Well here is the full chapter i hope you like it :)

Disclaimer: i dont own twilight. Sadly :(

Soundtrack: Should've said no - Taylor Swift, Battlefield - Jordin Sparks, We are broken - Paramore

Review please XD tell me what you think


I came out of trigonometry with Jake and we headed to the cafeteria for lunch. As we opened the door I searched for Alice or Rosalie, and that's when I saw it. Edward and Jessica had a table all to themselves. She was sitting in his lap, my Edwards lap. She leaned in closer and closer until their faces were no more than a centimetre apart, and then she kissed him. Jessica Stanley was kissing my Edward and Edward seemed to be kissing her back. I couldn't stand it I ran out the door I had just come through.

I jolted awake. It was just a dream, just a stupid dream. I told myself. I was still breathing heavily but I was trying to keep as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake Rosalie or Alice. This was not the first dream I had had about Edward, ever since the night of the party these dreams had become more and more frequent.

The past month had been absolute agony. Before I hadn't realised how much being with Edward had meant to me. Now I felt like I was an empty shell. When I thought back on the last four weeks I couldn't help but think that what we were fighting about was stupid and pointless. I didn't have any feelings for Mike Newton. I didn't want to kiss him. It just happened. The day after the party I went to tell this to Edward, but he wouldn't listen, I guess I would have been the same. So a few days later I tried again, but he still wouldn't listen. He was too stubborn to listen to what anyone told him even Emmett and Jasper tried to talk sense into him. But when that didn't work I sort of gave up. Alice told me that he would come to his senses eventually. But I seriously doubted it.

So for the last four weeks I have had to deal with everybody being a couple around me. Of course they have tried to tone it down a bit but I can still see Alice Jasper having silent moment together or Rosalie and Emmett laughing together. Even Quil and Embry have got girlfriends now, Quil with Claire and Embry with Tanya. So I didn't even have them to turn to. Jacob and Lily had finally gotten together and Seth and Ruby are just getting closer and closer.

English and Biology were by far the hardest times of the day. In English I had to deal with Jessica flirting with Edward at any possible moment and every class her top seemed to be made of less and less material. Biology well that was even worse, I had to sit alone on a bench with Edward in an awkward silence. At least in English I had Jessica to distract me.

Rosalie and Alice had been trying their hardest to cheer me up, but it wasn't working. I even didn't want to go shopping anymore. After class I would just go straight to my room and work on my art it proved to be a good distraction.

Sighing I turned over and looked at the clock, 3:38am. I groaned if I didn't want to be a zombie in the morning I would have to get some sleep. So I shut my eyes and hoped that a dreamless slumber would overcome me.


"Oh my gosh, have you heard?" Alice asked running up to me just as I was about to enter English.

"No, what has happened now?" I asked her in return

"Well ahh, I don't know how to tell you this but… um…" she was stuttering her words. What could possibly make Alice act like this?

"Alice just spit it out." I said

"Jessicaandmikearetogether." She said so fast that I couldn't understand a word she said

"Whoa, slow down Alice. Could you repeat that?" I asked. Not knowing what she was trying to say was getting quite annoying

"Jessica and Mike are together. Ruby just told me and I came straight to you." Alice kept talking but I wasn't really listening.

If Mike and Jessica were together then Edward had to believe that they were just causing trouble. I muttered "Bye" to Alice and walked into the class room.

I took my seat next to Edward and Jessica. Everything seemed normal, well normal for our English class. Once again Jessica's top was lower than yesterdays and she seemed to be flirting as much as usual. Maybe it wasn't true, maybe Ruby or Alice had heard wrong. Could this my only chance to get Edward back be a false hope?? Well I would just have to wait and see. But I decided for now there was nothing I could do but hope, so I got on with my work in my usual silence.


I didn't say much all through lunch. The feeling that Edward might finally see some sense had made me happier than I had felt in a while; not even Emmett's taunting jokes could snap me out of my daze.

I had spoken to Rosalie and Alice earlier, when I had told them my suspicions, that Mike and Jessica weren't really going out and it was just a rumour, Alice said "Believe me its true. I saw then making out after class. Not that it looked like kissing more like sucking face off."

I remember instantly feeling relived but it did not erase all of my worries, "But what if Edward still hasn't heard, or what if he is like me and doesn't believe it?" I asked them with an exasperated look on my face.

"Look Bella, in the end it really all comes down to Edward. If he chooses to talk to you then great, but if he doesn't, well." Rosalie took one look at my face and couldn't continue her sentence.

I knew she was right, if Edward wanted to talk to me he would, and I also knew that even if he didn't I wouldn't have the courage to talk to him myself. But Edward had to forgive me because in truth I didn't really do anything, well not on purpose. I mean Mike kissed me, but I guess I could have pulled away sooner or I could have stopped him.

