Bella's POV -

"I can't believe the Volturi are at this again," Carlisle said as he was pacing back and forth the room.

The whole room was silent, except for the murmur of the forest around us.

The shocking news of the Volturi at us, once again, stunned us.

I looked at Jacob. He was rubbing his neck warily. In his eyes, I saw anger and frustration.

He was worried about Nessie.

Because he cared about her, of course.

And yet again, I wondered if he ever still thought about me.

I shook my head to stop myself from thinking about all those memories, and turned away from the sight of his face.

I didn't want to think about it.

It was about him, and Renesmee, now.

I have Edward.

As I thought this in my head, I felt someone looking down on me.

I looked up towards Edward. I smiled, but he didn't.

Did I let my walls down and he heard what I said?

My head was leaning against his hard stomach. I was sitting on a chair.

But finally, he smiled back. His smiles just brightened up my whole day, and that's when I knew he loved me back.

His thumb brushed across my cheek.

I smiled widely once again, and went back to my normal position of looking straight.

Edward put his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.

His dark brown hair tickled my cheek, and I could smell the scent of his cologne.

Moments like these made me forget about how much it hurts to lose Jacob as a close friend.

But in the distance, I felt someone looking towards us.

Someone was staring.


Renesmee's POV -

Why the hell was it quiet? Out of all the times I wanted silence, they decide to be quiet now.

And ironically, they decided to be quiet the day I wanted to scream out and hit things.

William and Kaleb had the slightest chance of being alive.

No one had anything to say to that?

It angered me on how they all decided to keep it a secret from me. Had they not realized I would find out eventually?

To top that, the Volturi are going to "check up" on us again. This visit may change things dramatically for me and Jacob.

Since thinking about him, I turned towards him.

He sat beside me, but I could tell he was paying no attention to me. I was facing the back of his dark brown hair.

He was looking the other way.

Looking towards Mom.

She was looking right back.

Suddenly, my heart dropped down to my stomach. I knew Jacob still loved her.

No matter what, they'll always love each other.

And I was the only reason why Jacob got over her. The reason why they weren't so close anymore was because of me.

However, I still felt guilt for keeping them from being close friends once again. I never understood what kind of bond or love they shared.

Was it love? Was it sibling love?

As I aimlessly thought about those things, I almost jumped when Jacob turned towards me.

He smiled, but I looked into his deep brown eyes.

It was pain. Sometimes, I could tell he missed her, but he didn't want to hurt me.

When he grabbed my hand, I immediately started thinking about something else.

"You're hungry? Nessie, I'm sorry, I completely forgot," he says, worried.

Really? I thought about crepes?

At that moment, my stomach also growled.

I looked away from everybody awkwardly. Out of nowhere, Jasper amusingly laughed.

Everyone turned to him. I was shocked, and I was pretty sure everyone else was, too. Jasper was usually the quiet one.

But everyone else laughed at this. Even Emmett.

I smiled widely, and felt blood rushing to my cheeks, but knew that my cheeks will show no signs of color.

Jacob's POV -

After a short laugh at Jasper, Carlisle received a phone call, and went outside.

I tried to make out what he was saying, but it was no use.

For once, I wish I had vampire hearing.

Then, my mind traveled back to Renesmee.

God, why couldn't I get food for her at least?

What was I thinking?

I put my arms around her and whispered to her that I was sorry.

As my chest fulfilled with guilt, I heard footsteps by the front door.

"Sorry we're late!" a voice voice called out as they barged through the front door noisily.

I heard the rustling of a plastic bag, and more footsteps accompanied by theirs.

I stood up, protectively.

Was it the Volturi?

"It's just Alice, Rosalie, and Esme." Edward said to me.

I sat back down and felt like an idiot.

I hated when he read my mind.

Through the hallway, Alice stepped in.

She danced across the living room and to Nessie. Her skirt was pacing back and forth with her as she moved.

As she leaned in, I could smell her vampire scent. The smell caused my nose to scrunch up, and Nessie laughed.

"Here you go, Nessie," Alice spoke with her high-pitched, singy-songy voice.

I eyed the plastic bag as Alice gave it to Renesmee.

Inside, were crepes. I could smell them.

"How'd you know?" I asked Alice suspiciously.

"A vision, of course!" she exclaimed.

Did she see me in her vision?

"No." Edward blurted out. What, this again?

I eyed him, giving an annoyed expression.

He laughed amusingly.

"I guess you guys beat us here," Alice claims as she turned towards Emmett and Jasper, smiling.

"Yeah, what was so important?" Emmett said, demanding for an answer.

From the look on his face, I can tell Emmett also did not like to give up. Just like Rosalie, I assumed.

"Alice had a vision, but she couldn't see Jacob. So she sensed that someone had news, but she couldn't see or hear who," Edward explained.

"So what's the news?" Rosalie replies, with the same expression Emmett just had a minute ago.

While they were talking, I noticed Nessie eating her crepe very quickly. It was amazing how fast she could eat without spilling a single drop.

She opened the Styrofoam to-go box further to dig in more.

The smell got to me, and made my stomach growl.

Renesmee stopped eating.

Instead, she took another to-go box from the rather large plastic bag and gave it to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. I shouldn't matter. All it matters is that Nessie is in good health.

