldn't feel my arms anymore!"

"Here, let me rub your hands," Tails said.

Sonic was still laughing.

"Think it's funny, huh?" Amy demanded. Suddenly, there was a pico-pico hammer in her hands.

"Now, now, Amy," Sonic said, "see it from my point of view!"

"I'll give you a point!" Amy yelled, rushing at him. "On the top of your head!!!"

He started to run. Amy was right behind him. Since he was in a fenced-in area, it was difficult to pick up any real speed.

"Jerk!" Amy yelled.


"Ow!" Sonic yelled.






"Ow! Cut it out, Amy!" Sonic yelled.


"Ow! I mean it!"



And that's why, if you invite Cosmo to a game of tennis, she'll politely but firmly say "No thanks!"