Did I mention I wrote this almost a year ago? I tried editing it before putting it up and then got stupid. . Enjoy this then.

Part 2: I Think About You

I think about you in the summertime,

And all the good times we had, baby,

Been a few years and I can't deny,

The thought of you still makes me crazy,

I think about you in the summertime,

I'm sittin' here in the sun with you on my mind.

You're my, my summertime

"There you are! Geez I've been looking for you everywhere," Tyler, his roommate, called to Oliver as he ran down the beach. "What are you doing?"

Oliver had been sitting on the sand in shorts and a loose white shirt for an hour now watching the sunset. He had last seen Lilly and Miley in May of the previous year. They had kept in contact by phone, of course, but a voice was one thing, and an actual person was another. "Sitting. Watching. Thinking."

"Ah. Lilly," Tyler said sitting down beside Oliver.

"No, I'm not sitting on Lilly, nor watching Lilly…or thinking about her," Oliver retorted, a little hesitant about the last statement.

"Okay, not the first two, but you are thinking about her, don't lie. You have been all summer."

Oliver picked up a rock and threw it in the ocean, "I just miss them, ok?"

"Nuh-uh, her. You're lying again. You miss her."

"Are you here to drive me insane?" Oliver glared at him.

"I was shooting for crazy, but insane'll do," Tyler jokingly punched his arm. "Come on, if anything you should at least admit you like her."

"But it's Lilly," Oliver started digging a whole in the sand.


"I've known her since pre-school."

"Your point?"

"She held my hand for my pack of crayons for goodness sakes! I can't let myself fall for her!" Oliver fell back into the sand.

Tyler shook his head and laughed, "Well if she's as good looking as you told me she is, then go ahead and fall my dear friend. Fall deeper than you've ever fallen." Oliver gave him a funny look, Tyler wasn't exactly the brightest of the bunch. "Some words of wisdom-ness from the one and only, it shall cost ya," Tyler clicked his tongue.

Oliver rolled his eyes. He stared at the beach, "You know what, you're right."

"I am? I mean, duh," Tyler said, then added, "I am?"

"Yes. Too much time passed between us and I finally got a chance to see her again and I couldn't have been happier."

"Right," Tyler encouraged him.

"So I need to see her again this summer," Oliver stood up.

"Right," Tyler stood with him.

"We're going to Santa Monica tonight."

"Right--wait, what? We can't go up there right now!"

Oliver frowned, "Why not? It's only 2 hours away. You haven't taken any days off work in centuries, I was going to quit mine anyways, and we've been given a week off from school," he patted Tyler on the back, "We're going on a mini-vacation."

"Fine. But only if you promise me one thing," Tyler eyed him.

Oliver asked, "What's that?"

"While we're up there, you'll tell her."

Oliver asked ignorantly, "Tell who what?"

Tyler threw sand at him, "Tell Lilly you love her!"

"What?! I am not going to--," Oliver started.

"You're telling her," Tyler stated firmly as he swooshed his hair.

Oliver groaned and mumbled, "Fine."

Tyler thought for a second, "Or you owe me 20 bucks."

"What? No way dude! By the end of next week, Lilly'll know my secret, and I'll have 20 bucks from you," Oliver said as he turned and walked back to their apartment.

Tyler caught up to him, "Quick question: Do they even have room in their dorm for us?"

Oliver shrugged, "I dunno. We'll make room." Tyler laughed and they ran off to their apartment.


In your strapless sundress,
Kickin' back, no stress,
As long as we was together,
'Cause we were feelin' young love,
And we couldn't get enough.
Baby, I could reminisce forever.

And now I'm like,
Hey girl, don't you know I miss it,
And I wonder if you miss it too,
Never thought it would end 'til it did,
Now, I'm here and I can't stop thinkin' 'bout you.

Miley checked the full length mirror by the window, trying to decide what to do with her hair. She had to wake up at 6:30am to be ready for work at 8am, and as she left would wake up Lilly who had work at 9am. And then they both had a class at 1pm. As she finally decided to just let her curls be free, someone knocked at the door. She knew it was probably Laurie for one of her 'unexpected' check ups. She threw a pillow at Lilly, her usual wake up strategy, to let her know of the visit they were receiving. Lilly slightly opened her eyes, mumbled a few complaints and returned to sleep.

Miley rolled her eyes and started talking as she opened the door, "Alright Laurie, I gotta go soon so--," but then she actually took a look at the person standing, "Oliver. Oliver? Oliver!!" As she hugged him, she noticed the guy standing behind him. Okay, that was a lie, after the second 'Oliver' cry she had glanced right passed Oliver to the taller figure behind him. Now during their 3-second hug as she yelled random things such how long it had been since they last saw him and what is he doing here, and other useless chatter, she made sure to capture every bit of the stranger. He had platinum blonde hair and his bangs—which were so long it was a wonder how he could see—were a faded brown as if dyed darker about a year ago. But somewhere behind those unkempt bangs were the most striking and sparkling blue eyes. Before she melted in Oliver's arms from Tyler's gaze, she jumped back.

