Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. I do however own the memories of two of my friends being handcuffed together for a day, that is what inspired this so thankyou Taylor and GJ!!

Enjoy, and please review, Jules.

Gibbs had finally had enough. In the forty minutes they had been here, Tony and Ziva had managed to get into twelve screaming matches, one which ended with Ziva throwing her sticky tape dispenser across the room at Tony's head. Just as they were about to get into their thirteenth fight, Gibbs finally snapped.

"DiNozzo! David! Get your asses here now!" he yelled, standing up as his two agents sheepishly walked towards him.

"If I hear one more word from either of you I will handcuff you together until you learn to live with each other, do you understand me?!"

Ziva scowled at the thought, "But Gibbs-"

"That's it!" It appeared that they had finally pushed Gibbs over the line. He reached down to his bottom drawer but instead of pulling out silver metal handcuffs like Ziva had been expecting, he pulled out a bag of cable ties. Damn, she couldn't get out of these easily.

"Arms!" Gibbs barked at the stunned pair who instantly brought up their hands. Ziva's left, Tony's right.

"Sucked in Tony, you can't write!" Ziva teased immaturely, earning a poked out tongue from Tony and a slap on the head from Gibbs.

"OW!" they both yelled as he tightened the cable ties around their wrists, binding them together. Then something in Ziva's head clicked. She would only have one hand cuffed so she could get out them easily; she just had to get her knife without Gibbs finding out.

"David! If you get out of these I have the rest of the packet so I wouldn't try if I were you or you might have to stay attached longer." Gibbs stared at the two of them before stalking off not looking back, probably to get a coffee. Tony waited until the elevator doors closed with a ding before turning quickly to Ziva, forgetting for a moment that they were attached so he almost pulled them over but Ziva managed to grab hold of Gibbs's desk before they did.

"You can get out of these, right Ziva? Please say yes!" Tony begged her, his green eyes wide and pleading.

"As much as I want to get out of these Tony, I think it would be best if we stay in them for the day. I do not wish to upset Gibbs any more." Tony could only look at her with horror written all over his face. He was acting like SHE was the one who handcuffed him! It definitely wasn't her fault and just because she didn't want to ensure the wrath of Gibbs meant that she wanted to stay attached to him?! That definitely wasn't the case. She would rather be tortured than attached to Tony.

"Oh god!" Ziva yelled, having just realised something but then Tony asked a question and it was almost like he was reading her mind.

"What happens if we need to pee?"


Ziva had tried to move their desks closer to one another so they could do work but Tony was very stubbornly sitting in a wheelie chair, being dragged around but not helping at all.

"Tony! Can you get off your ass and help?" Ziva yelled at him, everyone around the building had long grown used their yelling and banging of objects as they narrowly missed peoples heads.

"The way I see it is that if Gibbs handcuffed together, he shouldn't expect us to do paperwork." Tony said smugly, his free hand reaching to his pocket to get out his beloved phone. To play Tetris most likely.

Ziva glared at him for a few minutes but then gave up, she didn't want to do paperwork anymore than he did and now she was attached to him it gave her an excuse to not do it.

Oh no. Not now. Not today. Damn. Why does this have to be so awkward?! Oh well, she thought. I guess we have to figure it out.

"Come on Tony, we're going to the bathroom."


Mary Trann was just opening the door to the bathroom. Her boss had made her finish the report before she left and now she was busting. She gave the door an extra shove but stopped dead when she what was in the bathroom, to be more specific who.

Tony DiNozzo, the really good looking one from Gibb's team was lying on the tiled floor, his arm up to his shoulder not visible as it was in a cubicle. His head was pressed at an awkward angle against the door but he still managed to give her a smile as she stood dumbfounded at the door. He tried to sit up a bit but it was followed by a loud bang from within the cubicle and then a whole string of someone saying something in a different language. Hebrew. Ziva. Why was Tony shoving his arm through Ziva's toilet door? The banging stopped and then the toilet flushed and Ziva emerged, dragging Tony by the arm with her. Oh that's why Tony was shoving his arm through Ziva's toilet door. They were handcuffed, actually cable tied, together. How had they gotten into this? Mary wondered but that was probably a story for another day.

