Author Notes:

I am back from my European vacation. I was gone 7 weeks. Now I will update as regularly as I can with Golden Dawn. Hopefully I can do a chapter every week or two. About 20 more chapters to go until Golden Dawn is complete. Then I will try to finish Addition and rewrite War of Gods and Men.

Please rate and review. I also wish to return to the first 15-20 chapters of this story and clean them up and make it alot better than it was. I have revised up to chapter 5, and earlier chapters will definately get rewritten.

I wish to thank all of the fans of this story. You make it worth writing. Even to those that had negative things to say, you helped make it better with your criticism. Thank you.


Bleak Twilight

Chapter 50: In Motion

Milky Way Galaxy: Outer Rim

Alesian Empire: Outer Region / Jia Sector / Jia VII

Alesian-Tok'ra war: Month 10

Day 302 - 12:13:09

On board the AES Death Blade, General Galen was sitting at the table in the observation deck. He stared out the window at the blocky profiles of the powerful Alesian warships, his mind lost in his thoughts. A voice spoke from behind him.

"So peaceful, isn't it General?"

Galen turned to look, seeing Amann standing in the door of the small room. The Alesian High Councilor walked over and pulled up a chair, sitting next to the general.

"What is on your mind, General Galen?"

"Well sir, I wonder if what I am doing is right. I am not sure of it. I did as you asked, but you still committed war crimes, Councilor. Technically, you are still answerable for them." Galen said plainly. Amann watched the battle-scarred general for a moment before nodding.

"Yes. Yes I am. But, I will stand trial on Alesia for my crimes when all of this is over. You have my word, General." Amann placed his hand on Galen's shoulder as he continued to speak.

"I promise you, I only wish to see our people get rid of that Ori traitor, and once more claim greatness again. I am on the Council still, and the rest of the High Council is gathering once more. Galadriel left already to summon General Hiei, and the other two council members will be here within a day or so." Amann gestured to the blackness of space.

"You see that, General? Out there, the entire Empire is at war. Without clear leadership that is dedicated to Alesian survival and greatness, we will fall. I did not come this far to fail. ChiYou has left the ship as well, to gather what remains of the Tok'ra. You know what must be done?"

Galen nodded as he replied. "Yes, I must open my section of the blockade and let the remains of the Tok'ra armies go home. We need everyone to recover and re-arm. We have peace in the Empire for now, but there will be another civil war. One we must win. It will not be easy."

"No, no it will not." Amann sighed as he stood up and began to walk out.

"Come, General. We must prepare. I wish to also address your troops. We will land where your main base is, and I will speak to them."

Galen nodded as he followed the Alesian leader.

The Void

Alesian Empire: Void Region / Void Sector / Death's Hand Base

Alesian-Tok'ra war: Month 10

Day 0 - 12:13:09

Galadriel concentrated as she flew the jumper to the coordinates that Amann gave before she left the ship. She was a bit apprehensive about the mission to say the least. General Hiei was a war criminal that she convicted, a genocidal maniac that killed an entire world of Jaffa because he thought that any threat to the Empire should be exterminated. When he gave the order to purge the world to a Legion, the Legate had balked and refused the order. Hiei had pulled out his pistol and simply executed the Legate on the spot for refusing orders and repeated his order to the commanders, who proceeded to carry it out. It was an understatement to say she was worried about coming face to face with him again.

"Jumper Valkyrie One-Five to Death's Hand Base. Authorization code Ten-Break-Alpha. Request permission to land." Galadriel said as she looked out at the apparently empty space.

A pause was heard over the radio before a reply was given.

"Permission granted." Galadriel raised her eyebrows as a shimmering was seen ahead of her, revealing an asteroid with a fighter bay gleaming out of the side of it. She flew toward it, finally landing in the fighter bay as legionnaires ran out, surrounding the jumper.

Galadriel got up and opened the door. She walked down the ramp of the jumper as a Death Hand legionnaire accosted her.

"Who are you? Identify yourself!" The Death's Hand legionnaire sneered at her. Galadriel drew herself up to her full height and stared at the legionnaire with contempt.

"I am High Councilor Galadriel Adar. I am here on Councilor Amann Adar's authority, as well as my own." She added as an afterthought. 'As if I need any authority but my own' She thought with a laugh.

"And who might you be?" She asked pointedly. The legionnaire's sneer faded as her eyes met his. This was no one to be trifled with.

