Author's Note: Thank you all once again for reading, reviewing, and alerting my fic!!! It truly means a lot to me that so many people are enjoying it! Plus I was really worried that not a lot of people would be for a Naruto/Avatar fic. But my wonderful reviewers are proving me wrong and I love you all for it!

Thank you to my reviewers!!! dragonfire04, Jay-Jay51, HikariToKageHeart, Zandamh, elany, roseearered, FumetsuKaji!!!!! Thank you all!!

WARNING: This story, like all my stories, is YAOI!!!!!! You have been warned!! If you don't like yaoi than LEAVE NOW! The pairing so far is SasuNaru and I don't know if I will have a side pairing or not. You, as my readers, can help decide on that one. Review if think there should be one otherwise there is more than likely not going to be a side pairing. There will be violence, sexual material, blood, gore, and more than likely torture. This is a semi dark fic. YOU. HAVE. BEEN. WARNED!

Blanket Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine!! Avatar is not mine!! I am just borrowing them because the voices in my head told me to!

Italics – thoughts

/../../ - scene change

//\\//\\ - dream/flashback

The Elementals

Chapter Three: The Return of the Wind

Naruto slowed his run as he reached the large doors. Okay now Naruto you just need to get Sasuke to show you the mark. If he doesn't… Naruto grimaced slightly. There was really nothing he could do if Sasuke said no again. He didn't want to force the teen to show him but it was slowly becoming his only option. Whatever it was that was done to the raven was interrupting his flame within. That meant that something was placed inside of Sasuke. The only things that Naruto knew that could do that were a sealing, which Naruto knew would have vanished over the past fifteen years, or a something darker.

Naruto took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the door. What was that…? Naruto removed his hand and glanced around the battleground. He could have sworn he heard something. It was like a hum or a murmur. It didn't sound like words…but why… Naruto shrugged to himself as he once again placed his hand on the door. "What!" Naruto growled as he pulled his hand back. But, unlike the last time, the hum stayed playing in his head.

Slowly the golden Wind Master turned around and narrowed his eyes as he stared around the battleground. The hum was consent and it was gradually getting louder. Naruto winced as the pitch of the hum bounced around hitting different octaves inside his head. What is making that sound?! It's giving me a headache! Naruto winced again as he turned back to the door. There was nothing near him. He couldn't sense a single person but the hum was still there. I'll just have to deal with it later. Right now I need to help Sasuke. If he gets bogged down within the course he will fail his test.

Naruto placed his hands on the door, ignoring to the best of his abilities the now pounding in his head, as he pushed the doors open. A deep cool breeze blow past him as the air seal on the door was broken. The hall before him was narrow but with the highest ceiling that Naruto had ever seen. Naruto stepped forward and his eyes shot open as he hand flew to his mouth. His stomach was churning as the hum hit an even higher pitch.

He stumbled into the hall and groped at the walls. There was something going on and he had a feeling that it had something to do with him. Naruto placed his hand over his stomach and was surprised to feel heat emanating from his clothes. My pact seal…it feels like it's on fire! What is wrong with me!? Naruto breathed deeply through his nose as he straightened himself out and pushed away from the wall. He couldn't worry about his own body's problems right now. He wasn't the one about to take a test for the title of Master. Sasuke was and he was the one that needed the attention.

Deep, soothing inhales through his nose helped to well the churning in his stomach and by focusing on the light at the end of the hallway helped to keep the hum in his head at a bare minimum. It still felt weird and he didn't know what it was but at least he could put it aside and continue on. "You have no choice now Sasuke. If I have to deal with…well whatever this is…you are going to show me that mark!"

Naruto pushed off and hurried down the hall. Well he hurried as fast as the pounding and churning allowed which wasn't more than a quicken shuffle. His pace was even and stable as he continued towards the light. He didn't know where Sasuke was and with the hum in his head it was making it hard for the teen to track other pacts that would tell him where the people were.

Naruto yelled out as someone grabbed the back of his collar. The world spun as he was turned around and came face to face with deep, albeit annoyed, mocha eyes. The thin line of her lips told Naruto that he was in trouble but he couldn't seem to bring himself to worry about that as he was too worried that he was going to throw up on his guardian.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here gaki?!"

"Baa-chan…" Naruto's eyes closed as he clung to her. The world was seriously spinning and the hum broke through his barrier as he was no longer focused on the light.

