An Uke in Denial


This is the edited version... let's welcome my beta, Lanie 12777!!! Thanks for beta-ing this story!!! Yup, you all won't have to deal with my mess of writing again! yayz!

Summary: Light is the no.1 seme at the bar called Seventh Heaven, but after he met with a rich man named L it seems like the title 'seme' isn't suit him anymore. L/Light, AU

Disc: I own nothing

The dim light from a small lamp was gracefully illuminating two figures that were moving feverishly on the cheap motel's worn bed. One of them, a young man with gleaming honey locks, thrust up wildly at the willing body beneath him, grunting with noticeable animalistic growls. He smirked sadistically when he successfully hit his partner's sweet spot dead on, sending a course of blood up his spine and making the smaller boy beneath him shudder in pleasure. It's not taking too long for him to accomplish his mission—sending stars into the other male's vision that nearly make him blind before he felt warm liquid spurt around both of their slick, sweating bodies.

Slightly panting, he stopped a moment before silently coming as well from the warm cavern he's currently in before pulling out with another growl.

"You're… unbelievable," the smaller male beneath him whispers, staring at him through glistening blue eyes with total admiration. He sighed irritably to himself before lying on the wrecked surface beside him.

"Well, thanks. You too," he lied easily. Partially it's not entirely a lie, though; the boy's body really feels kinda good to his taste. Otherwise it's already his second nature, saying false-flattery to each one of his clients just to make them happy. He meant no offense at that though, because the happier they get the thicker his wallet will be. Just thinking of that makes a small smile spread out on his handsome features, gaining a blush from his anonymous client that thinks the smile is directed at him. He quickly wipes the smile off of his face after realizing what he's doing, but the boy is still giggling at him.

Ah, what the hell. Another reason for him to have several extra tips.

"I think it's time for me to leave," the brown-haired male said before pushing himself off of the mattress. He faked a smile when his client pouted rather cutely.

"Already? But it's so fun being with you, Light-kun…" he complained.

"Frankly it's also fun for me," Light said while struggling with his zipper, "but unfortunately I have to. You can see me again if you want later, though." He added a wink for extra effect,smiling in triumph when the boy handed him a great amount of money. Oh how he loves his job!
He really wanted to say—squeal that out loud—but he's a prideful seme for all he knows. So for the sake of his job he allowed a cool, yet surprised look to flash across his honey orbs before saying, "Kyo-chan? It's a lot larger than the amount we had in our deal, isn't it?"

He realized his voice cracked a little and silently cursed himself for it—but the money this boy handed him is totally making him giddy. And he also silently prays that the boy's name is really Kyo, for he doesn't mean to remember it.

Fortunately he saw Kyo let out another smile that lit up his childish appearance. He shoved the money right onto Light's slightly open palm, kissing the surface of it lovingly that almost makes Light want to kiss him in return. Almost. And for Light Yagami, almost doesn't count.

"For my favorite seme? I'll give everything I have if you ask me to, Light-kun," Kyo said before pulling his hands off of Light. Light, still playing his role as the cool seme, hesitantly shoved the money into his pants pocket before giving the client a small peck on the lips.. The little fake affection seems to startle the boy, and it takes a minute or two for him to finally let out a squeak in embarrassment. Satisfied, Light graced the royal boy with one last stroke on the cheek before wrapping the long coat around himself. He doesn't bother to put the t-shirt he had on before, because the weather isn't that cold, and he's just too lazy to do so.

"See you later, Kyo-chan," Light sweetly whispered, dismissing another blush that crept onto the boy's face as he immediately swept out of sight. Kyo finally realized how cold the room is with no presence but himself in the cold, freezing night, and buried his head on the pillow that Light had just used… He silently hoped that the motel's management would be so kind as to let him have the pillow so he could inhale the smell of his imaginary boyfriend's scent for all he wants.


Light sighed to himself as he entered his home. He'd hardly call this place home anymore because it's been a while since he'd stepped his feet into it, and now that he does—strangely there's nothing to change his feelings. He doesn't miss being here, not even a little bit.
He heard his little sister Sayu let out a startled squeak upon seeing his presence, before the girl practically threw herself to him—forcing a suffocating, iron-grip embrace.

