Hi everyone! How should I say this? Yes, I know I haven't updated in, like, nearly a year? Well, basically it's been hectic. I haven't had time for anything since my promotion. Plus, I went overseas for 6 months to do my languages course in 2 different countries. I've been so caught up in life, I'll admit I forgot all about my stories in fanfiction. I've gone to check my e-mail that I made seperately for fanfiction and it's over flowing! I found some of the PMs I received from people hilarious when they asked if I was dead. LOL. I suppose it seems quite likely since I completely disappeared.

Anyway, forward to this story. I've always been meaning to write it. Allow me to apologize and redeem myself. About 'The Beautiful Love', yes I will complete it, but currently I've been away for so long I've got a writer's block on that story. I'll figure something out. I do remember quite vaguely how I wanted to end it, but give me some time. So, do allow me to present to you this story while waiting for 'The Beautiful Love' fanfic's next chapter.

I hope to be more consistant this time. I am someone with frequent writer's block. I'll try my best to not let you down :) I hope my writing style has not changed. It may have. I know I sometimes mix my UK words with the US ones. Sorry if I do. And yes, maybe my grammar and punctuations have been a bit off. It's been awhile since I wrote. There are a few things I made up, obviously. It is a fanfic after all :) No specific area this story is set in, I haven't really thought of it yet.

Well, the inspirational song for this story is 'Anonymous' by Bobby Valentino ft. Timbaland. It's extremely good :) You have to listen to it to get a feel of what the story is going to be like. It sings from Edward's point of view.

Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight.


Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall


Bella's POV

"You're already here?!" Angela Weber shrieked.

I hopped out of the metro and dragged my tiny suitcase across the platform of the station. I struggled with flipping my annoying brown bangs out of my sweaty face.

I laughed into my phone. "Yeah, I landed about an hour ago."

The suitcase began to bounce off the steps as it began to get pulled mercilessly up the steps.

"I just got off the train. I'm a few streets away from the apartment."

"I'm still at work, Bella!"

I gritted my teeth as I finally surfaced into the metropolitan street. I scanned the area for a taxi to hail.

"It's not a problem. I know where you keep your spare key outside your door."

"You know I wanted to pick you."

I smiled. "Yes, yes, I know. But I knew you would be at the office at this hour when I landed, so..."

"I hate you!"

"I love you!"

Angela sighed. "You haven't change at all, you idiot. I'll rush back the minute I'm done. And we're going out for that coffee, 'aite?"

The cab ride through the city made me realize that living just within a small suburban community isolated me from many things. My eyes took in every single detail, every street, and every shop I could remember. I had spent nearly half of my life away from the big city. Now, finally, after both my parents were no longer around to tell me what to do, I was moving back.

Let's not forget I just turned 21. Life sucks because I'm growing old.

Angela, my best friend since pre-school who had moved away with her parents years ago, had insisted me to come down and live with her. She had her own apartment in the city centre, which was extremely lucky since I was looking to take a job anyway.

The question was: What job would take me?



And after those moments of laughter, hate, tears, joy, quarrels, arguments, beatings, slapping and all that goes along with it, finally Angela calmed down that evening when she came home.

"Work's shit," she sniffed.

"So, that's what it is like being a receptionist?" I shook my head, pouring a drink.

She kicked off her shoes and ruffled her long brown hair. When we were only kids, people used to think we were sisters because of our similar hair colour and eyes. But when we got older, I became paler than her, and my hair turned a darker brown.

Oh, and she turned out to be prettier than me. Obviously.

Angela grabbed a pillow from the couch and screamed into it.

"You gotta' learn to relax, Angie!" I teased.

"It's just...damn it, I hate that bitch! Why does she always have to treat me like dirt?"

"I have no idea who is she is. You work for the top modelling and advertising agency here, girl. It's kinda' understood you'll get those kind of people there."

Angela grumbled.

"Let's take your mind off things. I'd like that coffee, you know?"

No answer.

I thought for a moment before suggesting, "You can rant about her while I'm having the coffee."


I should praise myself for knowing Angela's sulks very well.

We kicked back into one of the couches at the back of the coffeehouse, a few blocks away from the apartment.

"Was anyone staying with you before I crashed?" I asked as I sipped my coffee.

"Nah. Ben wasn't going to move in anyway. He's still staying with the parents."

I chuckled. "No proposal yet?"

Angela rolled her eyes. "As if. Ben has no guts. I'm betting all I have to tell you that I'm going to be the one who proposes in the end."

Then, Angela grinned. "So, still single eh, Bells?"

"Proud of it."

"Hey, what ever happened to...what's that guy's name? The one with the really pale blonde hair?"

"Mike Newton?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Yeah! The one who asked you to the prom! Didn't you date him after that?"

"It was a one night thing. That's it."

"One night stand?"


A few people turned around to look at us. Angela rolled her eyes again.

"Okay, how about the Yorkie guy?"

"What about him?"

"Nothing? Nothing at all?"

"Uh huh."

"You keep rejecting people, Bells. You'll end up a cranky spinster."

"Shut up. I'm fine being by myself. Once you get married to Ben, sell me your apartment and I would be the happiest spinster on the planet."

"Fat chance. You're getting a boyfriend."

I glared. "Whatever...let's change the topic. Who is the bitch that treats you like dirt?"

Suddenly, Angela completely forgot all about the 'boyfriend' topic.

"Right. She's this tall, strawberry blonde chick who is a fashion designer that comes, like, almost every day to the agency. It is standard procedure to always sign in at the reception, no matter how regular or familiar you are with the company."

