First off, Hello! I'll thank you in advance for reading AND reviewing for this fic *wink wink nudge nudge* Second, this was made with the joint efforts of CrystalStarGuardian and myself. I highly recommend you to read her fics if Harry/Draco slash is your thing. If it's not your thing, shame on you! Shame!

Also I'd like to thank all those who swore that they'd kill me if I didn't start writing the sequel. *sweatdrop* I did it all for you guys, and for my life ^_^, oh and for my wonderful friend CrystalStarGuardian. Don't you just love the way I suck up to you?

Which reminds me, this is a sequel. If you didn't read 'Operation Matchmaker' already, what were you thinking!? Go read it! And always leave a review ^_~

But that reminds me of yet another thing (Heh I'll shut up in due time, don't worry). This is S-L-A-S-H a.k.a. male/male love and in this case also female/female love. Don't like it, don't read it. But if you do, flame us! It only inspires us to write more. In our humble opinions love knows no gender. Shame not all people think that way.

One more thing. All my chapters are odd numbered, Crystal's are all the even ones ^_^ Enjoy!


"Caput Draconis"


Harry's eyes grew unhealthily wide. "What!?"

"It's wrong. Wr-ong. What part of that can't you comprehend?"

"This is unbelievable!" Harry glared at the Slytherin Common room entrance; an enchanted piece of stubborn dungeon wall.

Folding his arms he studied the obstacle keeping him away from the boy he loved. "Let me in," he demanded, stomping his foot on the ground mimicking the actions of a five year old taking a fit when he didn't have his way.

"Do you know the password?"

"Uh." He gave the wall a cheery smile instead of an answer. Maybe walls were attracted to black haired emerald-eyed Harry Potters.

"Then.. NO! Go away little boy and don't look at me like that. It sickens me."

He let out an impatient sigh and turned on his heel. "Maybe Draco's rubbing off on me more then I thought," he muttered, thinking over the fact that he had just stomped his foot, something he hadn't done for a long, long time.

Then his mind shifted to why he had come here in the first place. For one thing, the Slytherin Common Room would be *completely* and *utterly* empty since it was dinner. And *unfortunately* for them, they weren't 'hungry' at the same time. What a coincidence. For another, Harry had been struck by the best idea in the world and he was just itching to share it with his significant other.

He turned his head, eyeing the wall carefully. Maybe he could-

"DRAACCOOO" He ran at the wall, pounding on the cold surface and yelling at the top of his lungs.

"What? What are you *doing*? Stop that!" the wall snapped, alarm eminent in its low voice.

"Not until I get in," He replied defiantly, his fists never ceasing.

"That HURTS!"




"I'll get you for this."


Just then a hand shot out from the other side of the wall, grabbing Harry's shirtfront and roughly pulling him inside.

"Where's Draco?" Pansy asked in alarm, her eyes already shining with unshed tears.

Star gawked at her. This girl just does *not* know when to give up, move on and get on with your life. "You can find him anywhere you're not. Besides," she continued with a smirk, seeing the other girl's cheeks flush in anger, "Isn't it funny how both Draco and Potter are missing?"

Pansy's mouth dropped onto the table. "You're not suggesting-"

"Oh no, I'm not suggesting. Not at all."

Pansy sighed in relief and reached over the table for more pumpkin juice.

"I'm actually telling the truth."

Star snickered as she watched the jug fall onto the table with a clatter.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione's eyes scanned the Gryffindor table. "He should have been here fifteen minutes ago."

"Relax Herm." Ron reassured her with his mouth full of various bits of chopped up food.

"That's not attractive Ron," she noted, obviously disgusted and looked away.

"He's in the dungeons."

Hermione and Ron both stared at Kaleb, who was looking cheerfully back. "In the dungeons I tell you."

"You're mad."

"Thank you Ronnie dearest. Hermio, mind passing the salt?"

Their puzzled looks quickly became glares.

"Potter what is *kiss* the *kiss* meaning of *kiss* this?"

Harry removed his mouth from the boy he had pinned against the wall with his body and looked square into his grey-blue eyes. "Aren't you happy to see me. Please, please. Hide you're excitement."

Draco smiled a little. "Sorry" he murmured, his eyes wandering down to Harry's lips, a certain part of his body taking over his mind. "You didn't have to stop."

"Actually I'm glad I did."

Draco blinked at him with mock hurt. "What Potter? You don't enjoy kissing me?"

Harry groaned at his alluring tone. "Quite the opposite, and much more then you know. But.I got this idea."

"Well, first time for everything."

Harry glared. "Shut up."

"Make me," He teased, batting his eyelashes.

He groaned again. "Stop it!" It took every once of strength he possessed not to shut him up with his own mouth.

Draco smiled innocently in response.

Harry chose to ignore it. "Do you know what today is?"

"Uhh. Friday?"

"It's so like you to forget that today would be our four month uh. anniversary."

"That sounds terrible."

Harry made a face and nodded. "I know, but I couldn't think of anything else."

"How about the first time we had sex? Or the first time we took out our frustrations with each other with sex, or the first time we were in the Astronomy Tower alone together, at night infact-"

"Ok. I get it."

"Or the first time I made you scream my name in frenzied passion-"

"I *get* it already!"

"Or the first time you woke up and found yourself in my bed the next morning-"

"Draco! Shut up."

He smirked having made the other boy very uncomfortable. He knew exactly how hard it was for Harry to keep enough distance between them so that he could talk without the others mouth getting in the way; and he loved making the challenge ten times harder.

"Well.. what if we did a little Matchmaking of our own?"

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm already taken." He gestured to Harry then to himself.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Not you. What about the ones who actually created this." He mimicked Draco's gesture.

Draco's mouth gaped open at the idea. "Star and *Kaleb*!? Together!? That's lunacy!"

"I'm with you aren't I? That's more insane then Slytherin winning the house cup." Before Draco could answer, Harry captured his open lips in a searing kiss.

Frustration, sexual tension, mischief; who could ask for a better anniversary gift?

Disclaimer: We own Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy and the magical world they live in. Did I also mention that I'm a chronic liar? Seriously, we own nothing more then Kaleb, Star and the twisted plot.