Light-chan! You're home!" she shrieked excitedly. Light felt a smile spread out on his tired face, and fortunately his mom came to his rescue, just when Sayu started to hug him tighter. He could see the angel's halo hovering above his mother's head, along with choir sounds of hallelujah.
"Now, now, Sayu. Please let go of your brother. He's pretty tired, can't you see?" Sachiko said softly as she tugged her daughter's arm to yank her free. Sayu pouted, but let him go eventually. Light let out another sigh that went unnoticed as he pushes himself off of the cold floor. This is why he hates being here. Too much affection, too much attention, too much love from his loving family that is slowly suffocating him to death. This is why he'd decided to rent a small apartment far from his house, because their love is just too overbearing. He likes being adored, sure, but he doesn't like it when they treat him like a fragile baby. He's an eighteen-year-old who was nearly nineteen, thank you very much. He sure could take care of himself without them.

"Where's dad?" he heard himself asking, despite the boredom and tiredness that boiled in his stomach. Why had he decided to come here, anyway? Oh yeah, because Sayu threatened him to take a look at his family or else she'll turn the apartment to ashes. If someone else had said it to him, he probably wouldn't give a damn at all—but this is Sayu Yagami that we're talking about. And just like him, Sayu never takes back all the things that she's said.

"He's out on business, Light. He said that L is coming to Japan now, along with a couple of other officers who are coming to see him," Sachiko explained as she led both of her children to the kitchen. She asked Light if he wanted sushi for dinner and he dismissively said yes, his thoughts too preoccupied with the thing that Sachiko just said. So L is coming to Japan now…

He doesn't need to think twice before concluding that the reason is because there's a big case that the famous detective had to solve that happened in Japan. But what? his inner-thought asked. For all he knows there's no extraordinary thing that's happened, the world is still full of underclass crimes such as rape, murder, robbery and other things… No case like an insane mass murderer with the ability to kill people just by using the victim's name and face had happened in Japan… Essentially there's nothing that the police couldn't control.
But it's not the only thing that flashed in his mind. He could care less for the famous detective's reason, but the moment he heard his mother mention the letter 'L' he swore his breath hitched a little. It went unnoticed by Sayu and Sachiko, though, and Light thanks god for it. The last thing he wanted to happen in his life is Sayu bugging him about his dream to become a super famous detective like L. As corny as it sounds, L is his idol. Though he may never admit it (especially to himself), but deep inside he knows that it's true. L is his role-model.

It started when he looked at his father, Souchirou Yagami, as a hero. Even in his late 40s his father was still capable of solving a rather big case, but then his place as a hero in the boy's heart changed as he heard about L. Even though he knew nothing about the detective, the admiration still grew in his heart. The detective doesn't work for money, unlike the other detectives; for all he knows L never ignored a case with a low price. L will take any case as long as it takes his attention, and Light found it fascinating. L only works for justice.
He remembers, long ago, when he was just a sixteen-year-old innocent boy with a bright future and strong will, he dreamed to become like L. Now it sounds ridiculous, even to his own ears, because he's not innocent anymore—his dreams are gone with time and boredom as he's waiting for his turn to come. And he realizes it will never come, no matter how long he waits, because his last chance is gone. He'd fallen hard and was trapped in a black sinful hole that he'd created by his own two hands, and now he couldn't find anything to lift him up from there.
But it's okay, isn't it? It's way better than the boredom he had to face everyday before he joined Seventh Heaven.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he realized his name was being called, and Sayu got that funny look on her face. He quickly regained himself and took the sushi from Sachiko's hand before taking two chopsticks, purposely ignoring his mother's concerned gaze. The brunette was just about to eat his dinner when he heard his mother speak.

"Maybe Dad can't see you for the next three days, Light, but he told me today that he's very proud of you. I think so too, and so does Sayu." He smiles faintly when Sayu nodded. "Now you're capable to live your own life and feed yourself by your own sweat, and it makes us very happy. You're still perfect as usual, Light. I'm very proud of you."

Sachiko gives her son a wide smile at the end of her speech, and Light had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes in annoyance. He'd heard enough about this shit, and now he doesn't feel any appetite, no matter how good the dinner was. And deep inside, he's wondering, what will they do, if his family ever found out about his 'job', about how he feeds himself by his own 'sweat'…

They'd probably go ballistic.