"Naruto?! What's wrong?!" Tsunade pulled the boy to her as Naruto willed his body to come back under his control.

"I don't know…I need…" His hand flew to his mouth as he quickly pushed the Hokage out of the way. He stumbled over to the far wall and emptied the contents of his stomach. Great heaves and gasps escaped him as he continued to be sick against the hallways wall.

A cool hand pressed against his forehead while another gently rubbed his lower back. "Naruto?"

Naruto grimaced at the concern in her voice but didn't have the energy to reply just yet. He tried to breath, to calm his stomach, to make sure that he didn't throw up again. What is wrong with me?! I was fine before I entered this area…could that be the reason? "Baa-chan…"

Tsunade wrapped her arm around his waist and used her hip to balance the both of them as she leaned closer to his head. "What's wrong Naruto? I've never seen you throw up before."

Naruto grinned, "I don't know…my head and my…" Sapphire eyes widened as the churning in his stomach overwhelmed him and he once again throw up; but with nothing else in his stomach to purge the acid was the only thing left. Fuck that burns! What the hell!

"I'm taking you out of here!" Tsunade gripped her charge and started to lead him towards the entrance of the hallway.

"Wait…" Naruto half heartedly tried to free himself from the stronger woman but his body was tired and he was covered in a cold sweat. I've read about this before…am I sick? "Sasuke…need to see…"

"You can see the Uchiha later. Right now I need to get you out of the hallway and have a good look at you in the light. I've…" Tsunade cleared her throat and licked her lips but when she failed to continued Naruto knew. Baa-chan had never seen him sick either. The Jinchuuriki was known for always be healthy and there was never a recorded record of one ever becoming ill.

"I know Baa-chan…but still…"


Naruto glared with the little strength he had in the direction of Tsunade but his head barely moved as his eyes didn't even narrow. He was just so tired and his stomach was still on fire. "Fine…"


Sasuke knelt in the center of a ring of white candles. His eyes were closed, his arms were crossed lying in his lap, and his breathing was calm, cool, collected. The flames of the candles rose and fell with each breath that the Uchiha took. He needed to center himself. He needed to control himself. He needed to make the pain lacing from his shoulder stop before the testings.

He was not going to fail this time. He was not going to have to face his father again after a failure. He was going to become a Master and he was going to find the one that caused him this pain and when he found him… The flames of the candles sparked as his thoughts turned to the pain that he would return to the golden eyed man. The man with the snake. The man that didn't deserve to live.

"You keep up those kinds of thoughts Uchiha you're going to burn down the room."

Onyx eyes snapped open. He knew that voice and it was one that he didn't want to have to listen to. "Hyuuga."

Hyuuga Neji walked into Sasuke's private parlor and leaned against the desk that was directly in his line of sight. The tall Hyuuga was wearing his usual emotionless face but, unlike the Uchiha, the Hyuuga in front of him let some of his emotions be seen through his pale pupiless lavender eyes. "Getting this riled up before the tests is never a good idea Uchiha. You'll fail again that way."

Sasuke smirked as he rose to his feet. "As I recall your record of failure is far worse than mine." Now let's see who loses their cool. Sasuke's smirk turned into a grin as the Hyuuga glared at him and crossed his arms. From the many years of missions and training Sasuke knew that this was a sign that Hyuuga was getting pissed. I wonder how far I can push him. "Looking to make this your fifth straight fail Hyuuga?"

Neji pushed away from the desk and headed to the door of the parlor. "I will not stand here and listen to you any longer."

Sasuke's eyebrow rose. Then why did he come here in the first place? "What did you want Hyuuga? You never come and seek me out when it is for nothing."

Neji stopped at the door and, without turning, spoke into the dim room, "That blonde boy. The Water Master from Mizu no Kuni."

Instantly Naruto's sapphire eyes flashed into his mind. "Naruto? What about him?"

Hyuuga's head turned to look at Sasuke over his shoulder, "Naruto?" Neji smiled as his pale eyes glistened, "He's quite the beautiful boy wouldn't you say Uchiha. It seems that you already know him."

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he clenched his fists. He knew that the Hyuuga was trying to push his buttons. He had probably seen the two of them walking through the village. But the main question was why Sasuke was so affected by Hyuuga's words. "What about him?"

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched as Hyuuga licked his lips, "I just wanted to see if the boy was anything to you. After all I have full intentions of taking him under my wing. I heard he will be staying in Konoha from now on and he will need someone to show him around."