"Yes! Now hurry up and eat." she demands with a smug expression plastered on her face.

"Haha, shut up!" I said as I gave her a playful nudge.

After a few laughs, I finally opened the to-go box.

I grabbed the fork, and picked a piece off the crepe.

Ah, this was good.

Vampires apparently have good taste in food, shockingly.

Carlisle's POV -

"Yes, yes. -I understand. But who could have done something like this? We had no problem with the Volturi before," I said as I spoke to Darren on the phone.

Darren was an old friend, and he had close connections with the Volturi.

But secretly, he was only wanted to bring the Volturi down. He had his own secret association, of course.

Amazingly, they have been kept a secret for many years.

The Volturi did whatever it took to hide the existence of this association. The Cullen clan are one of the few covens in this world that know about them.

Those who knew them called them the Reflectors.

The Reflectors were also extremely powerful, but were never strong enough to defeat the Volturi.

They have yet to take the Volturi down, and have tried several times, but have never succeeded.

Even though they never found out who was in charge of this secret coven-like group, they were still aware of their existence.

Darren was also Aro's cousin.

"Please keep in mind that the Volturi try to look for every problem in the world, Dr. Cullen. They will do anything to keep people from knowing that we exist. In fact, I sent one of my colleagues, Aisha, out to investigate this situation. Because you are my dear friend, Carlisle, your family's health including yours are very important to this organization. She told me that the 'sources' who told them this information, insisted on being anonymous. She conjointly stated that these 'anonymous' beings, whoever they may be, are most likely staying at the Volturi estate, giving them information for hospitality in return," Darren explained.

I rubbed my head viligantly. Who would know so much about us?

My left hand was put back in my pocket.

Without warning, I realized that someone was standing right behind me.

I felt their eyes examine what I was doing, and watching my every move and listening to every word.

I rapidly decided to end this conversation, and was cautious to not mention Darren's name.

"Thank you, so much. We appreciate all that you have done for us, but unfortunately, I have tasks to undertake. We will speak again. Thank you very much, dear friend."

"Ah! You're welcome, Carlisle. We will let you know if we find out any more information. Goodbye," he said abruptly.

"Goodbye," I spoke into the phone quickly.

Both hands were now in my pocket, I was prepared to turn around- until unexpectedly, someone put their arms around me and hugged me tight.

I could smell Esme's sweet, cherry-like scent, and her cocoa-butter shampoo.

I chuckled, feeling certainly surprised.

Behind me, I heard her sweet laughter.

I turned around and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hmm, was that Darren?" she said, her arms still around me.

Her head was against my shoulder, and I could see her charming smile.

"Yes, he was giving me information about how the Volturi received information about Jake," I replied.

In the forest, I suddenly heard a rustling of bushes.

"Let's go inside and talk. I'll tell everyone what I know," I say, leading her inside.

Renesmee's POV -

After a long crepe-fest and fried rice and egg rolls, Carlisle finally announced we had to make plans.

"What, are they going to send us a letter like last time, or something?" Emmett asks.

"Probably, but we have to be prepared. They believe in zero tolerance, and don't give second chances. Either we fight, or find a solution."

What's the solution for werewolves communicating with vampires, and one of us loving them?

"Let's fight!" Emmett says greedily.

Why of course.

"Come on, Emmett. You know that we won't stand a chance," Alice says.

I could tell that she was serious, because Alice was usually the positive-thinker.

"Can't we just prove to them that we won't reveal the vampire kind to the world or something? Like seriously." Jacob says. Obviously, he just wanted to get this done with.

"I think we should get your friends involved, Jake," Esme said to Jake. She smiled at him right afterwards.

"Jake, when was the last time you even transformed?" I asked him suspiciously.

He rubbed his head, and looked away.

Oh god, he hasn't been transforming since the incident.
"Jake! You haven't been transforming at all?" I yelled at him.

"No, he hasn't. He wanted to stay by your side," Father informed me.

Jacob gave my Dad a hard look.

Anger rushed through me. What was wrong with me?

"Oh god, Jake! Really? Ugh, I feel so stupid. I've been keeping you ALL to myself! When was the last time you've seen your Father? I should've thought about this before keeping you for weeks!" I screamed angrily.
Honestly, how could I be so stupid, keeping him from his own life like that?

"Nessie, it's okay. He understands. Leah, Seth, they all understand."

His effort to reassure me was not working.

"Please, go. Go, now!"


"No, Jake! Go now. You have a life, you need to be with your friends and family. I'm sorry, just go. I'll call you," I said, practically yelling at him.

Since he wasn't restraining, I pulled him off the couch, and dragged him out the door. My body fumed with anger and confusion- it was undescribable.

I felt guilt, and sadness.

I stood in the doorway as he stood outside.

"Go, Jake. I'm sorry," I said calmly. Guilt rushed through me. Why did I have to yell?

I grabbed him and held him tightly.

Around me, I felt his warm embrace.

"Are you sure?"
"Yes, please go. I'll call you, okay? Tell everyone I said hi." I requested, giving him a hopeful look.

I should've thought this through.

"Okay, bye. I love you." he added before turning around, and running down the road.

I kept staring down the driveway where he left.

"I love you, too."

But he was already gone.