She hesitantly smiled back at Agent DiNozzo before diving into a cubicle to get away from the awkward situation.

"You are going to have to pay for that woman's therapy, Tony," Ziva stated, sounding somewhat amused, Mary thought.

"It's your fault you had to pee!" he retorted which was followed by a loud bang and an even louder 'Ow' from Tony.

"Oops,' Ziva said sarcastically. "I didn't see the door there." And that was all Mary heard as the heavy toilet door shut with a click.


Had Tony always been this annoying? Ziva wondered as they waited for the elevator which was taking longer than usual as if it too knew they were stuck handcuffed together and was teasing them as much as McGee, and come to think of it, everyone in the building had been.

Ziva sighed in the relief when a dong announced the arrival of the elevator and she cut off Tony's monologue about a movie Ziva "simply had to see" by pulling him roughly into the elevator by their cuffed wrists.

Once the doors had closed, Tony started talking again and Ziva realised with a stab of anger that now she wasn't only stuck to DiNozzo and forced to endure his never ending movie talk but was handcuffed to him while he talked endlessly about his new favourite movie in a confined space.

She swore she could hear the little pings as she slowly lost control of her temper, every word out of her partner's mouth speeding up the process until she snapped and pressed him against the side of the elevator, her right hand pinning him there by the throat, left hand reaching for hr knife at her waist but she had forgotten one small problem.

Ziva growled out loud when Tony's hand followed her's to her waist. She looked back up at his face to glare at him but was momentarily thrown by their close proximity, not that she let it show of course.

What had she been mad at him about? Ziva couldn't remember. All she could think about was his eyes, his smell, his hand which was just touching the bare skin between her top and cargo pants, and his mouth which definitely wasn't talking anymore. It was pulled up into an expression halfway between pleasure and shock and Ziva smiled briefly as she thought how cute it looked.

No! She shouted to herself. She didn't use the word 'cute', especially not to describe Tony. He wasn't cute, Tony was annoying and immature and sexy-

Wait no! Hold up a second! While Ziva was trying to rearrange her thoughts, Tony was trying to keep the smile off his face. As bad as this situation was, with Ziva being mad, her hand inches from her knife and attached to him, he couldn't help but focus on other things. Like the way her hand at his throat had changed from an almost strangling grasp to a much lighter grip, that although he'd never admit it to Ziva if he wanted to keep everything attached, was turning him on.

"I wonder if this is classed as orange light or red light behaviour,' Tony joked, adding a quiet chuckle that Ziva felt rather than heard.

"If you have to ask, then it is not harassment,' she replied, throwing his own words from all that time ago back at him.

You know those defining moments' people have? It might be for one person or as a couple; when two becomes one or when one couple becomes two individuals again, or it could be somewhere in the middle. The point is that this moment could have been one of those defining moments for Tony and Ziva.

They were pressed against each other and all the anger from before had dissipated, leaving only need, And then the elevator doors opened.

"Oh my! I'll just wait for the next one!" Jimmy Palmer stumbled, hurrying to step back and pressing the button, very obviously not looking at the pair standing awkwardly in the elevator.

"It does not matter Palmer," Ziva said, trying not to laugh as she took a step away from Tony. "We are going to see Abby anyway. You have the elevator all to yourself."

She pulled Tony out and they walked towards the lab. Tony looked over to see the dumbstruck man by the elevator. Palmer recovered though, just in time to give Tony a big smile and thumbs up which Tony returned before being pulled rather painfully through Abby's door.

Okay, I've been typing this up for a while and I had a massive blitz on it and wrote a whole page in one go (not that impressive but I was handwriting it with a little penlight at 12 at night =P ) and so I've decided to post it! Hope you enjoy, please review!

Jules : )