"Bella, are you coming? Your going to be late if you don't hurry." warned Jasper

"Yeah I'm coming." I said, standing up and looking around, I hadn't even noticed the bell had gone. The cafeteria was now empty; the only people in room were Jasper and I.

"He will talk to you, you known." Jasper said soothingly as we walked

"How can you be so sure?" I asked him

"I just know Edward, I have never seen him like this about a girl before. He really loves you but if there is one thing I know about Edward it is that he hates to admit he is wrong and he is as stubborn as heck." he saw the gloomy look on my face and said "But I also know that when he wants something he doesn't stop until he had got it. Don't worry he will come around, just give him time."

I gave him a weak smile "Thanks, well I better go." I said heading off to biology

"Talk to you later." Jasper replied heading off to his own class

I walked into the biology classroom just as the bell rang. I sat down mutely next to Edward as always.

"Hello." he said is a quiet but steady voice.

"Hi." I said unsurely. I felt a small beacon of hope swell up inside me. 'Hello' was the first word Edward had said to me in weeks. It was so good to finally hear his soft velvety voice again. However my happiness was short lived because today just happened to be the day that Mr Banner chose to play a movie.

When the lights went out it was like there was an invisible between me and

Edward. I felt myself being pulled towards him. I looked over and met his eyes I had never wanted to kiss him more in my life.

I took all of my strength to get through that lesson. As soon as the bell rang both Edward and I flung ourselves out of the room.

"I'm sorry." we both said at the same time.

"You want to walk?" Edward asked with a small smile playing on his lips

"Sure." I replied

We walked for a few minutes in silence, then I said "I'm sorry I should have stopped him, I could have said no but I didn't I'm so sorry. I love you not him." I felt a silent tear roll down my cheek

"No it's my fault. I should have believed you straight away. When I saw Mike and Jessica together I realised I had been such an idiot, I knew straight away that they had only been trying to stir up trouble." he said taking a step closer to me and wiping the tear away

"But Jessica was doing the same thing to you and you didn't kiss her." I said

"But I am a little bit stronger than Jessica, no offence but there wasn't very much you could do about Mike," he said trying to comfort me, pulling me into a tight hug.

I looked up into his dazzling green eyes, I was so glad to be talking to him again. I couldn't stop myself I reached up and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I never wanted to pull away. I couldn't believe I lasted a month without Edward. I could feel his warm body against mine. I deepened the kiss moving my lips fervently against his. I felt his tongue on my lower lip, asking for entry, I granted it. I felt his arms tighten around me. I let my hands creep up into his soft hair, and at that moment I knew he was mine once more and that we were closer than ever.

When we had finally pulled away Edward said "I want to take you somewhere."

"Okay," I said smiling "But what about class?" I asked

"Bella, it's healthy to ditch once in a while." he said, the smile I had been longing to see for so long brightening up his face.

"Are you at least going to tell me where we are going?" I asked grabbing his hand as we began to walk.

"It's a surprise." he replied simply


"Hey, I recognise that bakery." I said as we were driving in Edward's Volvo to wherever it was that he was taking me

"Well then I'm guessing you must have driven down this road before." he said cheekily

"Ha-ha," I fake laughed "You sure you don't want to tell me where we are going?" I asked for the millionth time

"Nope, you will just have to wait and see." he said. I grumbled but I dropped the subject.

Five minutes later the car came to a stop. I looked around, everything looked familiar somehow. Edward grabbed a blanket from the back of the car and then took my hand and guided my up the hill to our left.

I suddenly realised where we were, we were standing in our clearing next to the huge lake. Everything was just as beautiful as I remembered if not more. The hundreds of trees surrounding us on either side were swaying in the wind. Edward put the rug on the ground and we both sat down.

"I missed you." he said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I missed you to." I said then softly kissed his lips

"I am never going to let you go again. I love you too much." Edward told me. I could see the passion in his eyes and I was filled up with bliss.

"I will always love you for as long as you want me." I said, meaning every word.

"Then you will love me for forever, and I will love you just as long." I leaned back against his chest and let his scent overwhelm me.

We sat there talking until the sunset over the lake. When Edward finally said "We better get going, the others will be wondering where we are." I grudgingly got up and followed him to the car. I couldn't remember feeling happier in my life, once again Edward was mine and I was his, I couldn't believe my luck but I was never going to complain.

Well there you go they are a happy couple once again, and no cliffy :) you proud?

Hit or miss??

Reviews much appreciated. Thanks for getting over 100 :D i was so happy.


I'm looking for a Beta so if anyone knows a good Beta of would like to Beta my story please let me know :)