Before Sasuke even knew what he was doing he had Hyuuga by the collar, "Stay away from him."

Hyuuga smirked as he removed Sasuke's hand from his Flame tunic. Pale lavender stared into deep onyx as the two teens glared into one another's souls. Hyuuga brushed his long hair over his shoulder as he turned around and reached for the door handle. Sasuke breathed deeply to calm his nerves as Neji opened the door and walked out.

"He's not yours Uchiha." With that the door closed and the flames of the candles blasted to almost the ceiling in the wake of Sasuke's growl.


Naruto bend over himself and placed his hands on his knees. They were once again standing out in the open of the battleground. The humming had dulled and the churning in his stomach was slowly going away though it was still there.

"Care to tell me what that was?"

Naruto glanced over his shoulder at Baa-chan. Her voice had been stern but her body language was stating that was indeed concerned. "I don't really know. I entered the hall there to go and find Sasuke and suddenly my head and stomach started to hurt. I've never felt that before."

Tsunade crossed her arms and sighed, "What were you doing before it hit? Did you eat something funny? Did you stay to long out in the sun?"

Naruto straightened himself out and smiled weakly at Tsunade, "No and no. I ate ramen at lunch and the sun has never bothered me before. I think…" Naruto placed his hand over his navel, "Baa-chan what is the stadium to Konoha?"

Tsunade's eyebrow rose slightly, "What do you mean?"

Naruto sighed as he closed his eyes. The humming was starting to get really annoying. "Is there a reason why this stadium is used for the Flame Master tests?"

Tsunade huffed out a laugh that caused Naruto to open his eyes, "This place is the center of the Fire Element that rules over Konoha. The first settlers that created Konoha chose this place because all the Fire of the land centers in this exact spot. Hundreds of feet below of us is the purest form of Fire in the whole world."

Naruto's eyes widened slightly as he glanced to the ground. "Magma."

Tsunade nodded, "Yes. The first Hokage of Konoha felt the call of the Magma and decided to build Konoha over it. When they found out that this spot that we are standing on is the pool of magma they built the stadium over it so that all future generations of Flame Masters would be tested where the call of their pacts were the strongest."

Naruto nodded as he looked once more at his guardian, "I think that is what is causing whatever it is that is bothering me. I've never been here before and I do feel the pull of the Fire Element strongest here. It was just a lot to take at one time. But I'm fine now." If I ignore the humming in my head and the fact that my pact seal is still burning like itis fire.

Tsunade's eyebrows drew together but before she could say another word a shrill voice rang through the battlegrounds. "Naruto!"

Naruto and Tsunade turned towards the source of the yell. Running towards them was none other than Sakura-chan. Her pink hair flipped in the breeze that was created by her running towards them. She had a smile on her face as she came to stop just before Naruto.

"Sakura-chan? What are you doing here?"

Sakura-chan looked up at Naruto with a quizzical look on her face, "What are you talking about? I have always been here. It is getting close to the starting ceremonies. I have been looking everywhere for you. You need to be told where you're going to be standing and who you are flagged to."

Naruto's golden eyebrow rose, "Flagged to?"

Tsunade stepped forward slightly, "Flagging is when you are assigned a certain participate in the testings that you follow throughout the test. You're there to make sure that none of their or the fires around them get out of control. We are short on Water Masters so it will most likely be two people that you are flagged to."

Sakura-chan straightened at hearing the voice of her Shishou. "Shi-Shishou! I didn't see you there. Good afternoon!" Sakura-chan bowed deeply.

"I shouldn't be here." Naruto watched as Tsunade turned towards the setting sun with a frown on her face, "The sun will be setting in little over an hour. I'm betting the villagers are already on their way here."

Naruto's eyes widened. He was going to be seeing more of the villagers! I wonder how they will dress! I wonder if they will be carrying banners of their families! Wait…sun set?! "Uhm…Ba-Tsunade-sama why do you have the testings at night? I thought that Fire Elementals were stronger when they could draw their strength from the sun?"

Tsunade grinned at Naruto, "That's why we have it at night. This way the participates have no choice by to reply on their pacts and the resolve that they made with their inner flame. That is why when you had your Water Master test it was at high noon. Water Elementals are stronger when the moon is out."

Naruto's eyes widened. "Wow that is so cool! I can't wait to see what they got!"

