A/N: This fic is completely AU. This is only the prologue, the other chapters are longer.

Disclaimer: I own the plot and the modified Tower of Guidance. And that's it.

2009, Continent of Tellius

War is breaking out in Tellius. The King of Daien, Ashnard, is rumoured to be creating a nuclear bomb strong enough to destroy the continent. All around, people are sending their children to the only safe school around; Guidance Tower Academy, in the Capital of Begnion, Sienne.

In Crimea, the peaceful neighbour of Daien, the king sends his daughter, Elincia, to the school, as well as her best friend, Lucia, his most trusted friend, Bastian, and the royal knights, led by Geoffrey. In Daien, Ashnard sends his newly found son, Pelleas. In Goldoa, the most reserved country on the continent, the dragon princes, Kurth and Rajaion are going, as well as Rajaion's fiancé Ena and the king, Dheginsea. The young kings of Pheonicis and Kilvas, Tibarn and Naesala, are also being sent there and accompanied by their guardian, Nealuchi.

However, there's already a large group of teenagers who attend this school. When they all meet, the chaos will be unparalleled…