Summertime (song-fic)

Note: So I wrote this for the Lollie Day last month but then my lovely computer decided to break down. So here it is…a year later.

Part 1: Do you remember?

Do you remember,

Or should I rewind

To that summer when you caught my eye,

I played it cool,

The weather was hot,

You had the beauty and the beach on lock.

"Lovely we're at the beach on this hot summer afternoon in San Diego. You know what that means?" Miley grinned.

Wincing from the blazing sun and all the noise some kids nearby were making, Lilly replied, "Surfing and then trying to find Oken?"

Miley shook her head, "Yeah but before that."

Lilly rolled her eyes, "Guys?"

"Oh yeah," Miley wiggled her eyebrows.

Miley Stewart and Lilly Truscott were sophomores living together at the Art Institute of Los Angeles in Santa Monica. They hadn't seen their best friend Oliver Oken since the end of their senior year because he went to school down here at UC San Diego. With all their busy lifestyles it was difficult to find anytime to have an entire day to hang out. So when they were able to have a whole day of freedom, they decided to drive down to San Diego, hang out at the beach, and maybe even stop by to find Oliver—and he wasn't aware of any it of course.

Miley looked around the beach joyfully and flicked her straightened brunette hair as she watched all the cute boys passing by. "Ooh what about him? Definition of cutie much!" She grinned at a slightly older blonde guy running by. She flashed him a smile and flicked her hair, and he nodded at her smiling back.

Lilly laughed. She didn't understand this morning why Miley would straighten her hair when it would get wet anyways, but now she figured out the reason. She shrugged, "If that's the kind of guy you're into. I'm not, and I don't care either. I haven't surfed in ages and I'm really looking for--." Lilly felt like she'd lost the ability to finish her sentence.

Miley looked at Lilly confused at why she had suddenly stopped, but grinned when she found what, or actually who, Lilly was looking at. "Well, there's your definition of cutie," Miley wiggled her eyebrows.

With your flip flops, half shirt,

Short shorts, mini skirt,

Walkin' on the beach, so pretty,

You wasn't lookin' for a man,

When you saw me in the sand,

But you fell for the boy from the city.

Lilly unwillingly kept staring at the guy. He had slightly long dark brown hair and unlike all the other guys he didn't have that fake orange tan, his skin was more along the lines of golden and he was wearing a black sweatband matching he black swim trunks. He was lying down, carelessly throwing and catching a hacky sack. She couldn't see his eyes because he had sunglasses on, but his shirt was off and that made it final. Lilly checked to make sure she wasn't drooling. Miley giggled, "Why don't you go talk to him?"

"Are you crazy?!" Lilly yelled but then reconsidered, "What would I say?"

The blonde guy came running by again and flashed another smiled, Lilly faked a smile and Miley gave him her flirty lip-biting smile. When she remembered Lilly was standing there she said, "Just be yourself, guys love you. Especially in your new bikini and those cute shorts," she smiled at the minute influence she was able to have on Lilly's choice of clothing. And it was an extremely minute influence because the only reason Lilly was wearing Miley's shorts was because soda had spilled on hers, and she still did have a green sweatband on to match her bikini top. Nonetheless, if a hot swimsuit and the chance of a date with a beach hottie were the only results of her eight years of work on Lilly, Miley would take it.

"I can't just randomly walk up to him though, how bout you come with me?" Lilly asked nervously.

The blonde guy ran by again but this time stopped by them, "Can I buy you lovely ladies some ice cream?" Although he said 'ladies' Lilly knew he was only talking to Miley.

"Um," Miley glanced back and forth between the guy and Lilly, "You're a big girl Lils. I'm sure you'll think of something. Okay? Bye!" With that, she ran off with the random running blonde dude.

Lilly figured she was receiving no further help from Miley and walked up to the guy lying down. She had absolutely no clue what she planned on doing even when she got there. Should I flirt? That's not even my thing I always come off as an idiot. Yet before she knew it she had on a fake smile. Guys liked blondes, right? So she was going to use her long, dirty blonde hair to her advantage. She cleared her throat in as much of a flirty way as she could think of and said, "Uh hi, I saw you from over there and came to say hi. So, uh, hi." Miley would murder her right now, her first few words and she was already babbling like an idiot.