Sakura-chan gasped Naruto's elbow, causing the blonde to jump slightly as he had forgotten she was there, as the pink haired girl started to pull Naruto away, "You'll be able to see that and more once you are assigned and you know what to do during the opening ceremonies. Bye Shishou!"

Naruto glanced over his shoulder, grinned and waved at his Baa-chan as she shook her head and walked away in the opposite direction. The strange humming was still going over and over in his head but the thought of seeing what these young Fire Elementals had in them was helping to dull the pain.


"Okay Naruto you'll need to really pay attention because I only have time to go over this once." Sakura-chan's voice was distant to the humming that had returned to Naruto's head. No matter what he thought about now the sound was always there. It was like something inside of him was trying to tell him something and since he couldn't figure it out it was causing him to have a wicked headache.

"Yosh! I'm all ears Sakura-chan!" If that was only true.

Sakura-chan smiled as she walked towards five pillars that stood erect at what Naruto guessed was the beginning of the testing course. They all looked the same except for the tops. Each one was adored with a large crystal of a different colour. Near the base of each pillar was a large circular hole. The pillars stood about fifteen feet apart and wrapped around the ground surrounding each pillar were sealing markings.

Behind the pillars were two large wooden doors with the seal of Konoha stamped on them. The large spiral leaf caused a smile to appear on Naruto's face. Baa-chan said that all Masters of Konoha wore them symbol somewhere on their person. Most of them wore them on a metal band stamped onto a strip of fabric. Baa-chan said that it didn't matter what Elemental Master you were you could become a warrior of Konoha and then you could earn the seal of the village.

"The doors behind the Elemental Statues is where the participates of the testings will enter. They will knee before the Flame Pillar," Sakura-chan pointed to the center pillar with its large ruby colored crystal. Once they have entered then the judges will enter from that door."

Naruto followed Sakura-chan's out stretched hand and noticed that to his left was another door but this one was not stamped with the seal of Konoha. This door was stamped with the five seals of the elements. Naruto's eye lingered on the spiral that represented the Wind Nomads. A pain welled in his chest at the thought that there would be no Wind Nomads present at this testing. The pain in his chest changed quickly to the hum growing stronger causing his vision to blur slightly.

"Naruto? You okay? You look kind of pale."

Naruto blinked quickly and smiled brightly at Sakura-chan though the smile was more to keep himself from throwing up again. "Yeah I'm fine…I think I'm a little nervous."

Sakura-chan smiled and nodded, "I was nervous my first time too. Don't worry. You'll be fine. Okay so once the judges enter we, the Water Elementals, follow them. We walk out and take our places. Mostly everyone will be around the perimeter but the healers and Water Masters, like yourself, will go and stand behind the Fire Elementals. Once we are in place than the last door will open."

Naruto looked the other way and saw that the last door was once again stamped with a seal but upon seeing this seal Naruto felt like all the blood in his body had suddenly turned to ice. The burning over his seal returned tenfold and the humming blocked out all other sound. There. There stamped on the door was the seal of the Hokage and the seal of the Jinchuuriki. The two seals were interwoven upon the wood of the door.

I..I can't do this. I know what it is that is causing this. Naruto felt tears running down his cheeks as Sakura-chan spoke softly in front of him but with her back away from him as she looked at the door. "Shishou will enter through those doors with the Flame Masters of last year's tests. In the olden days the Hokage was accompanied by the Jinchuuriki. Well that is if the Hokage wasn't the Jinchuuriki. "

Sakura-chan sighed as she continued to talk, "Once the Hokage makes the starting speech one Master of each Element will come forth and light the pillars. They will call forth their element to enter the hole at the base of the pillar and the element will ignite the crystal at the top. Once all the pillars are lit… well all but the wind pillar…the Flame Masters with perform the Flame— Naruto?! Naruto you okay!"

Naruto jumped slightly as Sakura-chan ran to him and placed her hand on his cheek. He had been staring at the door that the Hokage would enter through during her whole speech. He knew that he was crying and he knew why but he couldn't tell the girl before him. He couldn't tell anyone…Naruto gasped and grasped his head while he backed away from Sakura-chan. The humming wasn't going to stop. The burning wasn't going to stop. I know what I have to do…

"Please Naruto tell me what's wrong! I can help you. I'm a healer!" Sakura-chan took another step towards Naruto but the blonde backed up.

"Sakura-chan where would I find Tsunade-sama?" Naruto glanced at the girl before looking around the area as he tried to lock onto Baa-chan's pact seal.

