Hello again! A very short chapter again here just to keep the mood running. I've yet to plan actually how the next chapter is going to work out. That's the main highlight I suppose so I'm going to have to do it right. :) Hope you all are finding the story okay so far! I find it quite funny writing Bella and Edward at an older age because I'm been reading them when they were 17. Well, technically Edward's mind should be 17 eventhough he's just over a century old. :D

In advance, sorry for punctuations, grammar, spelling mistakes etc. I always type as fast as I think :) I'm looking for a BETA. Anyone?


Playlist - Autobiography by Ashlee Simpson

I thought it was a good, fed-up and strong song for Bella while she was working as a waitress. :) I somehow could picture her running around the cafe with this song LOL.



Bella's POV

"Angie! Where's my set of keys?!" I yelled.

"Take the extra one! I'll make a set for you after work today!"

I was late. Angela was late.


"So much for giving a good impression on the first day of work..." I grumbled, pulling my stockings on.

Lucky me that the cafe was just a few blocks away. Angela wasn't so lucky though. She had to catch the metro, which the nearest was a few streets away. And her office was at least eight stops, if I'm estimating correctly.

"I'm off! See you later!" I called, and slammed the door behind me.

I bolted for the lift and stumbled out of it once it reached the lobby. I felt like I was running a marathon as I tried to pull my hair into a ponytail. But I suppose it was a bit ridiculous to run blindly through the crowd, for finally I found myself crashing into something.

And I just had to fall backwards on my ass.

"OUCH! Shit, shit, crap. Ah! Damn it, that hurts!" I cursed, rubbing my back.

I heard a laugh and the figure looming over me held out his hand towards me. "You okay?"

I stood up on my own anyhow. "Yeah, thanks. And...uh, sorry about running into you."

I stared into the face of an extremely tall guy. He was about 6′7″, towering over me. He could be a basketball player for all I knew. Now with my life in the city, you'd never know who you were going to bump into.

"Not a problem." His voice was extremely rich and deep.

He had short spiky, glossy black hair and his brown eyes were twinkling with warmth.

"Actually, I'm in a bit of a rush to work. I'm starting a new job in the cafe just around the corner. So, if you would excuse me..."

"Hey, are you working in Cafe Gante?" he said suddenly.


Okay, stalker? I thought.

"You must be the new trainee then! You gave your information to Leah, right?"


"She's slightly tanned. She's got black hair. She was the last one to leave the cafe last night anyway."

"Oh, right. It's probably the same girl I'm thinking about then."

The guy grinned. "I'm Jacob Black. I work there too."

"No kidding..." I mumbled, dusting my skirt.

"Come, I'll be your escort," he joked.

I smiled slightly. It was easy to like this guy, if he was really telling the truth about working there. You'd never know what kind of weirdo you might meet in the city as well.

When we reached, fortunately, the cafe was just about to open. I wasn't late after all.

"Morning, Seth!" Jacob called out to a younger looking sand-coloured haired boy with a long, gangly built who was opening the chairs and tables outside the cafe.

"Hey, Jacob!" then he saw me, "Oh, who is this?"

"Newbie," Jacob laughed, giving me a pat on my shoulder.

Seth gave me a huge happy grin. "Hi, I'm Seth Clearwater. I think I'm the youngest still. You look older than me, around my sister's age."

"Ah, I see. Nice to meet you, Seth. I'm Bella."

Then, another black haired chick, the same one I saw that night came out. "Ah, good, Bella. You're here. Jacob, show her the ropes before the rest come here."

Jacob explained that the system in the cafe worked a lot like a meritocratic system. If you were good, you'd get promoted to a senior staff, which meant, higher pay. The seniors rarely mixed with the juniors. Leah, Seth and another two girls, Lauren Mallory and Jessica Stanley, and now including me were the current junior staffs. Jacob was a senior staff, one of the three bartenders.

"I wanted to try out the bartender position before," I commented.

"Really?" Jacob looked interested.

"Yeah, but now that you say it's a tough competition to get promoted, I think...it's impossible. Besides, I don't have any background in bartending."

Jacob only laughed.

He handed me my uniform. "It's a must."

Just then, two girls walked in. One had corn silk coloured hair while the other had brown bangs. Jacob pointed out the blonde was Lauren and the brown haired was Jessica. They didn't look like pleasant people, so I just stuck with Jacob after a brief meet and greet with them.

Smoothening out the table cloths and taking orders were just some of the normal things I've already expected. But having to get along with snobbish fellow staffs like Lauren and Jessica wasn't part of my daily requirement.

Angela's POV

"Slut..." I mumbled.

The strawberry blonde strolled past the reception once more, sniggering at me. The day had already started out like crap, with me being late. Hell, it just had to get worse with her charging in like she owned the freaking place.

Suddenly, the internal line rang.

"Yes, sir, how may I be of assistance?"

It was the slut's voice.

"I need water with strawberries inside. Now," and she hung up.

I slammed down the phone. I was screaming inside. Doesn't she have her own fucking assistant? I swore under my breath as I rummaged around the pantry for a glass pitcher. Luckily, there were still some strawberries in the fridge from a cocktail party two nights ago.

I roughly washed and cut them before throwing them into the pitcher. I felt like spitting into the water, but I somehow I could picture Bella's disapproving face. But honestly, Bella was a lot more mischievous than me back in high school! I wonder what changed her. Maybe it's growing old, like they say.

I sighed as I knocked the door.

"Come in," the high-pitched strawberry-blonde's voice called.