"And this is--," Oliver was saying.

"Who's your friend?" Miley interrupted excitedly.

"I was just about to tell you, little Miss Pushy McPushers," Oliver shook his head. Miley never changed, especially when it came to guys, "This is my friend Tyler Wilson, he's the guy I share my apartment with and…," he could tell she had stopped listening so he asked, "Where's Lils?"

Miley pointed inside the room, "Sleeping but wake her up she needs to get ready for work."

"Well I see who the mother around here is," Oliver stepped inside. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of the beautiful sleeping face underneath the blond mush of hair. "Lilly…" he said stroking her cheek. She moaned but didn't budge. "Lilly, wake up," he said a little more sternly poking her side.

"Noo," she turned to face the wall.

Oliver looked on their desk and found a water bottle. He filled the cap, and threw it on her face, "Wake up lazy butt!"

"What on earth?!" Lilly yelped wiping her face and sitting up. She looked at her assaulter and gasped. "Oliver?" She quickly tied her hair with a hair tie she kept on her wrist, and rubbed her eyes—yup, he was still there. "OLIVER!!" She slung herself into his open arms.

"You know it's no good to keep something that tight around you're wrist; bad for your blood circulation…or something," Oliver said as he hugged her.

Lilly chuckled at his comment. "How on earth did you guys get here?" She asked when they finally separated.

"Well, Lilly, there are such things as cars out there. Nowadays, we drive them places," Oliver teasingly tapped her jaw, as she rolled her eyes.

"Ahem," Tyler cleared his throat as he walked towards them with Miley following as if he was a magnet. "Hey, I'm Tyler and I'm gonna guess you're the Lilly Truscott."

Lilly raised her eyebrows, "The Lilly Truscott? I didn't know I was famous."

"Well according to a certain roommate of mine, your—," Tyler started but Oliver shoved his elbow in his side, "I don't know how you guys are best friends with this savage." This made Miley giggle like an idiot until Lilly shot her a glance to let her know she was, well, giggling like an idiot.

"Alright y'all, I've got to get going to work. Will I see you later?" She asked Tyler. Oh, and Oliver too. But mostly Tyler.

"Uh, we're going to be here for a while…" Oliver answered.

Miley opened the door and stepped out, "Where did all these bags come from?"

"Well, we're staying for a week," Tyler looked around the small dorm, "Somewhere."

Normally Miley would have said something stern here, but Tyler swooshed his hair, looked at her and smiled. She bit her lip as she tried very hard not to melt to the ground. But at least Lilly still had her head in place, she frowned, "We don't exactly have an extra bed," she looked around the small dorm herself, "Or dorm."

Oliver shrugged, "And that's why we have sleeping bags."

Lilly knew that she was doing cartwheels inside that Oliver (and Tyler) were going to be staying in their dorm for a week so she didn't argue. "Fine but we're both going to be gone for a couple of hours so…"

"Is there a skate park anywhere near?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, like 15 minutes drive," Lilly said.

"Sounds good," Oliver said.

"You guys brought your skateboards?" Lilly asked grinning.

"Always!" Both Tyler and Oliver replied.

"Alright I really should get to work now," Miley giggled and finally left after saying bye about 10 times.


"So when are you telling her?" Tyler asked as Oliver drove them to the skate park.

"I've got all week dude," Oliver slid down in his seat. As a matter of fact, he could have all century he didn't want to face it. Oliver used to be afraid of just about anything, but as he grew only one fear remained—telling Lilly that somehow after sharing crayons, teaching her how to skate, being there when she was first heartbroken, getting advice from her for his first crush, watching her laugh at his nonsense, graduating together, and missing her for 2 years—he fell in love. Now he had to face that fear sometime this week, Smokin' Oken didn't feel so smokin'.

"Technically we should have been here last night, and you were supposed to tell her before the morning. But," Tyler could tell Oliver was in deep thought, "I'll let you slide and give you the whole week. Just remember, the more time you take, the less time you'll have to spend with her as yours."

That was the least of Oliver's worries. "Whatever it is your drinking that makes you spurt out all that 'wisdomn-ess', you need to give me some."


"I'll be right with you sir," Lilly said to whoever was standing behind the register. She gave the last coffee order to another employee and returned to the Starbuck's register where she belonged and had belonged for the last three hours. "How can I—hey," there are not many that could put such a huge smile on Lilly's face after inhaling coffee fumes all morning.

"Well hello, are all cashiers this smiley? Or is it just the coffee?" Oliver grinned.

"What would you like?" Lilly asked.

"Three tall Caramel Frappaccinos."

"Who's the third one for?" She asked looking back at Tyler.

"You," Oliver poked her nose making her giggle.

"I can't have one, I'm still working."

"Well when do you get off?"