"She'll be in the High Tower." Sakura-chan turned and pointed towards the large covered top box that rested over the door that the Fire Elementals would enter through. "She'll be getting all the Masters and judges ready to enter the battleground."

Naruto nodded as he ran towards the doors. "Thanks Sakura-chan!"

"Wait! You can't go in there! I still need to tell you who you are flagging! Naruto!"

Naruto bit his lip. He really hoped that Sakura-chan wasn't going to get into trouble for him leaving like this. But he couldn't wait any longer. He was running away from Sakura-chan but he wasn't going to run away from himself anymore. He knew that he had promised Baa-chan and Ero-Sannin that he would keep who is was a secret but if he was right about what was causing him pain than he didn't have a chose. And by all accounts he didn't like the idea of hiding who he was. It was time that the world had some hope and it was time that the world remembered that there were still Wind Nomads. Even if it was only one.


Sasuke leaned against the cool stone of the hallway. They were a mere half an hour away from entering into the battlegrounds. Standing across the hall from him was none other than Hyuuga Neji but the Hyuuga wasn't looking at him nor was he saying anything. This close to the tests was always the hardest. The Hokage always made the participates wait in the hall to see if their nerves would be able to hold out until the testing actually began.

Leaning against the wall a little ways away from him was Inuzuka Kiba and his animal guild Akamaru. Out of all Fire Elementals Kiba was the youngest to find his animal guild. Of course Sasuke didn't think this was anything special was the Inuzuka was a clan of dog handlers and each of the Inuzuka were knew to have their animal guild since birth. The one thing that Sasuke didn't like about it was the fact that the large white dog was allowed to enter the testings with Kiba and the two of them could take part as a two man team.

Standing on the other side of the hall and pretty far away from everyone was Aburame Shino. To say that Sasuke didn't like this teen would have been an understatement. Aburame was weird. There was no better word for it. Shino command the Fire Bugs of Konoha. They lived in his skin. No matter which way Sasuke looked at it that was not hygienic.

Sasuke jumped slightly as the doors leading to the battlegrounds were suddenly slammed open. Sasuke blinked the sudden light out of his eyes as someone came running down the hall. The sounds of the footfalls sounded strange to Sasuke. It was almost as if this person wasn't running on the cool, hard stone but he was running on something far softer. The footfalls were almost non-existent. The light streaming in through the doors illuminated the runner for the barest of moments before the doors slammed shut.


Sasuke pushed away from the wall as the blonde ran towards them. Sasuke's eyebrows narrowed as the boy drew closer. Shimmering tracks ran down the boy's cheeks and it didn't seem like he had heard Sasuke. His point was proven when Naruto didn't seem to be slowing as he drew closer. Sasuke growled out as he jumped into Naruto's path.

"Oi! Dobe!" Sasuke smirked as Naruto's blue eyes widened and Naruto skidded to a halt.

"Don't call me that teme!" Naruto suddenly blinked as he looked around the hall. "Uhm…"

Sasuke shook his head as he walked towards the blonde boy. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Hyuuga had pushed away from the wall and was walking towards the blonde teen as well. Fucking Hyuuga needs to back the fuck off! "Dobe what's wrong? Are you crying?"

"Huh?" Naruto stopped looking around and turned slightly glazed eyes on Sasuke. "Sasuke? Oh! Which way to Tsunade-sama?!"

Sasuke's eyebrow rose, "Why do you need the Hokage? I thought you were going to be a Water Master in the testings? You won't need her from that."

"You must be Naruto-kun."

Naruto jumped slightly as Hyuuga held out his hand to the Water Elemental as he started into Naruto's sapphire eyes with his pale lavender. "Uhm…Yes, I'm Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto took the hand that was offered to him and let out a yelp as the Hyuuga pulled Naruto to him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've been hearing about you all day."

Naruto laughed nervously as he tried to pull his hand back. "I'm afraid I've not heard about you. And who would you be?"

Sasuke growled as he walked the short distance between them and pulled Naruto away from Neji as the Uchiha glared at him. "You don't need to man handle him Hyuuga."

Hyuuga ignored Sasuke, which pissed the raven off even more, as the pupiless teen turned his attention once more to Naruto. "My name is Hyuuga Neji."

Naruto smiled softly as he pulled himself free of Sasuke. "I don't mean to be rude but I really need to see Tsunade-sama. Which direction would she be in?"