"I am….Centurion Valas." Galadriel raised her arm and pointed at him.

"Well, Centurion Valas, since I appear to outrank you, you will take me to General Hiei. At once!" Her voice echoed loudly through the fighter bay as she gestured for Valas to lead on.

She followed the legionnaire as he walked through the narrow, dimly lit corridors, with many of the men standing aside for the pair. While some of the men she came across were highly trained, others seemed to be little more than criminals. Galadriel remained calm, but the looks she was getting scared her. It felt like they were sizing her up, looking how best to kill, rob, or rape her, and not necessarily in that order. She was horrified. What kind of military unit accepted these kind of people? Finally, Valas paused outside a door and gestured.

"General Hiei is in there." He looked uncertain, scared even. Galadriel waved her hand at him.

"You may go. Dismissed." The legionnaire looked relieved and walked off quickly as Galadriel opened the door to find the training room a scene of carnage. A dozen men were lying dead on the floor in pools of their own blood. The cause was in the center of the room, dueling the last two combatants with swords. The two men tried to rush Hiei with a yell, but he merely sneered as he slashed one across the stomach and decapitated the other one in the blink of an eye. The wounded one stumbled, trying to get away as Hiei killed him with a stab into the heart. The Alesian General sneered in disgust as he walked over to the wall panel and hit the comm button.

"This is General Hiei. I am done. Dispose of this trash." Hiei disconnected the button before a reply could be given and turned to face Galadriel. His eyes narrowed as he looked her up and down.

"Well, Galadriel. Nice to see you again. The last time we met, I think you sentenced me to death, did you not?" He grinned ferally at her. Galadriel was not amused.

'Yes I did, and if it wasn't for my brother's trickery, I would have put you in the hole you belong in. But I have neither the time or the energy to waste. Alesia, as much as I hate to say it, needs your services once more. Amann has sent me here to bring you back to him, and to prepare your combat units to enter the war overtly. Your shadow ops will do what they do best." Galadriel said frostily. Hiei shrugged and wiped the blade on the clothing of one of the men he killed.

"Was killing these men necessary?" Galadriel regarded him with a wary eye.

"Yes, yes it was. These men were criminals that were rejected from my Legion. Your brother sends me all sorts of men, some highly trained soldiers, and others are disposable criminals or criminals with unique skills that are of use to me. But not all of the penal colony citizens he sends me are useful, so I use them as target practice for me and my men. If Amann sent me more criminals that can be actually useful, I wouldn't need to kill them to maintain secrecy. You should thank me, I only killed some criminals that won't be missed." Hiei said with a sneer.

"You see, Galadriel, sometimes disposable criminals are useful, since we can make assassinations look like the work of criminal elements, and not anything to do with us. After we mindwipe them of course. We work outside of the system, to protect the system. Other criminals are good at killing and sneaking into places where they do not belong, and are of use. And of course we have our death squads and special forces soldiers. Quite a potent mix of men I have at my disposal." Hiei turned suddenly away and bellowed down the hall.

"You men! Clean this trash up now or I swear on the Ascended you will be next to be disposed of!" His eyes turned red with rage as the men hurried past them, scared of their own general. Hiei gave a 'hmph' as he walked off, gesturing Galadriel to follow him to the fighter bay. He started giving orders immediately as they walked along. Finally, Galadriel asked him after a moment's contemplation.

"How many men do you have exactly?" Hiei seemed to think that one over.

"I don't have an exact count. I have cells operating on most important worlds, and I have training camps on a few empty worlds no one knows about. I have enough combat ready men to field a legion, and I have far more spies and assassins. The 7th Legion does not adhere to standard legion organization, even if we have the men for it. We have far more people than what a legion usually has." Hiei said as he entered the jumper bay with Galadriel at his heels. A Legionnaire stood next to the jumper, holding a set of armor and robes for Hiei.

"I've put your equipment and bags in the jumper, General. Your request of extra grenades and weapons are also in there too." Hiei gave a nod to his aide.

"Thank you, Commander. You know what to do. Get the combat units spun up and ready. I will inform you when we have transportation able to carry our forces to the fleet." The legionnaire saluted and strode off. Galadriel bent her head and walked into the jumper, stepping over the various bags and equipment Hiei stored all over the craft. She closed the door as Hiei's voice called out.

"Fly out of the base and do not look behind you! I am going to change into a proper uniform. For this I better get my honor and my title back!" Galadriel sighed as she piloted the jumper and flew away from the asteroid base. Why did she have to get stuck doing this?

