Hello everyone!!! I'm really sorry about not having to go on with the 'Portkey of Castile.' It was really stupid on my part for posting the story without finishing it up so I will DEFINITELY finish it up and start posting it again. I didn't think it was fair to leave you guys hanging with a new story and not even post the chapters up so I posted this story up and the great part about it is that its FINISHED. I had finished this story before I started on the 'Portkey of Castile' so you guys don't have to wait on this. This story is what you all will be indulging as I finish up the Portkey. Once again, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you guys like this story, it's a sweet one and it's based on the movie 'Three Days' with Kristen Davis and Reed Diamond. Anywho, take care and have fun!!!


***- Indicates flashbacks...there will be flashbacks up until the first part of the story...

Jade woke up to the small splashes of the rain on her bedroom window of that Sunday morning. She turned her head to the side and saw her husband sleeping next to her. Despite of it being morning, the clouds were dark and thunderous, leaving little light to their bedroom. Jade could see his hard and smooth chest rising and falling softly, his broad shoulders relaxed. She placed a hand on his head and ran her fingers through them wondering when was the last time he had touched her intimately. Her chest filled up with grief as it always had been for the past few years.

He was so different 5 years ago…why did he have to change? She remembered how they had first met. It wasn't exactly love at first sight since they were only 11. She attended school with him, Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

She had belonged to the poorest but the happiest family in the world, The Weasley's, and he belonged to the wealthiest and unhappiest, The Malfoy's. He was an only child and she was the second to the youngest in a household of 8 children. They were polar opposites of each other but that's how he wooed her, by insisting that opposites indeed do attract.


"Hey Weasley." he said sitting in front of her in the library of Hogwarts.

Jade's head shot up and she saw him smirking at her, his arms folded together, leaning towards her.

"Malfoy!" Jade hissed, looking around to see if any of her brothers were around or her friends. "What are you doing here?! I told you to leave me alone!" Jade said, feeling herself start to lose her control over her patience and panic.

He had been dogging after her for the past few months this year and he was making sure he wasn't going to give this pursuit up easily. Jade wondered furiously what in the world his bloody problem was or what he was trying to achieve. It was some bet; she bet that he was playing on something so he could show his boys that nothing was impossible for him.

"I told you I was serious about asking you to come along with me for Hogsmeade." He said.

Jade merely glared at him, seeing his sick smile grow into a wide grin. She cursed herself for easily allowing him to see how frustrated she could be. The blush on her face wasn't helping and before she was sure her blood would explode from her godforsaken cheeks, she was going to leave.

"I told you Malfoy to leave me alone or else I would have Ron and Harry sent after you for harassing me. I'm serious about you leaving me alone." Jade said shutting her books and getting up. She rounded the table and went to make a quick exit but Draco jumped up from his seat and stood in her way, a little too close for Jade's comfort.

"And I told you I was serious about you. Just you." he said, his eyes glittering when he got to analyze every detail of her horrified face.

"And besides," he continued, making a bold move by reaching out and brushing her hair behind her ear. He almost let out a laugh when he saw her softly gasp and stiffen.

"You always kept telling me that you'd have Potter and Weasley after me but you never did. If you truly hated me, you'd have them hound me the very second I had asked you out." He said.

Jade narrowed her eyes at the tall and rather handsome Head Boy. "What makes you think I haven't told them about you irritating the daylights out of me?" Jade asked hotly. Now she felt the pounding beginning in her ears. Was she turning into a live tomato now?

"It's been 3 months Jade. Today would have been my 3 month death anniversary." He said good-humouredly, stepping closer to her, so close that she felt the heat radiate from his body through his robes and his hot breath tickling the tip of her nose.

"I wouldn't want them to waste their time on something so stupid." Jade said taking a step back.

"So you like me?" Draco asked.

Jade looked revolted.

"I didn't say that!" she almost screamed. She felt herself gape at him, still looking horrified as he smiled tenderly at her. She didn't know what to do. Should she knee him as hard as she could? Should she just walk past him and pretend this never happened? She knew one thing though; she was definitely going to tell Ron and Harry. She tried to push past him but instead embarrassed herself as she staggered back when she tried to knock him out of the way. He caught her wrist and her books fell to her feet. He smiled at her and went to say something but was immediately cut off by an angry Ron.

"Malfoy!" Ron roared.

Jade kissed Draco's head and watched him open his eyes and close them back, turning his back towards her.

"Draco…its Sunday." Jade said quietly, placing her cheek on the side of his arm.

"So what?" he asked irritably. Jade touched his hand and weaved her fingers through his, hoping that this would do something to relieve her dying heart.

"It means it's our day off…together. Isn't the rain beautiful this morning?" Jade sighed stroking his arm with her cheek. It had been so long without him. She would try to wake up for him every night but couldn't because he came home so late. Last night they had gotten into an argument and fell asleep next to each other, otherwise Jade would hardly ever see him around the house.

Draco rolled his eyes and blinked as she touched his hand, waiting patiently for his response. He felt her kiss his arm and he shook her off, getting up and leaving to go to the bathroom. He wasn't going to turn around to see if she was disappointed or not, he knew she was. Jade bit her lip and fell back into her pillow, wondering what she had done wrong. When Draco was out of the bathroom, he headed straight for his closet and pulled out his pants and shirt.

"Where are you going?" Jade asked sitting up. She feared that he wasn't going to go to work, which was normally always the case. She surprised herself for hoping that he didn't have to leave every Sunday they had their day off together.

"I'm going to work…where else would I go?" he asked, pulling his black sweater over his head.

"But it's Sunday." Jade said.

He smiled mockingly at her and shook his head at her naïveté. "It's Sunday…so bloody what? What would you like me to do for you every Sunday?" he asked putting his boots on.

"Be with me?" Jade asked weakly. He chuckled darkly at her and nodded as if she made the most reasonable excuse for him.

"That's very smart Jade. I'm glad you came up with something so witty. I never get any work done if I sit on my arse to watch your face every Sunday darling." He said standing up.

Jade watched him slip his jacket on and make sure that he had everything he needed. "Well I'm sorry if it interrupts your work cycle Draco, but you promised to come tree shopping with me today." Jade said knowing that this too would be shot down fatally.

"It's a fucking tree Jade! You don't need me to help you pick out a fucking tree. I don't even know why we're getting one anyways. It's too much of a hassle." He said crossly.

"What in the world do you have against Christmas? It's Christmas! The spirit of-"

"See I'm wasting my time again. Goodbye and have fun in the rain with your tree shopping." He said walking out of the bedroom. He never bothered to kiss her goodbye anymore. It was his way of distancing himself from her and another pull to her heart to make the crack in her heart deeper.