The guy scrutinized her from her feet up. She noticed him linger for a bit at her waist, and although this slightly annoyed her she realized that every other second she stared at his abs so she let him linger on. When he finally got around to her face, he suddenly gasped and sat up, "Lilly?"

"Uh, yeah, I was—wait, did you say Lilly?"

The guy stood up, "Yeah. Is that really you Lils?"

"…yes, and you are?" Lilly was confused as ever.

"It's me," he took off his sunglasses, and Lilly looked right into those recognizable deep chocolate eyes, "Oliver."

Lilly's eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand, she whispered, "Good God." She shoved her bangs out of her eyes, "Omygosh, OLIVER!!" Lilly nearly tackled him with a hug.

"LILLAY! Wow, how are you?! Why are you here?! Gosh, it's so great to see you! And you grew too, you're almost my height!" He hugged her again.

Lilly giggled. Two years and Oliver was still the same babbling Oliver. Well, take away the hot body. "I'm great. Miley and I finally both had a day off so we decided to come down here, and we were actually going to go try and find you at the UC!"

"Miley's here too?!"

"Yeah! She just ran off with some random guy!"

They started laughing when they realized they were yelling at each other. Just then Miley came along, "Heeey, I knew you'd think of something. Seems like all's going well, huh?"

Lilly bumped her with her elbow, and mumbled, "That's Oliver."

"What? No, it's not," Miley said loudly.

"Hey Miles!!" Oliver hugged her when he saw her.

Miley's mouth dropped, and over Oliver's shoulder she mouthed, "Omygosh that's Oliver!"

Lilly mouthed back, "I know!" Miley raised her eyebrows and pointed at his torso. "Shut up!" Lilly whispered just as Oliver separated.

They were all staring at each other, so Lilly tried to think of something to say. "So…do you still skate?" She knew that was a dumb question because no matter how…hot he'd gotten (she wouldn't admit it), Oliver not skating isn't Oliver.

"Uh, duh! There's actually a skate park right by the school, so I hang out there whenever I'm not here surfing. You still surf?"

It made Lilly smile to actually hear that Oliver hadn't changed. "I most definitely still skate but I haven't touched beach water in too long."

I was like, "hey girl, can I get your number"

I remember what you told me too,

"Don't call after ten"

But you know that I did,

'Cause I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout you

After hours of chasing, surfing, laughing, swimming, eating, and just good-ole catching up, Lilly and Oliver collapsed on the sand. Miley had ditched them at some point in time (like 30 minutes later) to go hang out with Blake, the blonde guy. As the two laughed about Lilly almost drowning during their surfing time, Miley came back.

She sat down in front of the two. "I'm sorry guys, but Lils, we should get going it's 7pm and we need to be back before 10pm if we don't want Laurie to freak," Miley said. Laurie was their Dorm Adviser—their extremely strict dorm adviser. Every other DA let their dorm do whatever they wanted, but no, they had to get Laurie. She used to be in the military or something and must of thought that's where she still was. On top of that their dorm was right beside Laurie's room, and she went psycho if she heard any noise after 10pm.

"10? That's ridiculous, come on, you guys haven't even visited my place yet," Oliver complained. Oliver lived in an apartment he shared with someone else. Lilly sadly shook her head. "Well can I at least get your number. I lost my old cell and I was never able to get your dorm number."

He placed his hand on Lilly's and she lost sense of...everything. "Uh...yeah, it's uh," she couldn't think of anything, she barely remembered how to breathe.

"607…" Miley started for her.

"Right," she blushed. Luckily he took his hand off to get his cell out and she could somewhat think again, "607-595-9955, pretty easy to remember. But don't call after 10…our D.A. will freak, like usual."

"What if I do?" Oliver said rebelliously.

Miley picked up his hacky-sack and threw it at him, "Don't." Oliver grinned, and Lilly bit her lip and smiled back. She was already excited about getting to hear Oliver's voice.


Lilly and Miley finally arrived around 9:45pm and after unpacking and changing they each collapsed in their bed. They had a bunk bed and Lilly sat on hers, the bottom one, leaning against the wall. "Do you think he'll call tonight?" She asked as she stared at the phone on the desk across from her. Right beside the phone was a picture of Lilly and Miley giving Oliver a sandwich hug on graduation. It made her giggle because of how tiny Oliver was then compared to him now. The thought of his current self made her ponder, what had happened out there? She completely lost it every time he touched her.

