A/N: This is the ending for this story. It went in so many different directions, that not even I saw coming. Anyways, thank you everyone who read this story and to those who reviewed. It was greatly appreciated. I don't know when I going to come out with another story, but I've already got some ideas brewing in my head. I really hope you all enjoy this final installment! =D


Ten years passed. Love and Evelyn were graduated from college and Katrina and Esmeralda were graduated from High School. Esmeralda was studying at MetU while Katrina decided to join the Air Force. Caleb was a Freshman in high school and Lisa and Calvin were in fifth grade. Evelyn and Josh continued dating on and off until they got married two years ago. Love was dating Clark Junior after they finally decided to stop their flirting and admit they had feelings for each other. Katrina wasn't currently dating anyone at the moment while Esmeralda was dating one of the guys from school.

Lois and Clark were still working at the Daily Planet. They may have not been promoted, but Perry gave them a very generous raise two years after the twins were born. Clark continued with his Superman duties and would train Love and Caleb, now that they had all the powers they would get. Lisa and Calvin were still developing a few powers, but Clark only showed them how to control their powers. When they were older, he would start training them.

"Mom! Krypto's chewing on my shoe and he won't give it back!" Lisa yelled as she ran down the stairs.

"Caleb, get your dog to let go of your Lisa's shoe!" Lois yelled from the kitchen.

"Are you sure you're fine, Mom?" Evelyn asked as she put the mashed potatoes on a dish.

"You seemed really worried." Calvin chimed in.

Lois looked at Evelyn and Calvin. "I'm not worried. I'm frustrated."

"With who?"

Lois narrowed her eyes as she looked out the window. "With your father."

Evelyn and Calvin exchanged a glance.

A car pulled up in the drive way and Katrina came out of the car.

"Katrina's back!" Caleb yelled as he jumped off the stool and ran out the door. Lisa, Caleb, Esmeralda and even Krypto all came down the stairs to greet Katrina.

Evelyn and Lois smiled as they watched everyone hug Katrina. She was finally here for their Thanksgiving dinner.

"So do you know when Love's coming?"

Lois shrugged her shoulders. "Junior's family does lunch for Thanksgiving. She said she was going with him this time because they wanted to talk to his parents about something. They are still coming for our dinner though, Love promised. She said that they had to tell us something also."

Evelyn looked to Lois with a smile. "Do you think they're engaged?"

Lois smiled right back at her. "I hope so."

Evelyn turned back to the stove. She grabbed the pot with the corn and started putting it in a dish. "Well, me and Josh have something that we need to tell you guys too."

"Speaking of Josh, where is he?"

"He went to the store to get some milk. There was none in the fridge."

The door opened and everyone from outside came in. Katrina gave Lois and Evelyn a hug and a kiss as she unbundled herself. It was cold for Smallville that Thanksgiving.

The front door opened. "We're here!" Love announced as she and Junior came in the room.

They greeted everyone, but they were missing someone. "Where's Dad?" Love asked as Junior took her jacket and hung it on the coat rack.

Lois shook her head. "Your father decided to wait until the last minute to get a turkey this year. I sent him out to look for one."

"He's never going to be able to find one." Caleb said with a frown as he sat down and started petting Krypto.

"I don't think we're going to have a turkey this year guys."

Josh came in through the back door with three gallons of milk. "Hey, have you guys seen the news?" he asked as he quickly put away the milk.

"What's wrong?" Lois asked with worry. She hoped that some emergency didn't call Clark away as Superman.

Josh went into the living room and everyone followed him. He turned it on and put it on the first news station.

"…where Superman stopped by to purchase a turkey!" A clip began playing where Superman was standing in a store and employees were taking pictures with him. It skipped to a different scene where the manager of the store was handing Superman a twenty-pound turkey that had already been cooked to perfection.

Superman turned to the cameras. "I would just like everyone to know that this turkey is for a family who didn't have the means to buy a turkey this year. This family is close to me so I decided to do a favor for them." Superman slipped a bill into the manager's hand, careful not to let the cameras see how much it was. When the manager unfolded the bill, it surprised him.

"Superman, I can't take this from you!" the manager exclaimed, but the hero had already left.

The door opened. "I've come with the turkey!" Clark said as he careful put the turkey on the middle of the table.

"Smallville, I can't believe you pulled a stunt like that!" Lois exclaimed as everyone else took a seat at the table.