Milky Way Galaxy: Outer Rim

Alesian Empire: Mid Region / Ballox Sector / Berian IV

Alesian-Tok'ra war: Month 10

Day 0 - 14:57:19

On the surface of the world, Amann was readying his armor in a tent. He adjusted the fur cape, made of wolves that he had killed. Two wolf heads adorned the cape, one on each shoulder. He turned to the other person in the tent.

"How do I look?" Amann asked Legate Renate.

"Spectacular. Lordly. You look like a high councilor." Renate said with a smile.

"Well, I have to give some sort of image. I usually like to dress a lot like a normal Alesian, but I cannot afford to be humble looking today. The people need a leader, and I have to portray an icon, even if I do not like it." Amann sighed and gestured to the podium waiting for him outside.

"Shall we go?"

"Yes, but I have two companies from my Legion that will be your bodyguards. Half of Berian is out there, as well as a huge number of Legionnaires. Your safety is paramount."

Amann gave a nod to her and raised a hand to part the flap of the tent, walking outside and up the stairs of the wooden platform. The sight he saw took his breath away. The plains of Berian were usually empty and completely open, but that was not the case today. People crowded in as far as the eye could see, some sitting on the gentle rolling hills nearby, while still others were trying to crowd the columns of the one hundred thousand legionnaires standing in formation. The murmur of the crowd talking to each other was like an ocean of noise. The mass of people stretched to the horizon and beyond. Amann swallowed a bit nervously. He had addressed crowds of this size before, but never in his precarious position. For the first time, he addressed a crowd with his life and his people hanging in the balance based on how well he persuaded them. The sun was beginning to set, giving the plains of Berian a golden sheen. The crowd had caught sight of him and hushed immediately. 'Show time' Amann thought nervously as he walked to the podium and began to speak, his voice amplified by the comm unit in his armor.

"Greetings. I am Amann Adar, High Councilor of the Alesian Empire. I use that title, because I never lost it. To lose it, I would have had to have it stripped away by the Lower Council. Most of you know what I am, have seen me on official broadcasts and giving speeches. But most of you do not know who I am." Amann began pacing as he spoke.

"You likely learned about me when you were in school, learning the history of our people. But it doesn't tell you who I am. I had dreams like most of you do, ambitions like anyone else. I had dreams of our people being led into greatness again. We would be guides to humans and other species, forging a glorious future for everyone. I had personal ambitions of course, legacies to think about. I wanted my name in history, just like most people would. I admit it is a personal weakness of mine. But my overriding ideal was to forge a prosperous and bright future." Amann stopped and looked at the assembled crowd.

"The rumors that have going around in the Empire have led to negative opinions of me. Some of the rumors include that I killed my wife, entire worlds, and the Lower Council of Alesia to solidify my power. I am normally a private individual, but I cannot afford to be any longer. I will reveal the whole truth. No lies or deceptions. The rumor that I killed Lucia Adar, my wife…." He stopped for a moment, taking in a deep breath.

"I want you to think about your spouses and your family. Think on how much you love them, and then ask yourself if you could kill them. The answer I would hope is no. The same as mine. I…..could never kill her." Amann stared out at the crowd, his face reflecting the loss he had felt all those months.

"I loved her with every fiber of my being. I loved her more than anything else in the universe. I loved her more than the sun or the moons, the day or night, all of those poetic things that people write about, which doesn't matter in a setting where she is dead. She was everything to me, the one that kept me happy and sane in the darkest of times. She made me a better man than I believed I was capable of becoming. Without her, I was nothing. How could I kill her?" Amann said bitterly to the silent crowd.

"Because of her death, I lost my mind. I went insane, making terrible mistakes that should never have happened. I committed terrible crimes, isolating my allies and friends from me when I needed them the most. My worst mistake was giving the Omega order that killed the population of Kauri and sparking the Alesian-Tok'ra war. I accept full responsibility for my actions. I was tricked and manipulated into it by Janilius, who is an agent of the Ori. He wants to weaken us for the Ori invasion, which is coming. I learned the truth of this while I was on the Ascended plane. He also killed the Lower Council while I was stuck on the Ascended Plane as well. I was tricked and manipulated into it, but that is still no excuse for my actions. I still did it." Amann said without any more pretenses. He felt like a great weight was coming off his shoulders as he spoke. The crowd watched impassively, unsure what to make of it.

