"How do I get my self in this kind of things?" I was standing in front of the mirror in my room looking at a nasty bruise forming around my eye. "Oh yeah, I lost a bet."

Shaking my head I took up some make-up that my brothers gave me to help me become more of a girl. "I really shouldn´t bet so much. I have the worst of luck."

I had betted against my friend Ino that Naruto could eat more than Choji. "I´ll never bet against him again in an eating competition." I vowed. I had to pretend to be Inos boyfriend all winter-brake, four freaking days, to make Sasuke jealous and make a move on her, we all knew he liked her.

Unfortunately for me it had worked, the jealous part not the other part, he had told me to stay away from her and I didn´t listened so he fought me. Not that I couldn´t kick his ass, it would just look bad for him and the plan would have failed big time and I would have owned Ino a favor.

I looked at my self in the mirror and frowned, this was as good as it was going to get, I pulled on a shirt I had borrowed *cough-stolen-cough* from my brother like most of my other cloths sins I refused to shop some for my own, even if we were loaded I thought it was a waist of money when I could just use their old cloths. None of us in my family believed in the easy life, we believed that you had to earn your money, one way or another, that´s why we all had jobs even if we could live on the money our mother had left us.

Running down stairs I bumped in to my oldest brother and we rolled the rest of the way down, landing in a heap on the floor gaining stares from the two occupants in the kitchen.

"Sakura what happened to you?" My eldest brother asked from under me.

"I got in a fight." My middle eldest brother then asked. "Whit who?" I smiled sheepishly standing up.

"Whit Sasuke." My youngest elder brother raced a brow. "Itachis little brother?" I nodded and he stood up. "I'll call him and have a chat whit him." As he was about to leave the room I yelled. "It was a bet!" Stopping in his tracks he turned to look at me sighing. "You and your bets, you know, one day they´ll come bite you in the ass." I nodded and sat down grabbing a toast.

"What was this bet about?" My middle brother asked. "I had to pretend to be Inos boyfriend all winter-brake to get Sasuke jealous. It´s safe to say that it worked." I pointed at the black eye I had tried to cover up.

"You were the boy that was always coming and going?" My eldest brother asked. "Yeah, who did you think it was?" He scratched the back of his head smiling. "Ehhh… we thought you finally had a boyfriend."

I snorted at that. "Yeah right, you all said that when I get a boyfriend you would all personally guaranty that he knew what he was getting him in to and that if he hurts me then he would be found in seven different scrap yards." The all smiled at that and my youngest brother answered. "Yeah but we all thought that this guy had some balls to walk in here like he owned the place and he didn´t seem intimidated by that you had three older brothers." I nodded smiling. "If I ever get a boyfriend I'll be sure to tell him that."

I finished my toast and looked around. "So who´s driving me to school?" They chorused the answer. "Zetsu." I nodded as he stood up and headed to the door and in to the car.

Living whit your three older brothers is mostly beneficial, even if we´re only half siblings then we love each other, not like those families that don´t like each other because they don´t have the same mother or something.

The most beneficial thing from living whit only three guys was that I, unlike many of my girl friends, knew how to defend my self if it came to a fight. I had a killer right hook like Zetsu had found out when he "accidently" put my teddy bear in the washer. Sure I was beaten in a pulp the other day when fighting Sasuke but that was just acting, plush I had left my mark on him.

I and my brothers all share the same mother but have different fathers, she wasn´t much for settling in whit one guy. Probably the only thing we have in common, except for her, is our unique hair color and paleness.

My oldest brother Kisame has blue hair and matching eyes, my next oldest brother Zetsu has green hair and his eyes also match it, my third brother Sasori has pinkish red hair but no one would ever say he had pink hair unless they were family or had a death wish, last but not least was me Sakura, I have pink hair and emerald eyes.

"We´ll come home late tonight, so order a pizza or something." Zetsu said handing me a twenty.

"Meeting tonight or…?" I asked turning to him. "Something like that, don´t wait up like last time."

I hugged him briefly and jumped out of the car waving after him.

They were in one of the gangs on the streets, the Akatsuki gang, and they often needed to go take care of business whit the other seven that were in it. It wasn´t like those gangs that were all about getting in to trouble, no, they defended their part of the town from other gangs. I usually didn´t worry about them when they were out but last time they had been fighting another gang, Sound, and I had waited up for them hoping that they would stay a life.

Walking in the class room I got the same looks as I had gotten at home. "Sakura what happened?" Ino asked as I took my seat behind her next to Hinata my best friend.

"Well to make a long story short, your future boyfriend threatened me and I ignored it so he fought me." Ino gasped and Hinata looked confused, Tenten who was sitting next to Ino was ready to do a guitar solo whit the song she was listening to.

"You didn´t beat him up, did you?" Ino asked worried knowing what I was capable of. "Of course not, that would have ruined everything." I then turned to Hinata and explained the situation to her.

Just when I finished our teacher walked in. "Good morning class. Haruno, what on earth happened to you face?"

I smiled at him remembering the time they had thought I was being abused at home and sent the cops on us. The looks on their faces when they opened the door to the backyard and saw me and Sasori in a fight, that my other brothers were betting on by the way, was hilarious to say the least.

"I got in to a fight." He shook his head and watched as Sasuke came in to the classroom whit a big bruise on his left cheek. "And what happened to you?" The teacher Asuma asked crossing his hands.

"I got in to a fight." He just said and made his way to his seat. Asuma looked between us and raced a brow. "You didn´t happen to fight each other, did you?" Sasuke looked at my face and a surprised looked came on his.

"No, we weren´t fighting each other." I said leaning back in my chair. Asuma nodded and the English class begun.

At lunch I sat whit my male best friend Naruto, but before I sat down I hit him over the head. "Ow, why did you do that?" He asked me holding his head. "You made me loose a bet." I said sitting down on his right for the one on the left was taken.

"How was I supposed to know that he could eat more than me, no one ells can do that, and I didn´t know you were betting on me!" I glared at him. "Because of you I had to spend my entire winter-break doing things I didn´t want to do." He waved his hand at me. "Fine, fine I owe you one, ok? You happy now?" I smiled, that was exactly what I wanted.

"What happened to your face?" I looked around Naruto to stare at the guy sitting on his other side.

Sabaku no Gaara, Narutos best male friend, we didn´t talk to each other but it was ok. Some thought that it was weird that Naruto had two beast friends and they never talked to each other, but I was ok whit it and as far as I knew he was to.

"I got in to a fight yesterday." He nodded to me and continued eating.

The lunch break was over quickly and to my surprise Gaara and I had kept talking the entire time, I actually started to like talking to him, he was nice, in a weird way.

The rest of my day went by in a flash and before I knew I was back at my place brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed. I didn´t worry about were my brothers were for they often didn´t come home until after one.

I spit in the sink and walked to my room, when I had almost closed the door I heard a crash like someone broke a window in the house. Grabbing my ninchucks I made my way down the stairs. I didn´t know how to use them right sins I had only had them for a week but it was better than nothing.

Seeing a stone whit paper wrapped around it I picked it up and read the note.

"Your brothers are in deep trouble. Meet me down at the harbor at two tonight if you want them back alive."

The note wasn´t signed but I had inkling about who it was. I had heard them talk about Sound and the uproar that they were making after the fight all those weeks ago and I believed that they had captured them. But why contact me, what did I have to do whit any of this? I didn´t even know the rest of the Akatsuki except for Deidara and she wasn´t the main target in the team.

I shook my head to clear it, thinking that this was probably the worst night of my life