It's weird. I've never been in love yet I write about it. That is like totally against what I believe- I believe that people write better about what they have experience in, yet I write love fics pretty well (or so my viewers say). Anyway, here is another of my pathetic love stories with another awesome pairing: Lorcan and Grace!



Tonight was the Feast and Grace Tempest was spending it sitting in her cabin at her small desk. She absent-mindedly fingered a pen, turning it over and over in her hands, feeling the smooth surface between her fingertips. Although it was the middle of the night, she did not feel sleepy at all, rather exited and a little anxious. This wasn't her first feast- in fact she had gone through many, but she still managed to feel a mixture of excitement every time it came around.

The donor part of the Feast was over and now all that was left was the vampirate's. Grace, unlike the donors and vampirates-of which she was neither, had nothing to do but wait for morning which was when the Feast ended. She sighed. There was nothing in the small cabin that she hadn't seen before and nothing to keep her occupied for the next few hours.

"I'll tell you a tale of vampirates, a tale as old as true…" she sang to pass the time. "Yea, I'll sing you a song of an ancient ship, and it's mighty fearsome crew..." She smiled at the words. It was a shanty that her father had sung to her and her twin Connor when they were little. How she wished that she could tell him now that the words in fact were wrong and that the crew (or at least the captain and her friend Midshipman Lorcan) were not in fact fearsome! "Yea, I'll sing you a song of an ancient ship that sails the ocean blue that haunts the ocean blue- Thunk!" she paused and listened. What was that noise? She continued cautiously, aware of how shaky her voice sounded. "The vampirate ship has tattered sails that flap like wings in flight…"

"Thunk!" There it was again. She stopped and peered toward the door where the sound came from.

"Hello?" she called. She blinked and suddenly standing there in the doorway was Lorcan. "Oh! Lorcan! You scared me!" she stopped. There was something wrong. He just stood there, looking intently at her. And then it hit her. His eyes were not the beautiful ocean blue but a deep blood red, the eyes of a vampirate. She'd only seen those eyes once before, but that had been different, Lorcan would not look at her that way... "Lorc-" her words were cut off as suddenly she found herself staring straight up into his red eyes. "Wha-" His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Grace could see clearly his long fangs coming toward her neck as he bent his head down. She tried to struggle. "Lorcan! Please! Please stop!" she cried. Her breath came ragged and short as she realized what was about to happen. "No." She didn't understand. Where was his donor? What would happen to her after he drank?" Would she be different? "Lorcan." She closed her eyes tightly. She'd called him a friend and he had promised no harm would come to her… didn't this count as harm? She waited. What would it feel like? She felt the tips of his fangs touch her skin… and then they stopped. For a second they rested there, just barely touching her, and then they pulled away, no he pulled away, with such ferocity that she had no time to catch herself. She fell backwards and landed; her back against the wall. Lorcan stumbled away from her until he reached the door. Grace watched wide-eyed as his fangs retracted and his eyes cleared, red slowly turning to blue.

"Oh my god…" he whispered, shock in his eyes. "Grace…" And then he bolted from her cabin, leaving the door wide open, the cool sea air blowing through and cooling her hot skin.


Okay just to get this straight, this takes place during the first book. I apologize if things are wrong; it's just that I haven't read that book in so long that I'm beginning to forget those really tiny details!