Edward Jr. Masen was sitting behind his table, glancing at a bunch of documents. Damn, he's gorgeous, I thought to myself. Tanya was standing behind him, running her hands all over her chest.

Slut! Slut! Slut! I sung in my head.

"Yes, Miss Weber?" Edward glanced up surprised, his jade eyes meeting mine.

Magnetic boy and his ridiculous magnetic voice, I grumbled.

"The water, Ms. Ferlikova required," I gestured as I placed the tray on his desk.

Tanya ruffled his exotic copper hair and kissed his flawless cheek. "Your skin is so dry from being stuck in this room, Eddie. Have a drink!"

"Tanya, my receptionist is not someone to do minor errands like these," Edward sighed, closing his eyes.

I tried to hide my satisfied grin. Did I forget to mention he's perfect in almost every single way? Yep, that's my boss. How did Ferlikova ended up snagging such a babe?

Then, Edward gave me his diplomatic toothpaste advertisement smile. "Thanks, Angela. But don't bother next time. Sorry for the trouble of doing this."

I could only shake my head. "Not a problem. It was my pleasure."

As I closed the door behind me, I could hear Edward saying, "Don't you have to return to the studio?"

"Not until you tell me where you are going tonight!"

"Sigh, Tanya, it's a boys-night-out..."

Before I could hear anymore, a tiny figure appeared before me.

"Hello, Angela," giggled the sweetest, most threatening voice I had ever heard in my life.

"Err...Hey there, Jane."

Jane Castellano, this extremely tiny, Italian girl who works in the same department as me stood just by my reception desk. She has these scary huge ruby eyes that she got from wearing coloured contacts and super short pale brown hair. Her voice is extremely high-pitched and child-like with an odd androgynous figure.

She freaks me out.

She sighed, pouting her lips. "I was supposed to go to a club party tonight, but now I can't because my brother Alec has gotten the flu. We made a blood bond that we will go to the party together and the admission passes I got are only for tonight."

She shot a glare at me before smiling sweetly. "It would be such a shame to let it go to waste, don't you think?"

Did she just say blood bond?

"Wh-why me?"

Jane ran her fingers through her hair. "I was wondering who I could give it to. And I thought you have always been a really great friend. The closest I have here to. It's only appropriate, yes?"

See, I told you see was freaky.

I took a deep breath. "There's a catch, isn't it?"

Jane laughed, her voice piercing my ear. "Well, there is actually a band going to play there for an hour called, The Volturi..."

The what?

Ignoring me, she placed a small black case and two passes that looked very similar to VIP identity cards on my desk. "I want you to record their entire performance on my camera."

Ah, damn it.

"Pretty please?" she pouted again, but her eyes were definitely sinister and unnerving.

After a moment of awkward silence, I shrugged. "So, where is this club anyway?"

"Club Identity. The new one that just opened."

My eyes widened. "Are you for real?"

I leapt towards my table and made a grab at the passes. "How did you manage to get the passes?! They are impossible to even see any of them around! That's the bomb! The security is shit tight there since the bouncers are apparently all ex-convicts."

Jane rolled her eyes impatiently. "Yes, that's the one. Now, is that a yes or a no?"

"But...but that club is so famous. Paris Hilton was there last week! Are you sure just average chicks like us are allowed in?"

Jane smiled again, coldly. "I'm sure, with these passes, you'll be fine. Oh, but you can't enter by the main door. You'll have to go through the back."

"Be sure to ask for Kristy. She'll let you in."

As Jane walked away, I stared at the two passes in my hands. Well, at least there are two of them. I wonder if Bella is up for a little fun.

Bella's POV

"Today your shift ends at five, together with Seth and Leah. Tomorrow I'll extend it further," Jacob informed, while handing me my tray full of margaritas.

"Okay, thanks Jacob."

"Oh, and hey, about the bartending thing..."

"Hmm?" I said, while trying to balance my tray.

"If you really want to try out, I could help out with the bartending background."

I blinked. "Really?"

"Well, you said this was your full-time gig right? You might as well aim for a higher position. The salary is much higher here."

I beamed. "Thanks, Jacob!"

Jacob nodded back. "I'll let you know when I'm free to give you a bit of skills. But hey, keep it a secret. There are a few who want this position too."

I nodded. "Not too many I hope?"

Jacob gave me this incredibly boyish grin. "I'd give you the position immediately, but you're going to have to impress me first."

This guy wasn't kidding. I just rolled my eyes and began to walk away.

"Oh, and by the way..."

I turned back around. "Yeah?"

"Just call me Jake."

"Alright, Jake. Now piss off. I'm working!" I teased and went back to serving.

Later on I found out from Seth that Jacob's parents, Billy and Sarah Black were the owners of the cafe. So, I concluded that being on the good side with Jacob was a good way to go. The first day of work wasn't so bad after all. When five arrived to end my shift, I waved to Jacob, Seth and Leah and made my way back to the apartment.


"I'm on my way back already, Angela."

"Hey, I heard there's an event going on downtown in this new club that just opened. Interested?"


"Aw, come on Bells. You'd never know who you'd meet!"

"Fine. But just a little while, alright? I'm extremely worked out today."

Okay I know Edward doesn't do much here, but he'll be all over the place in the next chapter! :)

Now remember, REVIEW! REVIEW REVIEW! Don't just add me on your alerts favs etc. REVIEW! I want to know what you think! It's hard to continue if you don't know whether people actually like your story or not! :( Till next chapter! x