FASH: You know you want this to happen.

Disclaimer: Still don't own it, too bad.

In retrospect, this was all because of Suzuna. After their game against the Militia Republic she had excitedly announced that they should go do some karaoke. Of course the majority of the team wouldn't be caught dead singing, in a public place at least, and no amount of begging, tantrums or crocodile tears was going to change that.

Too bad he was one of those easily manipulated sorts, all Suzuna had to do was throw a watery glance in his direction and with a sigh Sena agreed to go.

Then they found out that karaoke establishments weren't really all that popular in America, or at least in this part of America, and there wasn't one in their immediate area.

He had thought he was off the hook, only to discover that Suzuna had decided to bother Hiruma about it, knowing that after a while she could goad him into action.

Or get shot, it was a fifty-fifty chance.

Thankfully luck was on her side that day because Hiruma shuffled off, mumbling a couple curses under his breath as he flipped through the Devil's Handbook.

And somehow, through a series of events better left unsaid, a fair number of the Team Japan players were gathered in an overtaken lounging area in the hotel, ready to play Rock Band.

Mizumachi practically leapt at the microphone while Akaba calmly selected the guitar, Riku sat at the drums and Yamato chose the bass guitar.

And, to the shock and amusement of nearly everyone in the room, it was soon discovered that even if you could play an instrument in real life, that didn't mean you'd be any good at the Rock Band version.

Akaba frowned as he stared at his final score when the song ended and it seemed like he wouldn't stop playing until he had passed with flying colours. But that was fine, as there were still some people way more content to watch then to play.

Sena was one of the content observers who was set on enjoying the show, and he couldn't help but think that this was helping to build up some sort of camaraderie between the people who had once been on different teams.

The power of Rock Band was an amazing thing, indeed.

Of course Sena couldn't stay on the sidelines forever. It was after a song that Kotarou had managed to select guitar before Akaba, forcing the red-head to play bass, that Suzuna had meandered over to him.

Sena stared at the next group in front of him in an effort not to make eye contact. Akaba had finally given up on the guitar and passed it to a rather surprised looking Marco as Mizumachi goaded Kakei into doing bass. Monta was trying to convince Sakuraba to sing, claiming he'd had experience due to his idol career and should take advantage of it, Sakuraba sheepishly informed Monta that he never wanted to have to sing ever again.

"It would be embarrassing, but I'll do drums if you want me to play." He offered and Monta nodded excitedly.

"I guess I'll do vocals then! Sing MAX!"

"Sena, why are you just lounging around over here, aren't you going to play?" Suzuna asked, moving into his line of vision when she realized he wouldn't be turning to look at her any time soon.

"But I like being a spectator. This is way more fun to watch than karaoke."

"Yes, but you did promise me that you'd do karaoke with us before, so I'll force you to go up and sing sooner or later."

"Fine." Sena agreed easily, knowing it wouldn't be too embarrassing since he'd be facing the screen and not the onlookers.

"Great! I'll tell Mon-Mon to give the microphone to you next!" Suzuna giddily approached Monta when the song was over and the receiver grinned widely as she told him who was up next to sing.

"Finally Sena, I thought you'd miss out on all the fun!" He passed the mic to Sena who glanced around to see who he'd be playing with.

Marco was handing over his guitar to Chuubou while Yamato prompted Taka to take Kakei's, and Sakuraba moved away from the drum set to make way for Agon of all people, who declared that he had nothing better to do.

Sena took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the mic.

It was time for some team bonding, Rock Band style.