Fullmetal Wizard Chapter

Impaled: -Sits in a corner-

Ed: -Storms in- What are you doing?

Impaled: -Peaks through hands- Uh… Hey Ed.


Impaled: -Whimpers- You want excuses?

Ed: -Rubs eyes- Just tell your readers you're sorry.

Impaled: Sorry, I've had things going on. Things I wish I could do better at, but I can't. I hope I at least give you a good chapter, if I don't tell me, I'll try to get better. If I fail at this like I do everything else then I'll try harder. ON WITH THE STORY!

Ed didn't even have time to react; he sat there and stared at the oily bastard that had done whatever he had. A familiar scene was splayed before him, one in which he was with Al running towards his mother It was a vivid memory, but Ed wasn't in the memory he was watching it, like a movie. He heard a voice pipe up behind him.

"Ah, what a touching scene. Your mother and brother I presume?" Someone else was watching this. Just as his mother smiled at Al, Ed spun around and looked at Snape.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ed ground out; he was pissed. How could something like this happen? What was he seeing, and why did the man that had threatened his life have to see it too?

"Oh, but Elric I have to make sure your story is true. The safety of the school is in my hands." Snape splayed his hands as he barely managed an irritating sneer on his usually expressionless mouth.

Ed felt as if he were floating in air as he looked at his hometown of Resembol. He spun around as the scene changed so that he was looking at the ceiling of a house. 'No,' he thought. 'No this is too soon, I have to find a way out of here, I can't relive this.'

Ed turned back to Snape doing his best to ignore what was happening behind him, he knew the memory of his mother's death well enough. As the tortured cries surrounded him, he asked. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I already told you Elric, but I know you're stupid so I'll try to explain." Snape started to walk toward Ed, knowing full well what he was planning, also knowing that it would not work.

Predictably Ed pulled his hand back and shot it at Snape. Snape grinned as the fist sailed toward him, and then through him. Ed's face drained of color as the momentum of the punch carried him through Snape.

Ed reassessed the situation quickly. Obviously he couldn't touch Snape, not here, but there had to be a way out. He couldn't give up, but he wasn't gonna waste time throwing punches at someone he couldn't hurt.

Again the scene from before changed and Ed's heart dropped out of his chest. His breath left in a whoosh as he heard his own, be it more childish, voice read off the ingredients for a human being. 'No, no, no, no, no.' much resembling a ballerina Ed spun around once again to face his Professor. Horrified he looked as he made the mistake of his life, Al following him as he stepped into hell.

Snape could barely stifle the laughter as he watched the stupid little worm look desperately at the scene unfolding. So it was true, they had tried to bring that hoe of a mother back to life. All of a sudden he saw the worm's expression change so that his jaw was set in a determined matter, he had obviously come to a decision. Again he laughed; there was no way the Edward could ever get out of this, no matter what he tried.

'No way am I letting this little one get away so unscathed- fun must be had.' Snape gave a sinister sneer, almost surprising himself at how malicious he was being.

"Pity, really. You bringing her back, but her turning out as something so horrid." Snape grimaced for extra effect. "I mean, if I were to bring a loved one back I would at least go the whole nine yards and make them some semblance of a human being." Walking in a large circle as he talked, he had the advantage of watching Ed's expression and body language change drastically.

Ed blocked out the slick voice as it wove around him, the man was voicing age-old thoughts that Edward had repeated to him self often. Snape hesitated at the sound of two dull thuds, the sound of blood hitting a mound of human ingredients. Ed clenched his fists and tried desperately to clear his head of all thoughts. He didn't need to see this; he had relived the nightmares periodically throughout his life. He didn't need to witness his mistakes.

Ed had to clear his mind, to think, thinking could get him out of this.

Snape watched with revolting fascination as one human being was slowly brought into existence, while another was being unwoven into a swirling and oppressive void of nothing-ness. Screams echoed in the room.

Ed looked on as Snape watched and his golden eyes gleamed with realization. Snape was watching this for the first time, like a movie he was unwinding the tapes of Ed's mind. As the screams echoed- not something that actually happened at the event, but an effect the memory had always had on him. The screams had echoed in his mind, not in reality.

Edward's mind was his and his alone. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the memory, bringing it into existence. What he hadn't noticed before was that his mind was being pressured. Clutching his head he focused on the pressure, and it grew and started to overwhelm him as he shook with the effort of containing the screams of agony.

'I can beat this, it's nothing, nothing compared to before.' Thought Edward, trying to reassure himself that he could stand the mental strain. Before his eyes the vision of his family took shape; a mutilated mother, a cold hardened brother, a father not there, and him. Ed looked on with a clenched jaw and fuzzy mind as he saw as other would see. Him, at the middle of it all; the cause of all those present's pain.

The vision's flickered faster, not splaying the scenes in detail. The edges became blurred as landscape's and building flew by, all having a particular trait in common.


