Author's Note: This first little note here is to all my fans of my DGM work. I am sincerely sorry about not updating them. To see the full reason why please see my profile page. I have NOT given up on them I just need some time to get back into the groove of writing them. They are still very just as dear and precious to me as you, my readers, are.

With that said Naruto muses, plot bunnies, and ideas are swimming through my head. I can't not write. It's in my blood I swear!! This one is almost writing itself in my head and I have planned out many chapters. This fic is going to be my first semi…kind of…I guess the best word would be crossover but it's not really as I have not taken any characters from the other show…I don't know what to call it really…

Anyways this is an AU story. I like them better because it gives me a chance to let my imagination run free. This is solely Naruto characters and a few minor OC's thrown in. They will only be in the fic as like food stand people and people with knowledge on certain things. I have added another show, like I was saying, into the mix. But what I did was steal the ideas behind the show and threw it at the Naruto characters.

The show I'm talking about is Avatar. For those of you who have not seen it I say see it!! I love it! It's cute, humorous, serious, and has some wicked magic/jutsu in it. You will NOT need to see Avatar to understand this story. I am only 'borrowing' the idea of Bending, the fighting styles, and the idea of one person being the 'Avatar'. This story will have nothing to do with Avatar and there will be no Aang, Katara, or Tof.

I am taking the Avatar ideas and throwing them into the Naruto world and then adding my own mixes as well. I just happened to be watching Avatar and this story jumped into my head so quickly I almost got a headache. ^_^

WARNING: This story, like all my stories, is YAOI!!!!!! You have been warned!! If you don't like yaoi than LEAVE NOW! The pairing so far is SasuNaru and I don't know if I will have a side pairing or not. You, as my readers, can help decide on that one. Review if think there should be one otherwise there is more than likely not going to be a side pairing. There will be violence, sexual material, blood, gore, and more than likely torture. This is a semi dark fic. YOU. HAVE. BEEN. WARNED!

Blanket Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine!! Avatar is not mine!! I am just borrowing them because the voices in my head told me to!

Please enjoy!! Please review!! Hugs!! Tal ^_~

The Elementals


They call themselves Elementals. They are the ones that heard the call of the world. They are ones that could hear the sweet voices of the five elements that covered the world and created life. Every element has a voice and those who heard these voices called back. The elements in turn asked these people for a show of their worth. To show that they were willing to go to any length in order to continue to hear the call of the elements these people offered their blood as a sign of their devotion. Thus contracts were created. A seal was forever marked upon their flesh. This mark differed from other elements and it was not uncommon for those who heard the call of fire to also hear the call of lightning. The same went for earth and sand or water and plant life.

However one element was more silent than all the others. This was the wind. The wind hardly ever spoke to the people of the world. Some say that the wind was waiting for those to show their true worth and value. Many people spend days, months, years and even decades listening for the wind. These people ended up becoming Nomads. They traveled the world listening and hoping to one day hear this powerful element. Because of this the Wind Nomads created temples throughout the world and unlike the other Elementals they did not settle solely in one place. The other Elementals did settle and the five great nations were created.

Tsuchi no Kuni. The Land of Earth. Home of the Earth Elementals. These peoples are known to be stubborn but patient. They are the people of the Earth element. They live surrounded by rocks and the high peaks of the mountain ranges of the southern lands. Tsuchi no Kuni is considered one of the five great nations.

Mizu no Kuni. The Land of Water. Home of the Water Elementals. These peoples are known to be carefree and easy going however they can became a raging typhoon when crossed. They live in the many islands of the eastern lands. Mizu no Kuni is considered one of the five great nations.

Kaminari no Kuni. The Land of Lightning. Home of the Lightning Elementals. These people are known to be loners but love staying near the waters of the world. They live in the humid, dry lands of the west with their beloved water at their backs. Kaminari no Kuni is considered one of the five great nations.

Kaze no Kuni. The Land of Wind. Home of Earth and Lightning Elementals. Kaze no Kuni is the only land in the world that is not home of its birth name Elementals. The land is wide, open, and filled with miles of sand. It got its name because once a wind blows through the vast sand plains nothing can stop it. This land attracted Earth Elementals who wished to create a bond with sand. Lightning Elementals came to create glass from the sand and to see if the glass they created would listen to their commands. Soon Kaze no Kuni became one of the five great nations.

Hi no Kuni. The Land of Fire. Home of the Fire Elementals. These people are quick to rage but are also known to be full of passion for their fellow man. They live in the center of the lands and are surrounds by all the other lands of the world. They were the first to start the pacts with the elements and soon Hi no Kuni started to try and make peace with the other great nations. Hi no Kuni is one of the five great nations.

Though Hi no Kuni tried to create peace it seemed that not all the other Elementals wished for this same fate. Some Elementals bonded better with other Elementals while some raged against each other. Water and Fire. Earth and Wind. Lightning and Earth. No matter what Hi no Kuni tried it seemed that some nations just couldn't seem to get along with each other. So the Great Elemental War began.

This war raged for years upon years. The powers that were released wrecked havoc unto the world. Peoples of the smaller villages and nations were the biggest victims as they did not have the money or resources needed in order to continuously rebuild their small nations. Hi no Kuni never gave up faith that one day they would all live in peace together. Because of their undying devotion to create peace the Elements of the world answered this call.

In order to create peace all the elements needed to come together as one. Only when all the elements were together as one would the other nations and peoples see that peace was a future not so far away. The elements created the Jinchuuriki. The Jinchuuriki was a person born with the ability to hear all the five elements. They would start off hearing one element, their birth element, but as time would go on they would hear all the others. The first Jinchuuriki was born to Hi no Kuni. This Fire Elemental soon became a great leader and through his hard work and dedication to life; peace was finally achieved.