Sasuke rubbed at his temple. "Why do you need to see her?"

Naruto growled out as he glared at Sasuke. For the barest of moments Sasuke was taken aback by the look but quickly recovered. "I don't need to explain myself to you teme. Just tell me wh—AH!" Naruto grabbed at his head as his body pitched forward. Sasuke didn't even think. His body reacted far quicker than his brain could ever take in the situation. He jumped forward and wrapped his arms around the boy.

Sasuke glared at Hyuuga, who had also jumped towards Naruto when the boy had grasped his head, before turned back to the shaking boy in his arms. "Naruto?"

"Please…please Sasuke tell me where she is."

Sasuke sighed as he pulled Naruto closer. He inhaled deeply and was overcome with the freshest scent in had ever smelt before. He couldn't place it. It was like the smell of the earth after a rainstorm. Or the sweet first breezes of spring through the pines in the Uchiha forest. Whatever it was was coming off of Naruto in waves. Sasuke buried his nose slightly in the soft golden tresses just above Naruto's ear. "You're not going to tell me why are you?"

Naruto shook his head slightly, "I will but not right now. I need…I need to talk to Tsunade-sama first."

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he pushed the Water Master back. Naruto's normal tan, bronzed skin was pale and fresh tears had started to roll down his marked cheeks. "She is straight down the hall. Make the first right you come to and she is at the top of the stairs."

Naruto nodded as a small smile graced his face. Sasuke felt his face warm as Naruto gently placed his hand on Sasuke's cheek. What..what is he doing…right Sasuke like that's any better than you smelling him! "Thank you Sasuke. When this is all over I want to tell you everything first."

Sasuke's eyebrows knitted together slightly, "Everything?"

Naruto nodded as his eyes fluttered closed. Sasuke couldn't help but gasp as he felt a wind run between them. Onyx eyes widened as Naruto took off down the hall. It can't be…the wind was from the door! Sasuke's head whipped around to look in the direction of the door but all he saw was the blackened backside of two firmly closed wooden doors.


Naruto took a calming breath as he stood outside the door that led to Baa-chan. Sasuke's direction were perfect. He had cleared the stairs and the seal of the Hokage was stamped on the large door in front of him. Okay…I'm going to tell Baa-chan that I'm going to enter the stadium as the Jinchuuriki or not at all. I will not run anymore. I will not hide anymore. She will just have to understand this. The moment those thoughts ran through his head the humming stopped and the burning on his stomach ceased. Naruto exhaled deeply as a smile graced his face. I was right.

Naruto raised his hand and knocked on the door. Silence greeted him as he heard the scraping of wood on stone. The handle to the door turned and the door opened to an annoyed looking Hokage. Naruto smiled sheepishly up at Tsunade. "Hi Baa-chan."

Tsunade's expression changed from annoyed to confused in under a second. "Gaki? What are you doing here? You should be down in the stadium."

Naruto steeled his resolve as he looked deep into the mocha eyes of the woman that raised him, "Tsunade-sama we need to talk."

The Hokage's eyebrow rose before she nodded slightly and backed away from the door and allowed the blonde to enter the room. They both stayed quiet as they walked into the room. Tsunade walked around the large desk and sat back in her seat. Naruto came to rest at the front of the paper filled desk. "Well?"

Naruto took a calming breath. He had a feeling that this was going to be harder than he thought, "I'm going to tell everyone." Might as well get to the point.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, "You're going to what?!"

Naruto matched Tsunade's glare, "I'm not going to hide anymore. I can't and I won't. The people have a right to know that I am alive. Being here has shown me that."

Tsunade sighed as she rubbed at her temple, "I thought we already talked about this last night. It is not wise for you to go around telling people that you're the Jinchuuriki. If the Akatsuki found out they will come after you."

Naruto nodded in understanding, "They'll come for me anyways Baa-chan. This way it will be on my terms and not on theirs. They won't be able to take me by surprise. I will know that they will be coming."

"That doesn't make it okay gaki!" Tsunade's fist connected with the wooden desk and Naruto cringed at the creak of the wood.

"You say that the Akatsuki will be coming for me but what about the others?" Naruto took a tentative step forward. He had been thinking about what he wanted to say all the way up the stairs.

A honey eyebrow rose slightly, "The others?"

Naruto nodded, "You and Ero-Sannin always told me that the other four great nations trained their Elementals to protect the Jinchuuriki. When word spreads that I am alive and in Konoha they will come. I know they will. This may be our chance to finally stop the Akatsuki."

