Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or its characters...I just like to borrow them for my own amusement... :)

Thanks to anyone who has reviewed thus far - its provides me with great motivation!

Chapter 2

"I can't believe Tony volunteered to go with Ziva on her mission," McGee said to Abby not long after Tony and Ziva had left. Gibbs had sent McGee down to tell Abby what was going on, while he filled in Ducky and Palmer.

"I can," Abby replied simply, as she turned around from the computer she had been standing at. "He loves her."

"What?" McGee replied incredulously.

"Come on McGee, for being a trained investigator, you can't tell me that you don't see it," Abby said as she walked around the table and stood next to McGee.

"Remember last year when they were both gone? On those rare occasions, if either one of us got to talk to Tony on the phone, what was one of the first questions he asked?"

"If anyone had heard from Ziva."

"Exactly," Abby answered, a large grin on her face. "And remember how Tony acted when Ziva went back to Tel Aviv for a week?"

"Yeah, he acted moody and distracted for the entire week." McGee's expression turned thoughtful. "You know, they've always gone back and forth and flirted ever since Ziva first got here – but I never thought that it was anything more than that."

"See McGee, that's the beauty of it. It began that way – but now, as time has gone on, that initial attraction they both felt has had time to develop into something more. "

"So why haven't they done anything about it?"

"You're kidding me, right?" Abby said, laughing. "There are a hundred reasons why, not to mention that there's rule #12 they'd have to worry about. Neither would admit it, but I think that the real reason is that neither one wants to take the chance only to find out that the feelings aren't reciprocated."

"Yeah, I guess I could see that. I don't think either one has had much experience with long term relationships."

"I think that this trip is exactly what they need," she scrunched up her face, rethinking what she just had said. "Well, without the whole dangerous mission part, I mean." McGee nodded and the two feel into a comfortable silence.

Tony wasn't surprised when he heard his front door open and close. Even though she hadn't said anything, Tony knew that his partner would eventually show up at his place – he just wasn't sure as to when.

As she moved through his place, she found herself noticing the small changes that had been made since the last time she was here. She made her way back to where she knew his bedroom was, surprised that Tony still had yet to call out to her.

"Hey," was all he said to her as she entered his bedroom. He was standing alongside of his bed, going through a pile of clothing.

"Hey," she replied. She carefully sat on the edge of his bed. "I forgot to tell you to pack two bags – one that will go with us to Gaza and one that you will use before and after the mission. That way you will be able to have your own clothes to change into once we are back at the embassy in Tele Aviv."

Tony nodded. "Good to know. By the way, I meant to ask you before – why Honolulu? Isn't that a roundabout way to get to where we are going?"

"Chances are it has something to do with the cover my father is putting together for me. He knows I loved the Hawaiian Islands when I went there several years ago and he knew that I had always hoped to go there again one day."

"So your cover is that you're going on vacation?" he asked, looking up from where he stood. The stack of clothing he had been sorting through was in danger of tipping over and falling off the bed.

"Probably, but now that you are going with me, I am not sure as to how that will change. Once we get to the embassy here in D.C., they will fill us in to whatever details have been arranged." Tony nodded. He walked over to where Ziva was sitting and stood in front of her. She stood up, looking at him intently, trying to read what his eyes were – and weren't – saying at the same time.

"Why do you think I volunteered for this mission Ziva?" Tony asked her quietly. He drew in a shaky breath and wondered if Ziva noticed that his breathing pattern always changed whenever he stood this close to her.

"Because you are my partner," she replied simply. "It is what partners do." Bravely, Tony reached up and brushed away a stray lock of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.

"I think we both know that there's more to it than that," he said quietly. He moved closer, his lips hovering next to her ear. "I can't lose you, Ziva," he whispered quietly. Without thinking, he pressed a light kiss to her cheek and then to her neck.

"Tony," Ziva said, her voice just above a whisper. She found herself bending her head slightly to the side, allowing him better access. After a few seconds he pulled away, searching her eyes for permission to kiss her. He could see that she wanted it just as badly as he did.

Their lips came crashing together, neither able to stop the undeniable pull they both felt. Their kisses were eager and frenzied, leaving them both wanting more. Ziva pulled Tony down with her onto the bed, causing the stack of clothing to tumble to the floor.

Ziva felt Tony's hand slip under her shirt and slowly make its way up to her breast. She gasp as his hand floated over the outside of her bra. She knew he was being cautious, not wanting to take things any further than what she was comfortable with. She arched her back and pushed herself into him. She could feel that he was just as aroused as she was. She moaned, causing Tony to deepen the kiss.

Just as Tony had begun to fidget with the back of her bra, they both heard his phone shaking violently on the dresser next to the bed.

"Ignore it," Tony muttered, barely tearing his lips away from hers. The phone continued to dance across the wooden surface, causing Ziva to pull away.

"It could be important," she reasoned. With a reluctant sigh, Tony moved up the bed and retrieved the phone.

"This better be really good, Probie," he answered, after a quick glance at the caller id.

"Ah…," McGee stuttered, taken back by the way Tony answered the phone. "Gibbs just asked me to call and remind you that you're going to need to take your passport with you."

"I'm not an idiot McGee, I've traveled to the Middle East before," he replied and without waiting for McGee's response, shut his phone.

"McGee did not know what he was interrupting Tony," Ziva said quietly. "You should not be mad at him."

"I know," Tony sighed and moved down the bed so that he was now seated next to her. Ziva glanced over at the clock that was next to Tony's bed.

"We do not have long before we have to leave. Do you want me to help you pack?" Tony leaned against her, a large grin on his face.

"I can think of a better way to spend that time," he said, raising his eyebrows suggestively. Ziva smiled as she stood up.

"I am sure that you can," she replied laughing. "But for now, it will have to wait."

"I've waited almost 4 years, why should I have to wait any longer," he muttered jokingly as he stood up as well. Ziva leaned up and kissed him quickly.

"Yes, but if that little encounter was any indication, it will be worth it, yes?" She turned to walk over towards the dresser, but was caught by Tony. He quickly pulled her closer to him, their bodies touching. He wrapped his arms around her midsection, hugging her body close to his own.

"You better believe it, my ninja," he replied. He kissed her one last time before he reluctantly pulled away, knowing that it would be best if he put some distance between them. He bent down and began picking up the clothes that had fallen earlier. He smiled at Ziva, hoping that she understood why he felt like he needed to put space between them. They needed to refocus on the mission they were about to embark on – but for the time being, it was the furthest thing on either one of their minds.

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