A/N: This popped into my head a while ago and I dumped what I was doing and wrote it. I really should get back to studying but its so boring. One-shot. Constructive criticism welcome. Flames not so much. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Life with Derek. Yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.

Last time I seen him, he looked sad and hurt, now he looks happy and on top of the world. I looked at him smiling at his fiancée. I could see he loved her just by the way he looks at her. He used to look at me the same way until I ended it five years ago.


"Derek," I said, walking into his room and sitting down on his bed, "we need to talk."

He sat down next to me but I moved farther away, "Case, what's wrong," he said warily, I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Derek, I can't do this anymore, I just… cant. It's wrong, were practically related. I can't lie to everyone anymore," I said, I told myself I wasn't going to cry. I did love him but I couldn't stand living a lie anymore.

"Case, please don't do this. We can work this out, just please don't do this," he pleaded. For the first time I saw tears in his eyes. "Please."

I got up and left the room I couldn't stand to see him like that. When I reached his door I turned around and whispered the last thing I would say to him in five years, "sorry."

End Flashback.

I moved in with my dad in New York after that. I told my mom that I just wanted a change of scenery, but I couldn't come back, I couldn't see him again. It hurt too much.

My dad was happy that I had come to live with him. He was often working so we didn't spend that much time together. I was glad of that though, I didn't want to talk, when he asked me if Derek was the reason I moved I denied it and excused myself from dinner. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I went to college in New York, made excuses not to come home. At Christmas I told my mom that I wanted to spend it with my dad for a change. He was working. I made excuses every holiday since I left.

I was in three relationships since Derek. All three of them were bad, one cheated, one dumped me and one was as fun as watching paint dry, not even colourful paint, boring dull gray paint. I wasn't all that fun either. I could never forget the look on his face when I walked away. My dad was never there to notice that I was depressed.

I became an intern at my dads law firm and focused my life on work, no dating, and no going out just work. I gave up on dancing it didn't make me happy like before. Every-time I danced it reminded me of him, the time we won the competition.

I felt empty, every morning I would wake up dreading the coming day. I became anti social; I never started a conversation and rarely carried one through.

My mom begged me to come and visit, so here I am, on the verge of tears because I gave up the best thing that's ever happened to me.

He's happier now than I've ever seen him. He loves her like I never broke his heart.

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So tell me what you think and virtual high fives to anyone who can tell me what song the last line is from "…She loves him, like I never broke her heart…"