For centuries the peoples of the world lived in peace and it soon became apparent that there was only ever going to be one Jinchuuriki at one time and when the current Jinchuuriki died a new one was born. Every time a new Jinchuuriki was born he or she was born to a different element but no matter what element they were born to they still could hear the voices of the other four elements. It also became clear that the Jinchuuriki were being born in a continuous cycle that never changed thus never giving one element more power than the others. The cycle was always Fire, Wind, Water, Earth than Lightning.

The people discovered that the Jinchuuriki was born with the seal of their birth element. No other child was ever born with their seal already upon their flesh and because of this it made it easy to identify who was the next Jinchuuriki. It was also noted that each Jinchuuriki looked ethereal, handsome, beautiful and over all had a presence that drew people to him or her. Most people of the land trained long and hard to become worthy warriors of the Jinchuuriki.

However, in the darkness and shadows of the lands, a new threat was brewing. A group of Elementals didn't believe that one person alone should have the power of all the elements. This band of Elementals planned and plotted to capture the Jinchuuriki and find ways of stealing his or her abilities to hear the call of all elements. This band became known as Akatsuki, the Red Moon.

In order to stop the Jinchuuriki from being captured, tortured and ultimately killed the five great nations trained themselves to fight not only with their abilities but with their bodies and weapons as well. Once the Jinchuuriki was found they were protected and welcomed wherever they went for the Jinchuuriki still symbolized hope and peace.

But the Akatsuki were not to be stopped. They wished for the power and as such they started to turn to darker and more sinister arts of the lands. They used any and all means to change themselves so that the five great nations would fear them and so that they would be on more even ground when facing the Jinchuuriki. But as the years and decades rolled by the Akatsuki started to realize that they needed to know who the new Jinchuuriki was before the actually Jinchuuriki was born.

The Akatsuki captured the Fire Jinchuuriki, also known as the Hokage, and spirited him away. Once they knew that other Elementals would never find them they did the more horrible and bloody thing. They attacked the Wind Nomads. They attacked and killed all the Wind Nomads that they could find. They left none alive in the hopes that they would be able to break the cycle and the power from the death of the current Jinchuuriki would be pasted to those present at the death of the Hokage.

Since the Wind Nomads were more peaceful and spiritual than the other Elementals they didn't see this as a massacre but as a test to their devotion to their beloved element. However that did not mean that they would willingly go quietly. For the first time in the history of the five great nations the Wind Nomads unleashed their fury upon the lands. The Wind Nomads killed more Akatsuki than all the other nations combined.

But they were still no match for the number of Akatsuki and the power that they wielded. As a last ditch effort to make sure that the Akatsuki never broke the chain of the Jinchuuriki the Wind Nomads sent all their pregnant Nomads out into the other five nations in hopes that one of them would give birth to the next Jinchuuriki.

Once the Akatsuki believed that they had killed all the Wind Nomads they destroyed the Hokage but once the Hokage breathed his last breath they knew that they had failed. For upon the Hokage's last breath a smile appeared upon his face saying that the elements still wished and hoped for peace and that the new child would bring an end to the senseless death and horror that was the Akatsuki. With that the Hokage died.

In the hidden mountain ranges of Hi no Kuni a shrill cry rang out. A small child had been born. The birth maiden with her long twin tailed honey hair and moist brown eyes stared down at the child that she had helped deliver. The mother was in a lot of pain and was suffering just to give birth to her child. A tall long white haired man gently brushed the red sweat drenched hair from the mother's face. The two who had helped with the birth knew that without a Water Elemental nearby that the mother was not going to live much longer.

The honey haired woman gently placed the child within his mother's arms and warm, but tired and fading, eyes gazed at her child. Short golden hair haloed the boy's head. The red haired woman gently rubbed at his cheeks as her eyes fall upon the three marks that adored his cheeks. Upon feeling the gentle touch two eyes opened and revealed clear, sparkling, glowing sapphire eyes.

A tear ran down the cheek of the red haired woman as she pulled the swaddle away from his son in order to look upon the flesh of his stomach. Her eyes shone with pride as the seal of the Wind Nomad appeared on his flesh. She had done it. She had lived long enough to see that her Clan was not going to die off completely. Another Wind Nomad had been born and this one was the most special of all.

"I need you…you two to…promise me…" The woman gasped slightly for air as she felt the flicker of death rubbing at her body, "no one is to…know he…he lives…"

The two people beside the dying mother nodded knowing that their words would fail them. They two of them were not Wind Nomads and thus did not know any of their traditions or customs but they did know what the seal on the baby's flesh meant and what kind of fate the child would have if the world did know the child was alive.

"He…will need you…he will…be the…be the…" A cough shook the woman's frail body as her hand shook while trying to wrap the child once again within the warmth of the swaddle.

"We will help him." The honey haired woman said softly.

"We will guide him." The white haired man smiled as he spoke.

"Th..thank you…" Her eyes dimmed, her breath rattled from her lips as she slowly closed her eyes. "My…beautiful…Naruto…" A single tear slid down her cheek as her last breath joined the wind that she loved so much.


Author's Note: So there you have it. This fic only has elements from Avatar. It will not follow the Avatar plot at all nor with there be any characters from said show. I am just taking the bending and the whatnots from it. I hope you all like it so far. Please let me know what you think so far. Chapter One will be coming out really quickly. Reviews make me happy!! Again everyone who is a fan of my DGM fics I'm sssssssoooooooooooo sorry!!! I am trying!! Hugs all!! Tal ^_^