Tsunade's eyes widened slightly, "What and use you as bait?! Are you insane! Sure the others will more than likely come but that still puts your life in danger. Can't you wait until you have at least mastered the other three elements?"

Naruto sighed. He could hear the pleading tone in her voice but he knew that he couldn't. The pains would only get stronger the more he hid himself away. The Fire of Konoha already knew he was here and it was calling to him. What would happen to him and the others of the village if he continued to ignore it? Would the magma react to him? No, he would not let that happen.

"I'm sorry Baa-chan but I can't wait. You remember me telling you about the churning of my stomach and the humming in my head?" Naruto watched as Tsunade nodded before he continued, "They were caused by the Jinchuuriki spirit within me. I know that now because before I knocked on your door I made my resolve that I would not enter the stadium below unless I did so as the Jinchuuriki and once I thought that the pain left."

Tsunade sighed as she rose from her chair and walked across the room to a tall cabinet. She opened one of the drawers but Naruto was unable to see what she was doing as she had her back to him and her frame was blocking the drawer from view.

"After you went to sleep last night Jiraiya and I talked. We had a feeling that since the spirit of the Jinchuuriki had awakened that it would not be quiet until you came forth as who you were meant to be. I bet that it would take a week before you came and told everyone."

Naruto smiled softly, "Baa-chan you never were good at betting."

Tsunade's soft laughter echoed in the quiet room, "Jiraiya bet that we would be announcing you to the people of Konoha at this very test. So he told me to bring this for you." Tsunade turned around and in her arms was a large wooden box. She walked over to her desk and placed it on the paper covered mess that was her work space. She turned, still blocking the box from Naruto's eye, as she looked deep into his eyes. "I will do everything in my power to protect you. But I understand. For seventeen years the world has thought that you were dead along with all the other Wind Nomads. Today they will know the truth."

Naruto nodded as he wrapped his arms around Tsunade. She smiled softly as she too wrapped her arms around the boy. "Thank you Baa-chan. I know this is the right thing to do."

Tsunade closed her eyes and hugged the boy tightly to her before she pulled away and walked towards the door. Naruto followed her with his eyes and when she reached the door she stopped. "Once you are ready come out the way you came. When you get to the bottom of the steps directly to your right you will see a weird line in the smooth stone. This line is actually the hinge of a door. Push against the stone and a door will open. I will be waiting at the end of the hall."

"Yes Baa-chan." Though she wasn't looking at him Naruto bowed as a warmth spread through him.

"Don't keep me waiting gaki. The ceremony starts in less than ten minutes." Without waiting for the boy to reply Tsunade opened the door and left.

Naruto closed his eyes as he turned back towards to the box. Slowly sapphire eyes opened as he gazed down at the box. "Wow…" Naruto reached out a shaking hand and gently touched the box. Carved into the lid of the box was the spiral stamp of the Wind Nomad. Surrounding the spiral was the other four element's seals. Naruto grasped the lid and slowly opened the box.

Lying on top of a folded piece of white silk was a letter. The name 'Naruto' was written in beautiful script. With shaking fingers Naruto reached for the envelope. "I wonder who's writing this is?" Naruto flipped the envelope over and broke the wax seal. An old piece of parchment was inside. Upon opening it Naruto felt tears spring to his eyes.

My Dearest Child,

If you are reading this than I am not longer with you. For that I am truly sorry. I wish that I could see you grow but fate has different plans for me. My child I am your mother. I was forced to leave the other Wind Nomads because of the Akatsuki. But before I was sent away the Elder's of our Clan gave me what I am about to give you.

Within this box is the Tunic of the Wind Nomads. It has been changed slightly to reflect that you are not only a Wind Nomad but that you are the Jinchuuriki. Please wear this tunic with pride, honor, and most of all wear this garb proudly for all the Wind Nomads. I fear that you may be the last of us my child but we will always be with you. I will always be with you.

With all my love,

Your Mother

Naruto wiped haphazardly at his eyes as tears ran down his cheeks. His mother had gifted him with the tunic of his people. These clothes were the last things that his mother gave him, the only thing his mother gave him. He would do as the letter stated and he would wear these clothes with pride and honor. Naruto gently placed the letter on the desk before he unfolded the white silk to see the clothes underneath.

