Disclaimer: I own nothing sadly. -sigh-

Title: Height

Pairings: Ulquiorra/Ichigo, one-sided Renji/Ichigo

Characters: Ichigo and Ulquiorra, with mentions of others

Rating: T

Description: People more often than not formed opinions by looks alone.

Dedication: To all my reviewers! I love you guys! - This pretty much came to me in the wee hours of the morning as I was going to bed, much like 'Everything' did when I was in the shower. Is anyone else pissed off at the latest manga release of 353? -cusses so bad she makes Hidan from Naruto blush- I think we all knew it was comin' but...C'MON TITE KUBO! YOU RUINED SOMETHING AMAZING AS ICHIGO'S NEW FORM AND SCREWED UP THE BATTLE WITH ULQUIORRA!!! SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER DESERVED A WAAAYYY BETTER DEATH AND NOT REACHING OUT FOR ORIHIME! -fumes silently-

It was amusing how they baffled people, he knew it and his lover knew it, but they didn't care one way or another and they never would.

They had gone through the same exact thing with Ichigo's nakama- though there was more violence, bloodshed, destruction, cursing and anger, especially with that red-headed shinigami. Ulquiorra knew that he cared for Ichigo but his lover was blind to those who loved him on a romantic level even if he was acedemically smart. The shinigami's loss was his gain and the former espada was never letting Ichigo go. And he never indended too, not when he betrayed Aizen and abandoned his own kind did he ever concieve the thought of letting another touch the orange-haired vaizard. Ichigo was his and he made that clear on more than one occasion.

As time wore on, the couple noticed the odd looks thrown their way (the red-headed babboon only looked on with jealousy and confusion). People were comparing Ulquiorra to Ichigo and Ichigo to Ulquiorra and it almost made the former espada regret asking Urahara Kisuke to make him a gigai. Neither of the lovers blamed anyone for doing so (though it was getting old to Ichigo), they were complete opposites. Ichigo with his distinctive spikey orange locks to his own straight shiney black, his lovers warm golden-brown eyes to his chilling emerald green, tan against skin so white he could pass as an albino. And when any got a taste of their personalities...it was interesting to say the least.

But despite all these differences, it was their height that drew eyes to them.

It didn't bother Ulquiorra that his lover was taller than himself. It did irritate him however that people immediately assumed that because he was shorter that he was automatically the uke in their relationship. Even Ichigo's nakama- when they had gotten over the fact he was a former espada and arrancar beside- had been doubtful on whom was whom in their relationship, they too had the notion that because Ichigo was bigger, he was the seme. The results of that assumption wasn't pretty and the red-haired shinigami had to be healed by that woman, Inoue Orihime, after attacking Ulquiorra.

The assumption was made once again months later at a ...get-together as Ichigo called them with his nakama, even all this time later, Rukia still claimed it had slipped out. But instead of lashing out -Ichigo had a few rules and one of them sadly enough was not killing his friends...and others he deemed trash- he grabbed Ichigo and began to ravish him. The vaizard submitted immediately and completely much to the shock of their friends then to (some of) their horror, Ulquiorra and Ichigo forgot they were there and...were moving past just making out. Only due to Inoue's embarrassed squeek is when they broke apart and only for Ichigo to tell them to leave or else. Ichigo had to bodily remove Urahara.

After that...they didn't leave the room for hours and Ulquiorra spent his time on every inch of his mate.

A/N: Is anyone else disappointed with the recent chapters? If you are say AYE cause I sure as hell am. Kubo-sama is getting lazy with his chapters!

Saria19- Yes, if you've popped into Dracoqueen22's Seireitei Monogatari her drabbles aren't all in order either (I find it easier to do then just concentrating on one story- which I have a problem doing) and I will be doing the third "Everything" chapter soon. Hmmm, I like your request, but it might have to be broken down into several chapters. I'll see what I can do. XD

Yume_Girl91- Glad you enjoyed it! It was a very different thing for me to do, I'm not used to AU's. XD And very happy with how it turned out too.

To those that requested: I will work on them little by little but like I said in the beginning don't be mad if I choose someone who requested something after you before you, I write whatever inspires me to write at the time and I'd rather not fuck up your request in a rush to do it. I hope you enjoy this latest installment though.

NOTE!: I'm not accepting anymore requests at the moment so I can get the ones I have done, thank you all for the awesome requests and reviews and encouragement!