Author's Note: Wow I did not expect this much love thank you all so much! I don't know how often I can update but I shall try my hardest!

Sesshomaru awoke eyes remaining closed, his father's words echoing in his mind.

"No matter what; I will always be proud of you."

Would you though father? Would you be proud of this Sesshomaru, even though he is reduced to a mere mortal? Taking in a deep breath he slowly sat up and stretched before casting his gaze on a certain hanyo.

Said hanyo seemed to be perfectly asleep at the moment, a rarity since he always seemed to be on guard duty. Looking around the camp it seemed the others were asleep as well; odd he thought but shrugged it off, deciding to instead get a closer look at his infernal half-brother. With a light grunt of pain he slowly stood and padded quietly over to Inuyasha, before flopping down next to him sweating and shaking from the effort; it seemed the poison was still very much in his system.

Resting for a few moments he then observed his brother's face, every curve and dimple; it was remarkable how similar he looked to their father. There were a few differences of course such as his nose was not as defined and his jaw a tad softer. Inuyasha was so very much like the Inu no Taisho not just in body but in mind, he had compassion and understanding that Sesshomaru would never comprehend, sure the hanyo tried to hide it but if he truly did not wish to help the he would have let him die instead of saving him.

Inuyasha stirred he could hear quite yet laboured breathing next to him, taking a slight sniff his nose soon told him that it was that impossible demon "Sae". He still did not buy it for a minuet that was his real name but on the other hand he did not think Sae was an enemy and with Sae's new found holy powers and thirst for revenge he could prove useful to them.

Why is he sitting next to me?
Inuyasha pondered, opening one glowing amber eye he stared at the demon, he was not expecting him to be nose to nose with him. Before he could yell Sesshomaru covered his mouth with his hand and shushed him.

"Quiet you fool do you wish to wake the whole camp?" The hanyo glared at him before childishly licking the palm that was slapped over his mouth. All most immediately he was released disgust written all over the other's face.

"Why in hell did you just lick me you filthy half breed!" Sesshomaru snarled.

"You did not seem to have a problem putting your tongue in my mouth a week ago, what's changed Princess?" The hanyo retorted, receiving only a blank stare as his answer he decided to go straight to the matter at hand.

"What were you doing so close to my face in the first place? I had not smelled it was you I would have cut you in half asshole, though on second thought maybe I should have you're such an unbearable bitch. Honestly sometimes you are nearly as bad as my brother!" Inuyasha exclaimed.
Nearly as bad, how can I no longer be as bad as myself? The demon lord wondered whilst tilting his head to the side.

"See he does that too! You are awfully similar to him, like creepy similar." Sesshomaru felt a flutter of nervousness, No; he can't find out it's me he can't! I need to throw him off the sent but how? In a desperate attempt to distract his half-brother from the truth, he did the first un-Sesshomaru like thing he could think of; he bit him on the neck.

He was not sure how he expected his brother react but to let a puppy like yip was defiantly not on the list and Sesshomaru could not help but want to make him do it again. Nipping the same spot again did not yield the same results as last time however, as this time the hanyo was prepared and simply pinned him to the ground.

"What the hell was that for?" growled the hanyo, more than a little annoyed at the embarrassing noise he had made.

"Just proving that you are an uncouth little puppy" Sesshomaru smirked up at him.

"Inuyasha! Why do you keep cheating on Kagome!" said a high pitched angry voice to the right. Whirling their heads round they saw Shippo standing there cross armed and tapping his little paw on the ground. Both suddenly realised how suggestive the position they had found themselves in and quickly separated; blushing the hanyo said.

"It's not like that Shippo and what do you mean cheating? Kagome and me aren't even together!"

"Really? Oh I thought you were since you argue all the time and stuff but ok, night Inuyasha have fun with your mate!" With that the little fox promptly climbed back into Kagome's sleeping bag and dozed off.

That little shit! Mate, him? Honestly that fox is crazy as if I would like that arsehole…thought the hanyo. Glancing back at said arsehole Inuyasha could not help but focus on the ugly black mark on his neck where the poison had seeped in; admittedly it was looking a lot better than it had earlier. It was a bit touch and go for a moment they were sure that Sae was going to die.

"Does it hurt?" he asked abruptly breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled around them.

"Does what hurt and why would you care?" Sesshomaru said with a suspicious glare.

"Your wound dick face and I don't care as such but you nearly died so I was just checking you weren't going to do a repeat!" The hanyo huffed and turned away crossing both his arms. Why the fuck did I ask? It's not like I give a shit about that bastard anyway.

I nearly died and the hanyo is worried for me? Swallowing the sudden surge of emotion he felt he decided to go lay back down next to the fire.

"I am as well you need not worry yourself" He said in a near whisper. Furry ears swivelled in his direction, picking up every word. In an equally quite voice the hanyo replied.

"Someone has to..."