Fire plagued cities, buildings collapsed on workers, murderers roamed free. All the things that Ed had seen do to the fact that he hadn't arrived in time to save someone. The mutilated bodies were faceless where they hung around Ed, like outfits displayed in a closet. People who had families, friends, lovers, lives.

Snape turned around as he saw the boy grip his head and clench his jaw tight, the tension stood out in his face as the vision of the alchemy gone wrong flickered. 'So, the boy has caught on, but not before I've seen the true destruction he had caused to those he loved. I mean if this is what he does to his family, just think what he could do to total strangers.' Thought Snape, his feelings towards Edward shifting from resentment and hate to manipulation. 'Maybe,' Snape continued to contemplate the young man before him. 'Maybe I could use him.' Snape's brow wrinkled as he fought to think of a way to get Edward to trust him after he… Took a peak into his mind…

It was then that the scene changed, though Snape was quickly losing interest in the happenings of a mere alchemist. He merely saw bodies, lots of bodies, of random people. Quite frankly he could care less, even if some of the corpses were particularly brutal.

'Well black mailing is certainly out of the question, seeing as the other teachers know. I can't see Edward caring much of the others students opinions where it concerns him...' As Snape was attempting to develop an Edward persuasion strategy he failed to notice that the surrounding image gave a final flicker before returning to his office.

Edward could start to feel the solid chair that he was apparently sitting in break through the dream or nightmare or what ever this thing was. He concentrated on the chair, the feel of the wood against his lax back and the stones beneath his feet. It took every fiber of his being, but he felt himself slide back into his body. His eyes snapped open with immediate and reckless fury. Flying forward he tackled Snape to the ground, taking him by surprise as he pulled at the collar of the slimy man's shirt.

"What the fuck did you do?" Ed growled out through clenched teeth, his fists shaking.

Snape licked his lips nervously before replying, "Just a little spell to insure that you weren't lying for pity."

Ed punched him in the gut.

"And would I be correct to assume its only you with these suspicions, Professor Snape?"

Snape wheezed slightly after the blow.

"Worthless little brat," he choked out through gritted teeth. "I am going to make you pay for shaming me."

"I didn't do any of the dirty work, Snape. That was all you." Edward looked on in disgust as Snape blantantly reached for his gnarled and chipped wand.

Edward simply kicked Snape's wand away before fisting his shirt once again, and bringing the Professors face as close to his as he could. "You listen to me," Edward took a crouching position and jerked Snape so that he was sitting up a bit. "I could care less what kind of problems you have with me personally. I have a mission to do that just happens to include this school. So you can shove that up your ass along with whatever writhing animal you seem to be keeping there, and suck it."

Snape sneered, though he was having a slight mental panic attack. 'This child should be at least a little affected by witnessing him mother's death. It should have broken him, humiliated him to leave my office in sobs. He could have told that idiot Fuhrer man to let him leave, and I would no longer have to deal with one more bump in my road. He's just as bad as that insolent Potter boy.'

What Snape didn't know was that he had broken Edward, just a bit. Ed was a master of fury, and fury masks pain beautifully if you give it enough of a threatening air. Ed was not one for showing others pain so easily. It took a lot to crack someone already broken.

"What, do you really think you can protect the lives of every student in this school?" Snape scoffed. "You stupid little idealist boy." Snape's voice took on a malicious and unyielding tone. "Lives will be lost, but it's all sacrifice for a greater cause, a much more substantial cause. Understand this- every life of each worthless student in this school can be replaced. It's the symbol of hope in the Potter boy and Dumbledore that really make the wizarding world go round. Remember that."

Ed's eyes grew determined. "I'm not letting anyone die."

"Such big words for such an unworthy person."

Edward's fingers hold on Snape's collar relaxed slightly. "I can protect these people."

"What makes you think you can protect all these lives when you can't even save your own family. Those people that were in your mind, who were they? People you vowed to protect? All you bring is destruction, and you'll soon realize the full extent of that. I assure you."

Edward let Snapes head fall to the cool stone underneath before rising to his feet. Not looking as Snape he stalked out of the room and down the hallway fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. All of a sudden he rounded on the wall and punched with his flesh hand. His mechanical would cause too much destruction…

Too much destruction…


Impaled: Shit… -Runs in and slides across the floor to her bed hiding underneath- Shhh.

Edward: -Kicks down door- WHAT THE HELL?

Roy: -Stands behind Edward menacingly and cocks gun-

Impaled: 0_0;;


Roy: M'not even mentioned.

Edward: Look –points to readers- THEY'VE LOST FAITH IN YOU, DIPSHIT!

Impaled: It's Ianto's fault, he died.


Impaled: Its 4:37 A.M. … Please cut me some slack.


Roy: What's been up with you lately, s'like you don't do anything but sit.

Impaled: Sorry… Just…. M'just tired I guess.