But instead of asking it out loud, he chose to nod in acknowledgement. It's too risky to say it; his father will probably have an instant heart attack if he ever found out, and once again he couldn't help but shake his head in amusement.
'Perfect? And they said they're proud of me.
If only you knew, Mom. If only you knew…'


If anyone ever found out about it, L will probably hang his head in shame.

There he is—sitting quietly in his usual fetal position—his usual sweets resting on the top of his knees that are drawn up to his chest—everything is the same usual things, nothing out of place despite the fact that the detective is dazing. Lost in thought, spacing out, dazed-off, whatever you call it, but the fact that the detective isn't working or ravishing his snack is enough to scare Watari off. The old man, who happened to be his assistant, had never found the detective in this state before, and so he doesn't know what to do. Moreover L doesn't seem to recognize him when he finally has the guts to ask him what's wrong.

"Sir, are you okay?" he asked patiently for the fifth times, but still the detective wouldn't even look up. The old man sighed in the most polite way he could manage, even though the only thing he wanted to do now is to scream at the top of his tired lungs to catch the detective's attention. Knowing L isn't going to answer him for a long time, he stands patiently beside the detective, just in case he needs something immediately. The raven-haired male looks positively in need of immediate help.

L on the other hand wasn't that lost in his thoughts. He heard Watari ask him what's wrong and was even counting it, realizing that it's been the fifth time, and one hundred percent certain that it's scaring the old man off. But he couldn't tell Watari his 'problem', it's too humiliating…
After a long time of denial he finally accepts the fact that he's hard. In the biological way. Meaning the lower part on his anatomy—and he doesn't mean his legs—is hardened to the point that it had become painful. He could feel it throbbing underneath his jeans, and thanks to his super baggy jeans, he successfully hid it from Watari's sight. Otherwise his sitting position is enough to cover his obvious arousal.
He doesn't know how the hell he got that way either, but he could care less. The only thing that flashed in his mind is how he could make it go away. He'd thought about touching himself—in other words, masturbating, but found the idea alone is quite disturbing. So it's definitely out of the question.

A cold shower usually made it successfully go away, but he doesn't feel like taking a bath now. So the only option that he had in mind is to hire someone else to relieve him.

Not Watari. Never. But he's the only one who can find someone to be hired.

"Watari," L started, and found the old man's attention turned fully to him. The said man looked at him expectantly, obviously oblivious to his employer's problem, making another sigh force itself out of the detective's throat. Should he tell Watari this? He takes a quick glance at the thing between his legs... He could hear it screaming 'Hell yes you should, you pathetic thing!' and eventually finished his statement.

"Could you find… a clean prostitute?"

Watari nearly had a heart attack the moment he heard those words slip from L's mouth. It's not like that's a strange thing—the old man is fully aware that L is human, no matter how inhuman he may act. But it's just… he couldn't believe that the detective could be so blunt.
L, on the other hand, found his assistant's face priceless. Shock was painted clearly on his wrinkled face, and his pupils were dilated through the glasses. For a brief moment Watari seems dazed, unmoved, and L recognized it as thinking. However his arousal is too painful to be left neglected, and he irritably growled out, "Well?"

Watari quickly snapped out of his thoughts and regained his composure back. "Of course, young sir. Would you like it to be female or male?" he asked politely. It's not the first time L ever asked him this, but it doesn't suppress the shock to confront him. The detective had asked him about four times before, and for the experience he realized that L takes both male and female. He wonders what L wants now…

"Male will be fine. And I want only the best and clean, Watari."

The old man nodded briefly. "Sure, give me some time to arrange it."
L nodded and mouthed his thanks as the white-haired man exited the room. He sighed as his eyes fell to the digital clock that was standing on the nightstand. It only read 9:21 p.m., meaning that it's not too late for him to find someone; in fact he knows this dark business grew busier late at night. He only hopes Watari could find someone that matched his taste.

And fortunately the said man really thinks so. He'd heard about Seventh Heaven, a place that camouflaged as an ordinary bar that served the best male ever. The boy is called Light. How the old man found out about this… Well, just say that he had many acquaintances at this business, and thought they may be useful for L sometime. And now that he'd proven it, he flipped his cellphone open before dialing the number that was written on the card.

"Hello, I need an arrangement with Light Tsukishi."