A brilliant smile graced Naruto's face as he gazed down upon the tunic. "This is perfect!" Naruto reached up to his tunic and started to loosen the collar. He was going to wear his new tunic for all the Wind Nomads that no longer walked the world in mortal form. I will make them all proud of me!


Sasuke knelt before the pillar of fire. It was almost time for the testings. The sun was a mere half an hour away from setting, the judges had already entered the field and the Water Masters and Healers were all standing behind them. Sasuke knew that he should be getting excited but there was just one problem. Naruto was nowhere to be seen. The blonde had run off to the Hokage and no one had seen him since.

Sakura had even questioned Sasuke about it when she had stood near him. But he just shook his head. One because you were not to talk when you where kneeling before the Fire Pillar and two because he just didn't want to talk to her. But Sasuke knew that his question of where the boy was was going to be answered soon because the only one left to join them on the battlegrounds were the Flame Masters and the Hokage herself.

Sasuke's attention, like everyone else's, was drawn to the last set of doors that were to be opened. The seal doors of the Hokage and the Jinchuuriki opened soundless to the battlegrounds. Sasuke watched as last year's Flame Masters entered first. First to enter was Nara Shikamaru, Master of the Black Binding Flames. Next to come was Tenten, Master of the Flaming Blades. These two were both twenty and had passed the tests last year with amazing results. Sasuke bowed his head, like the other three participates, to their Masters.

After Nara and Tenten came Jiraiya, the Master of the Sage Flames. Following right beside Jiraiya was Sasuke's own brother Uchiha Itachi, Master of the Illusion Flames. Again Sasuke and the others bowed their heads to the Masters as they waited for the Hokage to enter the battlegrounds. Once the Hokage entered Sasuke knew that he would be excited for the testings. After all if she came out looking fine then Sasuke would know that Naruto was alright as well. Why do I even need to know about the dobe?!I don't care about him! Okay…so maybe a little…

Tsunade entered and the stadium erupted in cheers. Sasuke let out a breath as he saw that the Hokage had a smile on her face as she walked the length of the battlegrounds and came to a stop in front of the Fire Pillar. She turned to the participates and bowed before turning towards the villagers that had come to watch the testing.

The Hokage raised her arms and the stadium fell into silence. "Welcome people of Konoha! Another year has come and we are once again upon the Testings of the Flame Masters!" Sasuke cringed slightly at the overwhelming cheers of the people. Again the Hokage raised her arms and the people fell silent. "However this year is different than all the years that I have been Hokage. This year is truly a year to celebrate. For what was lost has been returned to us."

Sasuke's eyebrows knitted together slightly. What is she talking about? Sasuke was drawn from his musing as the Hokage started to speak once again. "Seventeen years ago we faced a mighty blow. The world lost one of the great races of the Elementals. We lost the Wind Nomads." Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly. No one liked to be remained that the Wind Nomads were no longer. That the Wind Pillar would never be lit. Why is she talking about that before the testings?! Is she trying to throw us all off or something?!

"Today will forever mark the beginning of our brighter future. Today will be remembered as the day the wind returned. People of Konoha please welcome back a lost but not forgotten brother of the elements. Konoha welcome the Jinchuuriki!"

"What?!" Sasuke quickly snapped his mouth shut. He knew that he wasn't the only one to yell out. A lot of people were standing and leaning over the edge to try and see into the blackened doorway of the Hokage and Jinchuuriki door; hell he was one of them.

The murmurs of the people grew as the tension of the stadium became so thick it was almost visible. Sasuke licked his lips as he refused to blink his eyes. He wouldn't believe the Hokage until he saw it with his own eyes.


"Someone is coming!"

Sasuke ignored the villagers as he too saw someone's silhouette coming towards the entrance of the doorway. Slowly the figure walked towards them but as they drew closer and closer Sasuke couldn't help but feel an overwhelming power pouring from the person. But the strangest thing was that Sasuke knew he had felt this power before. It was very small before but he had felt it.

"Oh my! Naruto?!"

Sasuke's head snapped to look at Sakura as the girl stared at the doorway. Her eyes were widened and he jaw was hanging open. Sasuke swallowed, took a deep breath as he turned his head back towards the door. Walking out of the doorway and towards the Hokage was… "Naruto?"


Author's Note: Thank you all again for taking the time to read my story. Please review! They make me continue to write such long chapters for you all! Plus they cause me to update faster ^_^ I will reply to my reviewers in the next chapter. Lots of Love and Hugs!!!! Tal ^_^