Lilly looked at her cell, "Ooh, I actually only have ten minutes left."

"Great, that'll be just enough time for us to finish. I'll just take two then," he gave her a ten dollar bill, "Keep the change."

"Ooh, 2 bucks, don't I feel special." She transferred the order, and moved on to the next and last customer for her shift.

After finally taking an order from a Starbucks first-timer ("I'd like a cup of coffee please" was the request), Lilly went back to her locker to pick up her clothes and changed in the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and tilted her head, although she looked older, she felt odd about wearing her new turquoise strapless sundress when Oliver was around since he made her feel like she was in high school again. She found a blue sweatband in her backpack and grinned as she slid it on, just like the good old days. Zipping her jacket halfway up, she walked out to meet the guys. She pretended she didn't notice Tyler check her out and then Oliver nearly choke on his drink when he turned around and saw her—but she grinned inside.

"Miley should be finishing right about now too, so why don't we meet up with her for lunch and then she and I have class at one," Lilly said.

Tyler stood up, "Or I could meet up with Miley and you guys can hang out. You know, catch up and…stuff. Where's Miley at?"

"At the Target 2 blocks from here but are you sure you don't want to have lunch with us? Miley can become a bit…crazy," Lilly joked.

Tyler chuckled, "Dude, I'm Tyler Crazy Wilson. No, you guys remince."

"…You mean reminisce," Oliver corrected him.

"That too. Bye," he gave Lilly a hug, props to Oliver and ran out.

"So…what do you want to eat?" Lilly asked taking charge of the sudden set-up.

"Wait, we're going to stay here for another few minutes," Oliver said.


"Because Tyler's going to drive to Target."

Lilly frowned, "What's wrong with that?" Oliver reached inside his pocket and jingled the car keys in front of Lilly, "Oh. Smart boy."

And in fact, moments later Tyler came back puffing, "And you knew it all along." He snatched the keys from Oliver and walked back out as Lilly and Oliver laughed.

"So, where to?" Lilly said, "I'm thinking In & Out burgers…"

"…and McDonald fries?" Oliver asked remembering they're usual lunches.

"You read my mind," Lilly smiled as they walked out to her parking spot.

Lilly and Oliver settled on a bench on the outskirts of the campus and opened up their burgers. Oliver took a bite from his burger, "Mm, In & Out burgers are awesome."

Lilly took some French fries, "Seriously this is the best. I haven't been able to have a lunch like this with someone else in forever."

"Maybe because you keep stealing their fries those are my large, you got mediums," Oliver laughed.

"Is that so," she took more fries before Oliver snatched them away. "I missed this."

"Stealing my fries, or having lunch together?"

Lilly giggled, "Both. Now all that's missing is a good ol' strawberry-banana shake from Rico's and it'd be just like the old times."

Oliver sighed, "Yeah…" He watched her as she ate. He felt kind of awkward. No, not because he was watching stuff her mouth, or because as he sat there watching her he couldn't help thinking of how beautiful she was, but because when he looked at her he also couldn't help but have flashbacks to their younger pre-high school days when 'girls were icky except for Lilly'. Yes, that was actually his motto back then. He chuckled as he thought of how many times Lilly had made sure to remind him she was a girl, maybe a tomboy, but still a girl and he ought to treat her like one. But to Oliver, Lilly wasn't just a girl, or a tomboy, she was someone very special. Now his heart was taking that special to another level.

Summer ended,
Winter started,
It got colder,
When we parted ways,
As the seasons change.
Winter melted,
Spring I felt it,
rtime will never be the same,
Without you. My summertime.
My summertime.

"You wanna know why I came here this summer?" Oliver asked when they were done their burgers.

"Sure," Lilly answered. She didn't really care why he was here, as long as he was there.

"I…I missed you," Oliver was starting to avoid looking straight at her, "And it wouldn't have been the same summer if I didn't get to see you again."

"Yeah…," Lilly smiled, "By you, you do mean Miley and I."

"Actually, as much as I adore you both, I really did miss you," he decided to turn and face her, "Lilly…" Facing her wasn't helping to get his thoughts straight so he said, "Close your eyes."

A bit confused she did. He continued to stare at her, but still couldn't get himself to do it, he almost felt like just running off and leaving her there with her eyes closed. How cowardly was that? After a few seconds, Lilly peeked and could tell he wasn't going to make any move so she opened her eyes, said, "Alright enough of that," and kissed him.

For a few seconds they just sat there, Lilly smiling at him as Oliver stared at her with admiration. "Holy smack! I've got to go to class!" Lilly suddenly yelled and grabbing his hand starting running.

"You just wait one second missy." He dragged her back and deeply kissed her. After a giggle, she ran off, turned around midway and blew him a kiss which he 'caught'. This was going to be his best summer yet.

You're my, my summertime...

This was a pain to write and I had a mini party when I finally finished. Hope you liked it, thanks for reading, review! xoxCamy