Title: Sunnyside of Love

By: Moonlit Sea

Summary: "They're in love, Prowl." "In love? How can you be so sure?"

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or any of the characters, however, any unknown characters are of my own creation.

A/N: this is my first attempt at the G1 era (my 'comfort zone' is RID). A massively huge thanks to my friend Jamie who helped me through this. Cheers mate, it really means a lot. I hope you all enjoy it, please review.

Chapter One

Sideswipe had looked for his brother everywhere and yet he still had to find the yellow mech. Sunny, where are you? He finally asked through their bond.

None of your slagging business. Came a reply.

This startled Sideswipe a bit, he wasn't really expecting that answer. He gave a small smirkish smile as a thought occurred to him. Well since you're not in the base I guess that means that you're out there. He began as he walked towards the Ark's entrance. You wouldn't be…spying on a certain human we met three weeks ago now, would you? He had a humorous tone in his voice. He transformed and headed in his twin's direction using their bond as a guide. Wait, does this mean that the great Sunstreaker is willing to get his paint ruined… for a human. He mocked and joked.

A growl was heard, Don't push it, Sideswipe.

Sideswipe chuckled as he drove into the city, he hadn't got very far when he saw the very human he'd been teasing his brother about. He inwardly gave a devilish smile, which he knew Sunstreaker could sense. Well what do we have here? Could it be the very one my dearest brother is trying to find? And all on her own too. Perhaps I should go over and tell her that he's looking for her. He couldn't help but give a slight chuckle as he felt Sunstreaker become slightly horrified and panic-strickened.

Sides, you slaghead. Don't you dare! And who fragging said I was looking for her anyway.

Sunny. The red twin began in an 'I-can't-believe-you-just-said-that-because-it's-so-obvious' tone. You're outside of base and somewhere where your 'precious paintjob' could easily get damaged. You don't have to be Preceptor to figure out why. Whatever reply Sunstreaker was about to give was cut short when Sideswipe suddenly said, Now that's interesting.

What? The yellow twin virtually snarled.

Who's that guy? Ignoring his brother's question. Sideswipe was so busy watching 'their' human that he didn't see or hear when his brother came up beside him, until he heard a growl. Who do you think he is? He asked.

How should I know!

The red Lamborghini gave a small chuckle. You're the one who's been spying on her. He teased.

"Sideswipe!" Sunstreaker all but shouted, gaining the attention of all those present, including the one they were watching.

They watched as the brown haired female smiled at them then went back to talking to her companion, a few moments later they hugged. This time it wasn't Sunstreaker but Sideswipe that growled. She headed over to them.

"Hey guys." She greeted "Sunstreaker, I'm surprised you're out here. Aren't you worried about ruining your paintjob?" she had a humorous tone to her voice and an amused smile on her face.

The yellow Lamborghini didn't say anything instead driving off and leaving a confused human female in his wake.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked the red twin.

"He'll be okay."

"Are you sure?" looking in the direction the yellow twin went, worry in her brown eyes.


"What are you guys doing here anyways? You on patrol?" she asked.

"I was looking for Sunny and… who was that guy anyway?" Sideswipe asked suddenly changing the subject.

"Hm? Oh that was Jay." A shy smile and a light blush came to her face. The red Lamborghini couldn't help but feel a little dread in his spark at what she was about to say. "We're going out later in the week," she giggled as a thought came to her mind "Maybe he'll kiss me on the way back or even…" she stopped as she heard Sideswipe growl. "Sides? Is something wrong?"

"No." he virtually growled. "I have to go find Sunny." And drove off before she could say another word.

The brown haired woman stood there trying to figure out what just happened as she watched as the Lamborghini drive out of sight. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were usually so fun to hangout with, and yet somehow she'd managed to upset both of them. She sighed, she'd make it up to both of them later. Right now she had to tell Jade about her date with Jay, and she knew she'd be just as excited as she was.


Sideswipe found his brother looking out over a cliff. "Where are the 'cons when you really need them, huh?" he joked walking up to him. Sunstreaker said nothing but just kept looking out at the view before him. "You uh… worried her you know. When you drove off like that."

There was silence between the two for a while before Sunstreaker said, "What did she tell you."

Sideswipe looked at his brother for a moment before looking back out at the view and sighed. "She has a… date with that guy we saw."

Sunstreaker gave a slight nod then suddenly said, We're fragged aren't we.

Pretty much. His twin replied knowing exactly what he meant.