Ian's Birthday

An: This is my first fanfic

Chapter 1: The Question

"Ian," I whispered in to the dark.

"Hmm," he murmured sleepily, he was still half asleep and I could hear it in his voice. We were sharing his room ever since the rain had stopped; it made things easier when we wanted to speak privately, especially since I gave Melanie her body back.

"Ian, are you awake?" I whispered louder. The question had been burning at me since I awoke.

'Yeah, what's wrong?" I suddenly wondered if I should ask this question again.

"Nothing," I answered. It was true there was nothing wrong but there was a question that was on my mind for a long time now.

"Do you need anything?" My heart fluttered at the loving concern in his voice.

"No, just a question I wanted to ask"

"Anything you want Wanda," he replied kissing my forehead. "Your wish is my command milady." I laughed at his impersonation of a knight.

"Um… okay," the rest came out in a rush. "Will you tell me when your birthday is?"

"Sure", he laughed. "You look like you just committed a murder" he laughed harder, I blushed. "Okay, but why?"

"I was curious," I answered a bit sourly. I had not enjoyed that he laughed at my question.

"It's December 21st," he said still laughing.

I however was shocked that his birthday had already passed without my knowing. Why didn't he tell me? Didn't he want to celebrate his birth? It was strange that he would care so little.

"Why?" I asked quietly, whispering again. "Why didn't you tell me? We would have celebrated for you." I insisted. I was a little annoyed that he hid this small fact from me.

"To tell you the truth, I forgot," he answered sheepishly. His sincere answer evaporated all my previous annoyance. "I didn't celebrate before, so I thought it didn't matter. Please don't be mad."

"It would have been nice to tell me though," I answered a bit stubbornly.

"I'll remember that next time," he yawned. I guess it was a bit late, but you could never tell in these caves.

"You better," I joked. He chuckled at my weak threat.

"Now my little Wanderer you better sleep or else you won't be able to save as many lives," he joked back. He still thought that I saved lives even though he was the one who helped the most people all of the time. "Goodnight, love. Sweet dreams." He murmured as he kissed my forehead.

"Sweet dreams," I whispered.


An: this is my first fanfiction, please review