Clark just laughed and pulled Lois in for a hug. "I paid them how much it really cost." he gave her a quick kiss then led her to the table.

"All right, before we start eating, I want everyone to say at least one thing they're thankful for this year." Lois said as she took her seat next to Clark.

Lisa started, being the youngest. "I'm thankful that Krypto didn't destroy my shoes." she said as she looked at Caleb through narrowed eyes.

Lois rolled her eyes. "Calvin, your turn."

"I'm thankful for Mom, and Dad, and Evelyn, and Love, and-"

"Calvin, can you keep it short? We're kind of hungry here." Esmeralda interrupted.

Calvin stuck his tongue out at her. "Fine. I'm thankful for all my family."

Caleb went next. "I'm thankful for all the food on this table."

"I'm thankful that we're about to enjoy this food." Esmeralda said.

"I'm thankful that I was able to leave the base and come home for Thanksgiving." Katrina said.

"I'm thankful for the direction my future's taking." Love said with a secret smile directed towards Junior.

"I'm thankful for my health." Evelyn said. She would say that ever since she had gotten better.

"I'm thankful for my beautiful wife." Josh said as he grabbed Evelyn's hand.

"I'm thankful I'm still alive." Junior said with a slight gulp.

Lois thought Junior's statement was weird, but she didn't say anything. "I'm thankful for meeting Clark in the cornfield back in High School. If I didn't, then none of us would probably be here."

Clark smiled at Lois. "And I'm thankful for everyone here, even Josh and Junior." Clark added.

"All right, let's eat!" Lisa said as she grabbed her fork and began stuffing her face with corn.

"Table manners Lisa."

"Learned them on a farm, Mom." Lisa retorted.

Clark grabbed the knife and began carving the turkey. He passed out all the pieces he cut and even gave a small chunk to Krypto.

"Evelyn says that she and Josh have something to announce." Lois said.

"Hey, but so does Love and Junior." Evelyn pointed out.

"Why don't you guys go first?" Love offered sweetly. She glanced over at Junior and could see his face paling.

"No, I think everyone would rather hear your news first." Josh insisted.

"Please, don't make us go first." Junior pleaded.

"Then why don't you say your news at the same time and we'll see who we hear first." Katrina said after she swallowed some of her food.

Love and Evelyn looked at each other. "I don't know if that would work." Love said.

"You can't say it doesn't work unless you've already tried it." Lois said. "Let's hear them both."

"I'm pregnant!" Evelyn and Love both said at the same time.

Everyone at the table was silent and Junior looked as if he might pass out.

"Both of you are pregnant?" Clark questioned. He didn't look at Evelyn or Love. Instead, he looked at Josh and Junior.

"This is great news! You're both pregnant!" Lois exclaimed as she got up and gave both Evelyn and Love a hug. "When are you due?"

"Lois, are you serious?" Clark said. You could see the annoyance in his voice.

Lois looked at Clark. "Geez Smallville. Are your tighties in a bunch or something? Evelyn and Love both announced that they're pregnant!"

"I guess I'm fine with Evelyn, but Love! They're not married!"

"Oh don't you dare open this can, Kent." Lois said as she walked towards Clark. "Remember that you knocked me up with Love before we were even remotely close to getting married."

"Uh, actually Mr. Kent, I proposed to Love before she told me she was pregnant." Junior said as he tried keeping his voice from shaking. Right now, he was scared of Clark.

"And I'm assuming she told you all about Krypton?"

"Dad, I told him about a year ago." Love answered for Junior. "Look, Dad, we're not having this baby out of wedlock. By the time it's born, we're going to be married. My name will be Love Martha Kent-Ross."

Clark's face saddened a bit. Lois took her seat again and grabbed Clark's hand. He smiled as he looked at their intertwined hands. Evelyn and Love were pregnant and Love was also engaged. "Then congratulations to you both." he said with teary eyes. He cleared his throat. "And Junior…welcome to the family."

After Clark said that, everyone lightened up and they began talking excitedly about Love and Evelyn's future kids.

"Dad, what did Mom mean when she said that you knocked her up with Love?" Calvin innocently asked.

Clark turned a bright red while Lois and the older ones burst into laughter. Calvin and Lisa were the only ones that didn't seem to get the joke.

This was them. This was the Kent family.

The End