"But I saw the truth. I know what I must do. I have made peace with Chiyou. He committed great crimes against the Alesian Empire too, but he would have done what many of us would have done in a fit of rage and hatred. If someone killed billions of your own people, you would do your best to kill the people you think are responsible. When I confronted and told Chiyou the truth, he felt guilt and horror at what he had done. I saw it in his mind. We made peace with the other for the greater good of what must be done. The Ori are the true threat, and everyone must stand together or we will surely perish." The Alesian High Councilor began to pace back and forth again.

"Today is a new day for us, a day of truths revealed. The path is clear. The rest of the Alesian High Council is alive as well, and they are gathering with the fleet under General Galen at this very moment. They will transmit speeches as well to the rest of the Empire, denouncing Janilius, or rather his true name, Janus. They also are with me. Galadriel is alive and well too, on a mission for me. But we need your help, to reclaim our government from a traitor and a deceiver. We need your help for our effort. The civilians, the Legionnaires, the Militia, everyone will be needed. Without you, our efforts will fail."

"From this moment forward, there will be no more deceptions or trickery. There will be no mistakes this time. There will be no one to deny me my rightful place in the Empire. Swear your loyalties to me, and to the rightful government of the Alesian Empire, and I shall earn your respect and be worthy of your devotion once more. I do not deny my past actions were evil. They were also my mistakes, deceived and betrayed. But I suffer for those actions, and I am willing to stand trial after we win against Janilius and assure the safety of my people. You have my word." Amann stopped at that point and watched the silent crowd. He sighed and wiped the sweat off his brow, pushing aside the bangs that framed his face.

The crowd suddenly surged forward with a cry, surprising Amann and the line of bodyguards that Renate had assigned to him. The bodyguards were confused, demanding orders in their headsets as they were pushed aside by the combination of legionnaires and civilians as they swarmed the platform. Amann was suddenly surrounded by people and dragged off of the platform. For a terrible moment, he thought he was getting lynched as he was carried off and lifted on the shoulders of people. Slowly, he realized the crowd was shouting something over and over again.

"Long live Amann Adar! Hail to the Empire! Amann! Amann! Amann!"

Renate watched from the sidelines as Amann was carried off with cheers. A smile crossed her face as she turned to the blond haired commander next to her.

"Well, Amann won the crowd. I think it is time to do our part, Commander Valana. Now we must win the war, since not everyone will believe him. We will broadcast it throughout the Empire for all to hear. If we sway enough people, the war will be a lot easier to win. Come. I think Amann will be safe in the hands of the people."

Renate smiled as both women walked off. There was plenty of planning to do.

Milky Way Galaxy: Outer Rim

Alesian Empire: Mid Region / Padrasis Sector / Padras III

Alesian-Tok'ra War: CONCLUDED

Day 200 - 01:47:01

The shapes of dozens of Tok'ra ships gathered together, having packed up all of the clone units and equipment on this world. One of the ships received the ready signals from the other gathered Tok'ra fleets. It was time. The flagship sent a signal deep into Alesian-held territory and waited patiently, their sensors fully operational. The return signal came within a few moments as the hyperspace barrier shield dropped, allowing the Tok'ra free passage. With several flashes, hyperspace windows began to open as all of the Tok'ra fleets everywhere in the Alesian Empire began to shoot through the gap that General Galen provided. The Tok'ra were going home to prepare for the upcoming invasion.

Alteran Home Galaxy: Core Region

Ori Ascendency: Core Region / Celestis Sector / Celestis IV

The Avalon Crusade

The forest was dark, tinged with shadows underneath the alien sky. A flash of fire appeared in the forest, condensing into the form of an oriental woman. Her eyes searched the forest warily. Suddenly another burst of fire appeared right in front of her as she watched. She greeted the new woman with a smile.

"Greetings dear sister. It has been too long. Report."

"They are beginning to mobilize. The ships are being built now. I saw them myself. I fear the crusade will begin, and soon. Within 60 days, I reckon."

"Then we must warn the Eagle Lord. You must seek him out and give him our warning that they are almost ready. Take this crystal, it has all of the intelligence I could gather safely." The woman handed over a small clear crystal.

"You know what is at stake, Silver Wolf."

"Yes. Yes I do. Take care, Black Wolf."

"The same goes with you. I must remain here."

Black Wolf watched as Silver Wolf flashed into fire and disappeared. She wished her the best of luck, for the Alesians will need all of the help they can get.