"I dunno," Miley mumbled from the top, "It's already ten. If he listens he shouldn't be calling." When Lilly sighed she added, "You fell for him, didn't you?"

"Well not anymore," Lilly said, "I hope not. That's kinda weird."

Miley chuckled, "Why, because it Oliver? Hey you'd have a perfectly good reason, compared to his old self, he was looking mighty fine if I do say so myself." Lilly grinned because she knew that meant Miley was also looking at the picture on the desk. Miley added teasingly, "Not that you hadn't already fallen for his old self."

"Hey, I never fell for him in high school!" She yelled looking up. "Just…a mild high school crush," she blushed thinking about it. She'd actually kind of always liked Oliver, but that was just because she'd known him forever and he was sweet and the only guy that had stuck by her while all the others broke her heart.

"Ahah! I knew it," Miley looked under her bed to Lilly and winked, and so Lilly stuck her tongue out at her.

Right then, the phone rang. Miley nearly fell out of her bed and Lilly bumped her head trying to get it.

"Hello," Lilly said breathing hard and rubbing her forehead.

Miley whispered, "Tell them to call tomorrow before Laurie hears!"

Lilly nodded. "Uh, hello. I'm sorry but may you call tomorrow before--"

"Hey Lils," the person on the phone said.

"Oh hi!" Lilly said in an unexpected girly way. She coughed it off. Miley frowned. "It's Oliver," Lilly whispered excitedly.

"Tell him to call tomorrow," Miley whispered back.

"But it's Ollie!"

"So?! I don't want to get in trouble!"



"Pretty please?"


"Come on."

Miley groaned. "I'll guard the door. You better talk fast," and she went out.

Lilly did a mini happy dance and returned to the phone, "Hey Ollie!" She caught herself twirling her hair, and immediately dropped it.

"What was that all about?" he asked.

"Well, I did tell you to not call after 10. So, Miley was freaking out, which is better then Laurie freaking out—trust me," Lilly explained.

"Tell her to freak on out, I wanted to talk to you guys. Or…just you," Oliver said in such a cool way she had to sit down or else she'd faint. He wanted to talk to her. Eep! Oh, shut up brain.

"Guess what I'm looking at," Oliver said.

"…your phone?" Lilly guessed carelessly as she glanced at the picture on her desk.

"How do I look at my phone if it's on my ear?" Oliver asked laughing.

Lilly laughed, "Oh I don't know. So what are you looking at?"


"What? Huh? Wait, HOW?" Lilly yelled as she did a 360o in her chair to check if Oliver hadn't snuck in somehow.

Miley stuck her head inside, "Stop yelling, are you mad? Wanna wake up the whole place? Shhh." Lilly quickly apologized.

"Well before you search the corners of your room…" Oliver chuckled and so did Lilly, how did he know her so well? Oh, yea two years ago they were inseparable best friends for life. "I'm just looking at the picture we took at the graduation."

"Really? The one where Miley and I squish you to death? That's the one I'm looking at…" Lilly bit her lip because she was really only looking at the kid between the two girls.

"That one's on my desk, the one by me is the one where you practically kill my back."

Lilly couldn't respond so she just giggled insanely. He had his room decorated with pictures of them! He had the picture of just the two of them by him! He was looking at her while she looked at him! EEP! Shut up, shut up, shut up brain.

"I really miss you," Oliver said. He added, "And Miley, of course."

"You just saw us four hours ago," Lilly grinned.

"Yeah, after two years."

"Well—," Lilly started but Miley burst into the room.

"Laurie's coming!! Hang up, NOW!"

"Oh geez, okay. Oliver I've got to go, I'll talk to ya later, love you, bye," Lilly said hurriedly and hung up before he could answer.

Miley climbed up to her bed and Lilly stuffed her face in her pillow just as Laurie opened their door, "What's going on here? Go to bed."

"We are in bed," Lilly mumbled irritated from under her pillow.

"Why do you have a pillow on your face?" Laurie asked.

Lilly sat up, "Maybe it's how I sleep. What's it to ya?" And lay back down with the pillow on her face. Miley tried to hold back her giggles and Laurie rolled her eyes, and then left.

"Aarrgh, I hate her!" Lilly yelled into her pillow and then mumbled, "I want to see Oliver."

"Who doesn't? Goodnight."

Lilly sighed, "Night."

Part 2 coming up soon! Review...xoxCamy