Angela's face fumed. "But noooooo, she couldn't give a fuck. She just snubs me and walks right through. Just because the chairman of the agency's son is her boyfriend."

"The founder's son? Wouldn't that make him kinda old?"

"He's around our age, I think. Maybe a little older. His parents were the founder of the agency, Masen Enterprise. He's a model too anyway. That bitch probably uses him to model all her horrible clothing line. I wonder how he survives her torture."

Angela suddenly drifted off dreamily. "He's extremely gorgeous though. I guess two gorgeous people have always been programmed to find each other eventually."

"What's her name?"

"Tanya Ferlikova. She's from Slovakia. Where the hell is that anyway?"

"You should have paid attention during Geography instead of looking at Ben."

"Whatever. I really want to burn her. She did it again. And today she just snatched the reception phone from me to call her assistant because she lost her cell phone on the way over. And I was in the middle of taking down the details from another modelling agency! That –"

"OK! I get it," I laughed, cutting Angela off.

"Sigh. So figured out what job you want yet?"


Angela stuck her tongue out at me. "Work here, in Starbucks."

I thought for a moment. "That's an idea."

"I'll expect free coffee every time."

I kicked Angela under the table. It was so typical of her. But I was stumped. Where in the world was I going to get a job?

"Angela!" I laughed breathlessly.

It was already late. We ended up going to a bar to have dinner. Angela insisted on ordering drafts over and over again. At least she was a good drinker. I'd hate to have to carry her back to the apartment.

But now, Angela was mimicking a brunette that stumbled past us to start vomiting on the sidewalk. I forgot how Angela often made me laugh. It was a change from living back in Phoenix with my parents.

In wasn't that I didn't want a boyfriend. I just couldn't find the one.

I was once told that I put my ideals about love and who I shall love too high, therefore not actually seeing the real one right in front of me. I didn't mind that. It was better to escape reality than actually face it and end up being hurt in the end.

I could live without a broken heart. But somehow, it was hard to live with a lonely heart as well.

"Girl, you're going to have to figure out what job you want. As much as I love you, you're going to have to pay the rent and the bills too. And the groceries."

I sighed.

"Maybe you could be a clown. I heard that there is going to be a carnival coming in the Square next week. Or, you could be a..."

Suddenly, as if by magic, I saw my job, posted across a cafe, just ahead.

I quickly punched Angela to get her attention.

"Ow, shit! That hurts Bella! I was only kidding!"

"No, look at this!" and I pointed at the flier that was pasted on the window.

Angela stared in silence at the flier for awhile. It was like she already began calculating the odds and the possibility of me getting the job. She was always the top student for maths back then.

"A waitress?" she thought out aloud.

"Why not? We worked back in Phoenix in that restaurant too, remember? Back in high school?"

"You sure you want this as a permanent job?"

"Nah. Just until I figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life."

Angela shrugged. "Just as long as you get the cash."

Just then, a girl with bronzed skin came out from the cafe, about to lock up. It's now, or never, I thought.

"Sorry, is the vacancy still open?" I asked, gesturing to the flier.

The girl nodded. "Yeah, we are really short on staff right now. If you could start work straight away tomorrow, full-time, then that'd be awesome."

"Waitressing as a part-time job back in high school is fun," Angela agreed, when we were back in the apartment.

I smiled to myself, waiting for it.

"But waitressing full-time for a living?!"

I laughed as I shut the door of the toilet. "It won't be forever. I'm not very picky at the moment."

"Well, whatever makes you happy, babe. You're going to have to camp on the couch tonight. You ascended on me unprepared! I'll get the bed in for you tomorrow in the spare room."

I nodded. "It's no big. The couch is just fine too."

Once Angela handed me the pillows and blanket, I settled in. It was a different feeling altogether to be staying with your other half. I consider myself blessed in a way. I yawned and stretched out in front of the TV which I turned on.

A pretty news anchor was reading today's highlights.

"Today's traffic downtown was extremely congested due to a head on collision between two busses. Fortunately, the police were on the scene immediately to direct the traffic flow and eased the problems."

"In other news, Masen Enterprise has once again, donated three million dollars to the Needy Foundation as scheduled yesterday."

I blinked. Masen Enterprise? Isn't that the Agency that Angela is working for?

" The Chairman's son, Edward Jr. Masen has stated that they will be holding a model search in Bayswater Mall next month to find an individual who will represent the agency at the Paris Fashion Week in future."

I twisted my mouth. "So that's the boyfriend, huh?"

I waited to see if I could get a glimpse of him, but the news moved on to the bush fires in Australia.

Ah well, I thought, time to snooze and I shut off the TV. Tomorrow was going to be the beginning of a new life, and new problems. Well, at least I have Angela, I smiled.

It's a bit short I'll admit. I'm still flexing my writer section. :) I think I did make Angela OOC here, but I think this character fits her in this story! :) I always liked Angela. I thought the girl who played her in the movie is gorgeous!

Oh, I did have time to catch the Twilight movie. How did you all find it? I know its a tad bit late since it was last year, but hey! Better late than never! :) I thought it was...a bit strange. But the music score was exceptionally brilliant! Oh, and who could not like the baseball scene? I have yet to meet someone who doesn't like it! The best scene in the movie, no? I really like Jasper! He cracked me up! And his whole twirling the baseball bat. That was gorgeous! Alice was extremely cute! :)

Anyways, REVIEWS! You know how I love them :) (Gosh, I miss saying that!)