Suicidal Note

Hey, I know that you might be griving when you find this, but I thought you should know the reason why I'm- well, I don't know eaxactly how I died since I wrote this today. I mean, I could have died in a week after I wrote this, or maybe even tomorrow, but the thing is, I'm most likely dead.

Alright, off topic, I know, but... it's hard, to explain my feelings over the ultimate subject of death. Well, it started out with a song I was listening to over at work, on a suicial case. The girl left a note saying 'Numb' by L.P. I got curious and played the song, at the time I was reading her note, it kinda matched what I was feeling for a while. Stupid huh, allowing some dead girl's suicide note making me feel like killing myself.

Well, after I finished listening to it, I felt like screaming or something destructive, but Grisson noticed something was wrong, I swear he did, because he gave me the rest of the night off.

Yeah, again stupid. Wehn I left I went to the strip for a few drinks to calm my nerves. Didn't work. I woke up, broke my arm I'm sure of it, but I was clinging to my gun, I swear I left it at work, I- I was scared, petrified...

So, after that I went to the gym, hoping to stop these thoughts bubbling inside me, if you noticed, I was becoming extremely tired on the job, among other things... sorry guys.

I can't remember listening to my music for the longest time. I noticed that exercising wasn't helping me, the thoughts of doing something stupid were growing, so I just allowed it to take its course. Yeah, lost it. Thats why I started wearing extremely long sleeves, but you probably noticed them on my corpse.

I wish I could have seen your face, it would be really nice right now.

I just noticed something, I'm on my third page. I mean, I'm planning on killing myself and here I am trying desperately to stay alive, begging anyone to look over my shoulder, to see this letter instead of waiting for my reports at the door.

I keep dragging this on. I started this stupid suicide letter to tell you why I'm laying on Doc's table with my chest cut open on examination.

The reason why is becasuse I'm gay. I hate the fact that every friggen time I leave work I see him, always smiling. Always asking me questions, saying stuff to make me smile. I HATE IT! He's straight, so I know he'll never love me back. He's what I want, so screw life if I can't have him. Screw work, screw you guys!


Yeah, just wanted to tell you guys why I'm no longer among the living.


Alright this is for all of you, this is my Gregory Sanders suicide note because he loves Nick and knows he can't do anything about. So he kills himself to get out of it. Also he doesn't want to make Nick freak out, it you want me to add more please ask! Cause I think I can add onto this.