AN: Hi guys, I know this chapter is really short, but it's just kind of a filler chapter coz I wanted to get Chuck and Blair in a proper relationship I think it's about time! I know it's not the same as the scene on the actual show but it fits in better with this story. Please review if you like it! Thanks for reading!

Chuck Bass awoke to the sharp knock on his door, which he instantly recognised as Blair. He wondered for a moment when exactly he had fallen so deeply for Blair Waldorf that he was able to differentiate between her knock and someone else's. Surprisingly the thought did not scare him as much as it would have a while ago. He got up quickly and pulled open the door, unable to fully remove the smile that snuck onto his face, changing it quickly into his signature smirk. She smiled slightly at him, her pale skin slightly flushed and her hair a bit more dishevelled than usual. Chuck thought she looked amazing but he could tell that something was bothering her.

"Are you okay? Do you want to come in?" She walked in, he gestured to a chair before going to sit down himself but she pulled him back to her.

"I'm not okay Chuck." She whispered her eyes downcast. Chuck instantly felt a wave of concern and panic wash over him. He took a step closer to her.

"What's wrong Blair?" he asked, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

"I can't do this anymore Chuck! I can't stand us being the way we are with each other but not together. I love you. And you'll probably make me regret telling you that, but I had to tell you." Her words had come out in a rush and yet Chuck caught every one. His breath caught in his throat as he struggled to digest what she was actually suggesting. His silence unnerved Blair and she mumbled something about having somewhere to go before heading back towards the door. All Chuck could think about as he numbly watched her walk away was that if he let her, he wouldn't hear that knock that was so distinctly Blair for a long time and he really wanted to hear it again. Then other things about Blair came flooding into his head and he felt slightly light-headed at the amount of things about her that he couldn't live without. He couldn't live without Blair. That was it, pure and simple. Without realising it, he walked over to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"I want us to be together" he told her, his hand still holding hers.

"W-what?" she replied, shock evident in her voice.

"I love you too" he said, and the words felt so amazingly right when he said them. He then closed the space between their bodies and took her in his arms, kissing her hard. At that moment he felt whole and complete like he always did whenever he was with her. After a long moment she broke away from him.

"You know what you're saying don't you? We'll be in a relationship. Do you even know how to be in one of those?" she was playing around with him but he could hear the slight hint of seriousness in her words.

"Holding hands, going to the movies, I get it Blair" he smirked, leaning in for another kiss. She quickly moved her face away.

"No Chuck! It's not just that, when girls throw themselves at you, you can't... you can't..." he put a finger over her lips.

"I'll ignore every one of them, because I only want you" she smiled widely before grabbing him and kissing him again.

"Now Waldorf, what do you say we go celebrate the beginning of a beautiful relationship together" he said, his smirk even more pronounced.

"I think that's a great idea Bass." She laughed, and Chuck revelled in the fact that she was happier than she'd been in a long time, and that he was the cause of that.