One year later

Okay, it's the final chapter and I promise some SasuSaku. Onyx

Suigetsu sighed as he waited in the park. This year due to costume ideas running low the entire of the Konoha 12 plus team Hebi, the sand siblings and Sai had decided to dress up as Pokemon. But only the original 151 as they're the best. Suigetsu fiddled with with the turtle shell on his back complete with cannons as he thought of the year that had passed. Life hadn't changed much for him but for the others, well, it had changed. He thought back to just a week ago when Ino had pulled out the hat with all 151 original pokemon in it and forced them all to pick one. He, to his luck, got Blastoise. His musings were stopped by Jugo arriving dressed as a Nidoking.

'Nice. How long did it take you to make that?'

'A long time. How long did it take to paint yourself blue?'

Suigetsu frowned.

'I hate Ino's no jutzu rule. Why couldn't we just henge jutzu ourselves into pokemon?'

'Clearly that was what she was trying to prevent.'

'Hey guys!'

Suigetsu and Jugo turned round to see Naruto bounding over with Hinata not too far behind him. Naruto certainly had the energy of an electric pokemon, lucky he was dressed as Pikachu. Hinata however didn't look herself. But not many people could pull off blond hair, being the Flareon she was.

'Hey Naruto.'

'So do you know what we're doing this year because Sakura won't tell me.'

'I don't know. Hinata do you know?'

'Yes. But I'm not going to tell you.'

'OMG Hinata you look sooo cute as Flareon.'

The 4 turned to see Ino running towards them with Shikamaru and Choji walking with her. Ino looked every part a Vaporeon with her mermaid tail and white ruff. Shikamaru was dressed completely in pink except for the tip of his tail which was yellow. He even yawned like a Slowpoke. Choji's costume fit him perfectly. He'd managed to pull out Snorlax. Naruto grinned.

'Ino, don't you think you and Hinata should have switched? Because you're already blond and Hinata would look cute with a mermaid tail.'

'Oh please, you think anything would look good on Hinata.'

Naruto turned back round to see TenTen, Neji and Lee approaching. Naruto stifled a laugh at the sight of Neji with a long yellow moustache, well he was an Alakazam.

'Shut up Naruto, like your costume is any better.'

'Oh it is. I've already had many people tell me I look so cute! Hey TenTen, you finish off Ino and Hinata's costumes. Though you look a bit weird with blond hair.'

'Well if anyone could be a Jolteon, it's me. And if anyone could be a Hitmonlee, it's Lee.'

'My name is even in it.'

Soon the group was joined by Shino the Beedrill, Kiba the Gengar, Akamaru the Arcanine, Sai the Staryu, Gaara the Golem, Kankuro the Machamp and Temari the Vulpix. Now they were waiting for Sasuke, Sakura and Karin. Karin arrived first.

'So, what do you think?'

'It definitely suits you Karin. A Jynx. You couldn't have picked a better pokemon.'

'Shut it Suigetsu. Where is Sasuke? I want him to see how cute I look.'

Everyone rolled their eyes but TenTen was the only one who spoke.

'God Karin, can't you understand he's with Sakura? They've been dating for a year today, engaged for 3 months and totally in love since they were 12. Not that Sasuke noticed because he was too busy with revenge. But we all saw it.'

'Yeah, but it's been 3 months since we've seen them. they didn't even turn up last week for the drawing of costumes.'

'Ino went round earlier and got them to pick. Right Ino?'

'Yeah. Though I only saw Sasuke because Sakura was still sleeping. Which is fair enough because Sakura is not a morning person.'

'Of course I'm not. Who gets up that early?'

The whole group turned round to see Sasuke and Sakura.

'You're here!'


Sakura punched Naruto on the top of his head.

'I'm not fat idiot. I'm pregnant. 5 months.'



'Is it Sasuke's?'

'Of course it is.'

Ino squealed and hugged Sakura.

'Oh that is so cute. And how cute do you look as Mew?'

'Clearly very for you to comment on it.'

'There is one thing though…'

'What Kiba.'

'I thought Mewtwo was the child of Mew. And if that's the case, Sasuke shouldn't be dressed as Mewtwo.'


Naruto recovered from the punch as he stood up, taking in everything.

'Hey teme, is that why you proposed to Sakura so early?'


'Whatever teme. So Sakura what are we doing? Because Ino said that you had planned what we were doing.'

'I did. We're going trick or treating.'

'But Sakura that's for little kids.'

'It's also for pregnant women who have a chocolate and candy craving so let's get going.'

Turns out, they all had fun trick or treating, even Gaara, and they all went back to the park at the end of the night. Naruto was deemed the king of getting candy as he got about twice the amount of everyone else. It was only after Naruto had finished bragging that they noticed something.

'Did Karin actually come trick or treating with us?'

'I don't think so.'

Suigetsu smirked.

'It was probably a good thing. She would have scared everyone with that Jynx costume.'

Everyone started laughing. Sakura looked up at Sasuke from her position in his lap. Sasuke had a small smile gracing his lips but a glazed look in his eyes.

'Hey, what are you thinking about?'

Sasuke looked down and smirked, bringing his and Sakura's clasped hands to his lips, kissing them.

'I'm glad you scared the living daylights out of me last year.'

Done! Short chapter but I thought the costume idea was cute. Thanks for being patient with me. For all the Baby Akatsuki fans out there you're going to have to be even more patient because I'm going off to Uni. But I'll update that story as soon as my writers block stops. Onyx